Complex types
All complex types are sets, describing objects in Microbizz.
All fields in bold are required. If an optional field is omitted and the command operates on existing data, the current value of the field will be preserved.
Fields marked with (readonly) are only provided when receiving objects from the API; the fields are ignored when transmitting to the API.
type | string | Description of the type of address, eg. 'Home' or 'Nearest depot' or whatever |
full | string | Formatted address |
name | string |
name2 | string |
address | string |
address2 | string |
zip | string |
city | string |
country | string |
latitude | float |
longitude | float |
id | number | The Microbizz ID of the anchor budget |
userid | number | The Microbizz ID of the user who created/edited this |
todoid | number | The ID of the task this budget post refers to |
date | date | The date of the post. There are only one budget post pr. task pr. date |
anchor | set | The budget values, indexed by the budget post IDs |
A base layer is a layer that can be selected in a map; it is displayed below any drawings / features.
layerid | string | The ID in Microbizz |
title | string | The name of the base layer |
modules | collection[string] | List of modcode where this baselayer should be available |
changedate | date |
changetime | time |
copyright | string | Copyright message to display on the map |
deleted | boolean | Set to 1 if the baselayer has been deleted and should no longer be available |
format | string | MIME type of the images, eg 'image/png' |
layers | string | A string to pass to the WMS server |
order | number | Sort order in the list |
projection | string | The projection used, eg. 'epsg:25832' or 'webmercator' |
type | string | Set to 'wms' if this is a WMS map; otherwise it is a tile map |
url | string | The URL of the WMS server or the tile server |
id | number | The ID in Microbizz |
title | string | The name of the budget area |
postid | number | The Microbizz ID of the post |
todoid | number | The ID of the task this budget post refers to |
budgetpostid | number | The Microbizz ID of a budget area |
date | date | The date of the post. There are only one budget post pr. task pr. budget area pr. date |
amount | number | The budget value |
changedate | date | The date when this entry was last changed |
changetime | time | The time when this entry |
createdate | date | When this entry was created |
createtime | time | When this entry was created |
issum | bool | This is 1 if the todo is a project and the budget value is a sum of the budgets from the subtasks |
id | number | Call ID in Microbizz |
customerid | number | ID of customer attached to this call |
customertext | string | Textual representation of the customer (readonly) |
personid | number | ID of person attached to this call. |
persontext | string | Textual representation of the person. (readonly) |
calltext | string | Textual representation of the call target. This is the customer text, the person text or a combination. This can be used to show whom to call. (readonly) |
mainnumber | string | If a main number is available to dial, it is provided in this field. (readonly) |
directnumber | string | If a direct number is available to dial, it is provided in this field. (readonly) |
mobilenumber | string | If a mobile number is available to dial, it is provided in this field. (readonly) |
calldate | date | The date when the call is expected to take place. |
calltime | time | The time when the call is expected to take place. |
note | string | A note regarding the call |
qfonend | number | For app: Question form ID on question form to present on ending this call. (readonly) |
id | number | Checkin ID in Microbizz |
ischeckedin | boolean | True if the status of this checkin is checked in. |
readable | string | Textual representation of the place where the checkin occured. |
objecttype | string | The object type on which we logged in. Customer or Todo |
toolid | int | If this checkin regarded a tool, then this is the toolid. |
userid | int | Reference to user who performed the checkin. |
todoid | int | The ID of the task which this checkin regards. Only available if the object type is Todo |
customerid | int | The ID of the customer which this checkin regards. Only available if the object type is Customer. Please note: If this checkin is on a task, this field is filled with 0 and not the customer ID to which the task is attached. |
checkinlatitude | float | Geographical latitude for checkin |
checkinlongitude | float | Geographical longitude for checkin |
checkoutlatitude | float | Geographical latitude for checkout |
checkoutlongitude | float | Geographical longitude for checkout |
checkindate | date | Date when the checkin occured. |
checkintime | time | Time when the checkin occured. |
checkoutdate | date | Date when the checkout occured. |
checkouttime | time | Time when the checkout occured. |
createdate | date | Date created (readonly) |
createtime | time | Time created (readonly) |
changedate | date | Date of last change (readonly) |
changetime | time | Time of last change (readonly) |
id | number | Check point ID in Microbizz |
title | string | Check point title |
id | number | The ID of the competence in Microbizz |
title | string |
type | number | The type of competence, 1=on/off, 2=multi level |
category | string |
modcode | string | The module where that this competence |
levels | collection[string] | The names of the levels, only if type=2 |
colours | collection[string] | The colours of the levels, only if type=2 |
Notice that levels are number from 1 and up, so level 1 is the first level in the levels
and colours
id | number | Relationship ID in Microbizz (or zero if new relationship) |
customerid | number | ID of the customer part of the relationship |
customertext | string | A textual representation of the customer (readonly) |
personid | number | ID of the person part of the relationship |
persontext | string | A textual description of the person (readonly) |
title | string | The title of the relationship |
roleid | id | Role id for a role the object is based on.. this cannot be changed once set. instead the cprelationship will be closed and another created |
since | date | The date the relationship was formed |
until | date | The date the relationship ended or empty if current |
createdate | date | Date created (readonly) |
createtime | time | Time created (readonly) |
changedate | date | Date of last change (readonly) |
changetime | time | Time of last change (readonly) |
id | number | Customer ID in Microbizz |
customernumber | string | Customer number |
creditornumber | string | Creditor number |
name | string | Name |
description | lstring | An optional string describing the customer |
secondary_text | string | A secondary text describing this item; this is used as the search text |
icons | collection[number] | A list of icon IDs to show on this customer |
ourreference | number | Our reference; must be a valid User ID |
ourreferencetext | string | Textual representation of our reference (readonly) |
theirreference | number | Their reference; must be a valid Person ID |
theirreferencetext | string | Textual representation of their reference (readonly) |
vat | string | VAT number (danish CVR) |
vatpercentage | number | The VAT amount in % |
publicid | string | Public identification number (danish EAN) |
address | string | Address |
address2 | string | Second address line |
zip | string | Zip |
city | string | City |
country | string | Country |
invoiceaddress | string | Address |
invoiceaddress2 | string | Second address line |
invoicezip | string | Zip |
invoicecity | string | City |
invoicecountry | string | Country |
invoiceemail | string | Email address of the invoice responsible for this customer |
invoicename | string | Name of the invoice responsible for this customer |
phone | string | Phone no |
fax | string | Fax no |
www | string | Web address, not URL |
string | Email adresse | |
trade | string | Company trade |
team | number | Team ID |
typeid | number | The customer type ID |
typetext | string | Textual representation of the customer type (readonly) |
alertradius | number | Geofence radius (in meters) around this customer |
isprospect | boolean | Is company a prospect? |
issubcontractor | boolean | Is company a subcontractor? |
isblocked | boolean | Is company blocked? |
isdeleted | boolean | Is company deleted? |
invoiceup | boolean | 1 if the parent company is invoiced, 0 if not |
longitude | float | Geographical longitude |
latitude | float | Geographical latitude |
createdate | date | Date created (readonly) |
createtime | time | Time created (readonly) |
changedate | date | Date of last change (readonly) |
changetime | time | Time of last change (readonly) |
parentcust | number | The ID of the parent customer |
sellerid | number | The ID of the sales person |
maingroupid | number | The ID of the maingroup, see the API call GetMaingroups |
startdate | date | The start date of a Customer |
requestconsent | bool | If the customer should be asked to consent to GDPR whenever the GDPR setup changes |
mailimport | bool | If 1 then mail for this customer will be imported by Microbizz |
This object may include custom fields.
id | number | Customer type ID |
title | string | Customer type title |
color | string | Customer type colour |
typeletter | string | A letter used for this type, typically the first letter of the title |
id | number | Custom field ID |
title | string | The title of the custom field |
visibility | collection[number] | A list of type IDs for which this field should be visible, see below |
type | number | The type of custom field, see custom fields |
showinapp | boolean | 1 if the custom field should be shown in the app, 0 if not |
subtype | number | Hint to what the field is used for |
searchable | bool | 1 if the field is searchable, 0 if not |
icon | number | ID of an icon (only for type 10=icon), see GetIcons |
colors | collection[string] | Only for type 3=dropdown, colours to use when displaying the list of selectable values |
values | collection[string] | Only for type 3=dropdown, 7=multicheck and 17=combobox, list of values that may be selected |
See custom fields for more details.
id | number | Customregistration ID |
title | string | The name of the custom.reg. |
fieldtype | number | The type of custom.reg., 1=checkbox 2=float 3=menu 4=time |
only_once | bool | If 1 then only one of this type is allowed per user per day |
no_exceed | bool | If 1 then the value is not allowed to exceed the number of minutes on the registration (only for fieldtype=2 and fieldtype=4) |
options | collection[string] | The available options (only for fieldtype=3) |
count | number | Number of items |
linetext | string | Product description |
itemnumber | string | Product number |
price | number | Price (multiplied by 100) |
note | string | A note for the line |
id | number | Depot ID |
title | string | Depot title |
customerid | number | The ID of the company, if the depot belongs to a company |
toolid | number | The ID of the equipment, if the depot belongs to an equipment |
items | collection | List of depot items, each contains id,title,productnumber,units,maxitems |
id | number | The Microbizz ID of the EDI |
todoid | number | The ID of a todo |
maingroupid | number | The ID of a maingroup |
budgetareaid | number | The ID of a budgetarea |
edinumber | string | The EDI invoice number |
customerid | number | The ID of a customer |
customertext | string | The name of the customer |
buyersreferenceid | string |
buyerpartyid | string |
deliverypartyid | string |
ourreferenceid | string |
ourreferencename | string |
theirreferenceid | string |
theirreferencename | string |
sellersorderid | string |
buyersorderid | string |
sellername | string |
selleraddress | string |
sellerzip | string |
sellercity | string |
sellerean | string |
sellercvr | string |
sellercountry | string |
delivername | string |
deliveraddress | string |
deliverzip | string |
delivercity | string |
delivercountry | string |
deliverdate | date |
paymentamount | number |
taxamount | number |
paymentterms | set |
note | string |
state | string |
phase | number |
phasetext | string |
userid | number |
usertext | string |
currency | string |
iserror | boolean |
errortext | string |
exported | boolean |
exportdate | date |
id | number | The ID of the EDI line |
ediid | number | The ID of the EDI that this line belongs to |
title | string |
description | string |
deliverydate | date |
qty | number | Number of items |
price | number |
units | string | The unit of the items, eg "boxes" or "liters" |
note | string |
baseprice | number |
productnumber | string |
todoid | number |
state | number |
todoitemid | number | The ID of a todoitem that was created from this line |
budgetareaid | number | The ID of a budget area |
id | number | Event type ID |
title | string | Event type title |
duration | number | Default duration in minutes for this event type |
color | string | Colour to use with this type of event |
id | number | Event ID in Microbizz, or 0 when creating a new event |
userid | number | The ID of a user; must be 0 when creating a new event |
customerid | number | ID of the customer this event concerns |
date | date | Event date |
time | time | Event time |
minutes | number | Event duration in minutes |
type | number | The event type, see GetEventTypes |
title | string | Title of the event |
customertext | string | Title of the customer |
secondary_text | string | Text to display in the UI; this is also used as the search text |
personid | number | The ID of a person, this may be 0 even if |
persontext | string | Name of a person |
place | string | Textual description of the location |
note | lstring | A note for the event |
userids | collection[number] | List of IDs of all the users who participate |
instanceid | string | The Microbizz ID of the instance, this is read-only |
followup | boolean | 1 if the event has followup |
followupafter | number | Number of days before followup |
followupstatus | number | One of 0:Pending, 1:Cancelled, 2:OK |
followupby_userid | number | The Microbizz ID of the user who should followup |
followupby_usertext | string | The name of the user who should followup |
changedate | d |