Testing the API

Testing the API

Connection to the API can be tested using the Echo command, which take a parameter text which is just returned as a result in the field answer.

The JSON for calling the Echo command looks like this:

{"contract":X,"apikey":"X","username":"X","password":"X","commands":[{"command":"Echo","text":"Hello World"}]}

(remember to substitute the X's for the info received by Ventu).

Using GET the command can be executed calling this URL:

https://system.microbizz.dk/api/endpoint.php?json={"contract":X,"apikey":"X","username":"X","password":"X","commands":[{"command":"Echo","text":"Hello World"}]}

If the envelope is correct, the server will respond with:

{"status":1,"msg":"OK","results":[{"status":1,"answer":"Hello World"}]}