How do I import repetitions on tasks?

How do I import repetitions on tasks?

It is possible to import up to four repetitions on tasks, when importing tasks using import filters. Just select the appropriate column from your CSV-file in one of the fields named "Repetition".

The repetion should be specified as described below. You should probably always enclose the repetition in quotes " ", as it may contain commas (,) which will otherwise cause problems for the CSV file.


A repetition needs to be specified as follows.

For tasks of the type repeat - exact times, the format is:

<periodname> <perioddetails> <fromtime> <totime> <userinitials> [<daystodeadline> [<nextdate>]] [<parameters>]

You may specify multiple user initials, to plan for multiple users; initials should be seperated by space.

For tasks of the type repeat - loose times, the format is:

<periodname> <perioddetails> <fromtime> <totime> <daystodeadline> [<nextdate>] [<parameters>]

A name in <> simply means that it is a field, it should be replaced with some value. Something in [ ] means that it is optional. There must be at least one space between each field; spaces are not allowed within a field, with the exception of <userinitials> and <parameters> where space seperates the initials/parameters. 


“Monthly FirstThu 10:00 12:00 HBP MSA”First Thursday in each month; 10:00 to 12:00; for users HBP and MSA
“OddMonths 20 20:00 23:00 HBP SC”Odd months on the 20th at 20:00 to 23:00 for users HBP and SC
“EvenMonths LastDay 20:00 23:00 HBP SC”The last day of every even months from 20:00 to 23:00 for users HBP and SC
“MonthsJanAprJulOct 1 12:00 15:00 AB”Every January, April, July and October 1st from 12:00 to 15:00 for user AB
“Annually 3Dec 10:00 11:30 QZ”Every year on December 3rd from 10:00 to 11:30 for user QZ
“OddYears 12Dec 06:15 09:00 CC”December 12th on odd years from 06:15 to 09:00 for user CC
“Daily 12:00 17:00 KL”Every day from 12:00 to 17:00 for user KL
"Weekly Mon 10:00 14:00 KL StartDate=2022-01-01 EndDate=2022-12-31 NeverMonths=MarNov"Every Monday in 2022, except in March and November
"4Weeks Fri 08:00 12:00 SC MS Offset=2022-01-23"Friday in every 4th week, the week that includes 2022-01-23 is one of those match
"4Months Fri 08:00 12:00 SC MS Offset=2022-01-23"Friday in every 4th month, the month that includes 2022-01-23 is one of those match

Repeat - loose times

For task of the type repeat - loose times the follow examples also apply.

“EveryNDays 14 20:00 23:00 -14”'-14' means: 14 days to deadline
“EveryNWeeks 6 20:00 23:00 -14 2022-06-01”next date is included
“EveryNMonths 2 20:00 23:00 -14”

Period name

This should be one of the following:

Period nameDescriptionPeriod detailsComments
DailyDo it every day-The field <perioddetails> must not be included
MonthlyDo it on a specific day every month<monthday>
OddMonthsDo it on a specific day in January, March etc<monthday>
EvenMonthsDo it on a specific day in February, April etc<monthday>
Months<monthlist>Do it on a specific day in the selected months<monthday>
AnnuallyDo it on a specific day once a year<yearday>
OddYearsDo it on a specific day in 2023, 2025 etc<yearday>
EvenYearsDo it on a specific day in 2022, 2024 etc<yearday>
WeeklyDo it every week on selected week days<weekdays>
OddWeeksDo it in week 1,3,5 etc on selected week days<weekdays>
EvenWeeksDo it in week 2,4,6 etc on selected week days<weekdays>
EveryNDaysDo it with an interval of a fixed number of days<N>  = number of daysOnly for repeat - loose times
EveryNWeeksDo it with an interval of a fixed number of weeks<N> = number of weeksOnly for repeat - loose times
EveryNMonthsDo it with an interval of a fixed number of months<N> = number of monthsOnly for repeat - loose times
StartDateDo it just once, on a date that depends on the context-
WeekNosDo it in selected weeks, on selected week days<weeklist>,<weekdays>There are two comma-seperated values in the <perioddetails> field
Week<N><I>Do it in the I'th week of each N-weeks period, on selected week days<weekdays>N=3,4,5,6; I=1,2,...N; f.ex. Week42 or Week31
Year<N><I>Do it on a specified day in the I'th year of each N-year period<yearday>N=3,4,5; I=1,2,...N, f.ex. Year33
<N>WeeksPeriodicDo it every N'th week, on selected week days<weekdays>F.ex 60WeeksPeriodic; the Offset parameter specifies when the period starts
<N>DaysDo it every N'th day, on selected week days<weekdays>The Offset parameter specifies when the period starts
<N>WeeksDo it every N'th week, on selected week days<weekdays>The Offset parameter specifies when the period starts
<N>MonthsDo it every N'th month, on selected week days<weekdays>The Offset parameter specifies when the period starts
<N>YearsDo it every N'th year, on selected week days<weekdaysThe Offset parameter specifies when the period starts

Daily, StartDate

The field <perioddetails> should not be included.


“Daily 12:00 17:00 HBP SC”every day from 12:00 to 17:00

Monthly, OddMonths, EvenMonths, Months<monthlist>

<perioddetails> then specifies the day of the month, either:

For Months<monthlist> the field <monthlist> is a list of 3-letter month names, eg. JanAprDec.


“Monthly 3 10:00 12:00 HBP MS”the 3rd in every month
“Monthly LastDay 10:00 12:00 HBP MS”the last day of every month
“OddMonths SecondMon 10:00 12:00 HBP MS”2nd Monday in odd months
“MonthsJanFebApr FirstFri 10:00 12:00 HBP MS”first Friday in January,February and April

Annually, OddYears, EvenYears, Year31, Year32, Year33, Year41 - Year44, Year51 - Year55

<perioddetails> then specifies the day of the year as NNXXX where NN is a date and XXX is a month.

2022 is included in Year31, Year42 and Year52, 2023 is included in Year32, Year43 and Year53.


“Annually 20Jan 10:00 12:00 HBP MS”20th of January every year
“OddYears 5Feb 10:00 12:00 MS HBP”5th of Feb. in odd years

Weekly, OddWeeks, EvenWeeks, Week31, Week32, Week33, Week41 - Week44, Week51 - Week55, Week61 - Week66

<perioddetails> then specifies the weekdays as a list. Week 1 of a year is included in Week31, Week41, Week51 and Week61.


“Weekly MonFri 10:00 12:00 HBP MS”Monday and Friday every week


<perioddetails> specifies a list of week numbers and a list of week days.


"WeekNos 1,2,3,4,SatSun 10:00 12:00 HBP"Saturday and Sundays in the first 4 weeks of the year


<perioddetails> specifies a list of week days


"7WeeksPeriodic SatSun 10:00 12:00 HBP SC MS Offset=2022-04-01"Saturday and Sundays in every 7th week, week 1 is the week containing 2022-04-01

<N>Days, <N>Weeks, <N>Months, <N>Years

<perioddetails> specifies a list of week days


"6Weeks SatSun 10:00 12:00 HBP SC MS Offset=2022-04-01"Saturdays and Sundays in every 6th week, week 0 is the week containing 2022-04-01, weeks 0,6,12,etc match

EveryNDays, EveryNWeeks, EveryNMonths

<perioddetails> is a number of days/weeks/months

This only applies to tasks of type repeat - loose times and also specifies how the task is restarted, by specifying the days to deadline and next date.


"EveryNDays 11 10:00 12:00 HBP SC MS -10 2022-04-01"Every 11 days

Field types

Week days are months are specified as the english three letter abbreviations.

monthdaySpecifies a day in a monthSee below
weekdaysList of week daysF.ex. MonTueWedThuFri or FriSatSun or MonSunHol;  Hol means holidays
yeardaySpecifies a day and monthF.ex. 24Dec or 1Mar or 17Aug
weeklistComma-seperated list of week numbersF.ex. 1,2,4,11,42
monthlistList of monthsF.ex. JanFebMar or JunJulAugSep


<N>the N. day of the month
LastDaythe last day of the month
LastWorkdaythe last workday (Mon - Fri) of the month
FirstWorkdaythe first workday of the month
Last<XXX>XXX is either Mon or Tue or Wed etc
Pneultimate<XXX>XXX is either Mon or Tue or Wed etc
First<XXX>XXX is either Mon or Tue or Wed etc
Second<XXX>XXX is either Mon or Tue or Wed etc
Third<XXX>XXX is either Mon or Tue or Wed etc
Fourth<XXX>XXX is either Mon or Tue or Wed etc


Various parameters may be added to the end of the repetition; this is necessary as the repetition format cannot hold all the information the  various repetition types require.

Each parameter consists of a name, followed by an equal sign (=), followed by a value. No space is allowed within a parameter.

StartDateDateDon't match any date before this date
EndDateDateDon't match any date after this date

Either "allow" or "global" or "skip" or "skip-weekend",

default is "allow"

How holidays are handled

allow: allow the repetition to match holidays

global: use a global setting to determine how to handle holidats

skip: skip to next workday

skip-weekend: skip to next workday or weekend

NeverMonths<monthlist>A list of month that should never match

Required for <N>Days, <N>Weeks, <N>Months, <N>Years and <N>WeeksPeriodic;

specifies a date that indicates when the 0th period is; periods 0, N, N+1, N+2 etc match 

LockedEither 0 (not locked) or 1 (locked)Affects the plannings that are created from the repetition: indicates if the planning should be locked; 
WarningComma seperated list of user initialsAffects the plannings that are created from the repetition: indicates that a warning should sent if the user doesn't check in on the task, and it should also be sent to the list of users