Todo commands
Creates or updates a todo in Microbizz.
If a todo with the given todo id already exists, then the todo will be overwritten.
If the todo provided has a todo id of 0, a new todo will be created and a new todo id will be provided.
If a toolid
is provided then the tool will be attached to the todo.
todo | The todo to create/update | |
toolid | number | The ID of a tool to attach to the todo |
changenote | bool | If a change note should be posted and a mail be sent etc; default is 1 |
todo | todo | The todo object as it is in Microbizz after the update |
Creates or updates a todo in Microbizz. The todo is identified by the number field in the todo.
If a todo with the given todo number already exists, then the todo will be overwritten, otherwise a new todo will be created and assigned the supplied todo number. Currently no test is made as to the validity of the todo number.
If a toolid
is provided then the tool will be attached to the todo.
todo | todo | The todo to create/update |
toolid | number | The ID of a tool to attach to the todo |
changenote | bool | If a change note should be posted and a mail be sent etc; default is 1 |
todo | todo | The todo object as it is in Microbizz after the update |
Closes a todo by todo ID
The todo is only closed if close conditions are fullfilled. The command will not fail, if the todo isn't closed, but the returned object will reflect that the todo is still open
todoid | number | The ID of the todo which should be closed |
stateid | number | The state to which this todo should be closed to. (Obtained by GetTodoStates). Only close states is allowed here. |
answer | answer | If a question form is requested on todo close, then the answers can be provided here. |
note | A note, only the text field will be used, will be tagged with 'Solution' |
todo | todo | The todo object as it is in Microbizz after the update |
Get a collection of todos changed since a given date and time.
changedate | date | Return all todo's changed on or after the provided date. |
changetime | time | If this is provided only return todo's changed after the provided date and time. |
resumekey | string | If a partial result is returned, provide the resumekey received along with the partial result, to get the rest of the entries |
ignoreclosed | bool | If 1 then don't send todo's that current user do not have access to |
onlyprojects | number | If 0 then projects are excluded if the "Hide projects in app and API" setting in MIcrobizz is enabled (this is default) If 1 then only read projects, ignore the "Hide projects in app and API" setting If 2 then projects are included even if the "Hide projects in app and API" setting is enabled If 3 then projects are excluded |
limitnumobjects | bool | If 1 then Microbizz will only send todo's that it thinks are particularly relevant for the user |
skip_deleted | bool | If 1 then don't send deleted tasks |
todos | collection[todo] | A collection of the relevant todos, or an empty collection if no todosNiko was found. |
resumekey | string | Sometimes the entire result cannot be returned because it's to large. In that case a resumekey is returned along with the results. Execute the command again with this resumekey to get the remaining results. |
Notice that the result may be affected by the setting "Send closed tasks to the app this many days after closing". Also, if the remote agent is the Microbizz App 3 then the setting may be in a different way.
Get a collection of todos changed since a given date and time.
customerid | int | finds all using this customerid |
ignoreclosed | bool | If 1 then don't send todo's that current user do not have access to |
todos | collection[todo] | A collection of the relevant todos, or an empty collection if no todos was found. |
Get a collection of todos changed since a given date and time.
EAN | int | finds all using this EAN |
ignoreclosed | bool | If 1 then don't send todo's that current user do not have access to |
todos | collection[todo] | A collection of the relevant todos, or an empty collection if no todosNiko was found. |
Get a collection of todos changed since a given date and time.
requisition | string | finds all using this requisition |
ignoreclosed | bool | If 1 then don't send todo's that current user do not have access to |
todos | collection[todo] | A collection of the relevant todos, or an empty collection if no todosNiko was found. |
Get a todo by their Microbizz todo id
If no such todo exist an empty collection will be returned.
todoid | number | The microbizz todo id of the todo to fetch |
todos | collection[todo] | A collection either empty if no todo was found, or with exactly one element being the todo. |
Get several todos at the same time by a set of Microbizz todo ids
todoids | collection[number] | A collection of microbizz todo ids of the todos to fetch |
todos | collection[todo] | A collection either empty if no todos was found, or with all the found todos (in no particular order) |
Get a todo by their todo number.
If no such todo exist an empty collection will be returned.
If several todos exists with the provided todo number, only one of these (unpredicted) is returned.
todonumber | string | The todo number of the customer to fetch |
todos | collection[ todo ] | A collection either empty if no todo was found, or with exactly one element being the todo. |
Get all todos which have a specific filter.
filterid | number | The Microbizz ID of the filter |
todos | collection[ todo ] |
Get the log for a todo by the ID and date.
If no such todo exist an empty collection will be returned.
If some todo exist in the log with the provided ID and date, will be returned log data.
todoid | integer | The todo number of the customer to fetch |
date | string | The date |
logtype | string | Which log to read, either |
result | collection[set] | A list of log lines, the contents of each set depends on the logtype parameter |
Logtype = db
head | string | Log head information. Contains date, time, log level and user ID |
text | string | Log text information |
logname | string | Used log name |
date | string | Log date |
time | string | Log time |
level | string | The level of the log |
uid | integer | User ID |
object | string | Log object data |
Logtype = activity
userid | number | The Microbizz ID of the user who genereated this log line |
customerid | number | The MB ID of a customer which may be relevant |
unitid | number | The MB ID of a unit which may be relevant |
projectid | number | The MB ID of a project which may be relevant |
modcode | string | A code for which module generated this log line |
date | date | When the log line was generated |
time | time |
text | string | The log line, may be HTML |
link | string | An optional link to some page in MB which is relevant |
Get all todos which have a specific contact person.
personid | number | The Microbizz ID of the contact person |
todos | collection[ todo ] |
Add a photo file to a todo.
todoid | number | The ID of the todo to add the photo to. |
title | string | A file title (not a file name) |
imagedata | binary | A binary stream containing photo data in jpeg format. |
onxnet | boolean | 1 if the file should be visible on the extranet |
createdate | date | When the photo was taken |
createtime | time | When the photo was taken |
tags | collection [number] | An optional collection of tags to attach to this image (tag IDs) |
documentid | number | Optional ID of an existing file, to update the file instead of creating a new file |
folder | string | The path of the folder, eg. "FilesFromAPI/Diagrams" |
document | document | A document object |
Add a file to a task.
todoid | number | The ID of the task to add the file to. |
filename | string | The name of the file, eg. “MyDocument.PDF” |
filedata | binary | A binary stream. base64_encode(Required) |
title | string | A file title (not a file name) |
folder | string | The path of the folder, eg. "FilesFromAPI/Diagrams" |
None | - | - |
Add an audio file to a todo.
todoid | number | The ID of the todo to add the audio to. |
title | string | A file title (not a file name) |
format | string | One of: mp3 wav aac |
audiodata | binary | A binary stream containing audio data in the specified format. |
None. | - | - |
Get a list of all todo templates.
None. | - | - |
templates | collection [ todotemplate ] | The available templates |
Get a list of all todo states.
None. | - | - |
states | collection [ todostate ] | The available states |
Create a todo based on a given template.
If a toolid
is provided then the tool will be attached to the todo.
If tdesc or tdeschtml is set. it will overwrite the template. If none. the template description will be the description.
templateid | number | The id of the template (which can be obtained by GetTodoTemplates) |
title | string | A base title for the created todo |
customerid | number | An id of a customer on which to attach the todo. (In some configurations this is required) |
toolid | number | The ID of a tool to attach to the todo |
tdesc | string | description overwritten. |
tdeschtml | html | description in html format. |
subtemplates | set | IDs of the subtemplates that should be used, default is all |
todo | The primary todo created from the template. (A template can contain more than one todo) |
Get all documents on a todo by todo id
todoid | number | The Microbizz todo ID |
inclthumbs | bool | True to include thumbnails |
inclfolders | bool | True to include folders |
Product use
Get a collection of all product use since the given date.
changedate | date | Return all product use on or after the provided date. |
changetime | time | If this is provided only return product use changed after the provided date and time. |
resumekey | string | If a partial result is returned, provide the resumekey received along with the partial result, to get the rest of the entries |
include_price | bool | 1 if prices should be included anyway even it set not to. |
productuse | collection[ todoitem ] | A collection of the relevant product use, or an empty collection if no products were used. |
resumekey | string | Sometimes the entire result cannot be returned because it's to large. In that case a resumekey is returned along with the results. Execute the command again with this resumekey to get the remaining results. |
Get a collection of all product use on the given todo.
todoid | number | ID of todo to receive product use |
include_price | bool | 1 if prices should be included anyway even it set not to. |
productuse | collection[ todoitem ] | A collection of the relevant product use, or an empty collection if no products were used on this todo. |
Get a collection of all product use on the given tool.
toolid | number | ID of tool to receive product use |
spareparts | boolean | 1 to get spareparts only, 0 to get non-spareparts only |
include_price | bool | 1 if prices should be included anyway even it set not to. |
productuse | collection[ todoitem ] | A collection of the relevant product use, or an empty collection if no products were used with this tool. |
Delete some product use by product use ID. The command will succeed even if the product use doesn't exist.
Notice that product use may either be deleted or offset. If the user is allowed to delete, then it is deleted, otherwise if the user is allowed to offset then the product use is offset, otherwise you get an error.
productuseid | number | ID of the product use to remove |
None | - | - |
Deprecated: Consider using CreateUpdateProductUse
Add product use to the todo specified by the given todo ID.
productuse | The product use. Even though the id field must be provided, it is ignored. | |
todoid | number | ID of todo to receive product use |
nopricecalc | boolean | Set to 1 to disable price calculation (eg. when copying product use) |
copyid | number | Optional ID of the prod.use that was copied, used for copying some details |
None | - | - |
Add product use to a task. Discounts and profit calculations will be made on the product use and therefore override this information on the provided object.
productuse | The product use. Even though the id field must be provided, it is ignored. |
None | - | - |
Add product use to the todo specified by the given todo ID. Most of the details will be taken from the parts list setup.
productuse | collection[ partuse ] |