Misc commands
A collection of functions and settings used by the mobile apps to configure itself.
Keyword | Function |
AllowReposition | When checking in far from an objects location, the user should be allowed to move the position of the object to their current position. |
AutoCheckOut | Allows Automatically checkout if users have been checked in for longer than their normal workday plus a little extra. |
CalendarCreate | Create calendar appointments |
CalendarView | Access to the calendar module |
CalendarHideOtherUsers | Same as ProdplanHideOtherUsers |
CallLogging | Deprecated |
Calls | Access to the sales module |
CheckIn | Allow checkin via app (always set) |
CheckInOnEvents | Allow to check in on events (which will check in on the customer assigned to the event) |
CheckInOnProduction | Allow to check in on planning (which will check in on the planned task) |
Checkout_FormRequired | When checking out, any checkout form is mandatory to fill in. |
Checkout_Registration_None | When checking out, a time registration should never be posted. |
Checkout_Registration_Optional_Off | When checking out, the user should be able to select if a time registration should be made. This should default to off. |
Checkout_Registration_Optional_On | When checking out, the user should be able to select if a time registration should be made. This should default to on. |
Checkout_Registration_Required | When checking out, a time registration is mandatory. |
CustomersCreate | The user may create new CRM objects from the app. |
CustomersDraw | The user is allowed to draw map objects on customers. |
CustomersEdit | The user may edit CRM objects from the app. |
CustomersFiles | Files are accessible on CRM objects. |
CustomersFloorplan | Deprecated |
CustomersForms | Allow filling forms on customers. |
CustomersNotes | Access to customer notes. |
CustomersPhoto | User may take photos on CRM objects. |
CustomersProcedures | Procedures are visible on CRM objects. |
CustomersView | Access to the CRM module |
CustomRegistrations | If Custom registrations are allowed |
DayCheckin | Allow the user to check in on the day (deprecated?) |
Drive | Deprecated |
EnableNFC | Enable NFC functionality |
LimitNumObjects | The app should use the special strategy for reduced object count |
LocationLogging | The app should passively track the user location. |
ManyProducts100K | This is set if there are more than 100000 products in the DB, the app may use this to adjust how it synchronizes products |
ManyProducts10K | This is set if there are more than 10000 products in the DB (but less than 100000) |
NewMessages | Enable the new message system |
NewNotes | Enable the new note system |
NoCustomerCheckin | Checkin isn't allowed on CRM objects |
NoCustomerRegistration | It isn't allowed to register time on CRM objects |
NoEditTimeAtCheckout | Time is not allowed to be edited when checking out |
NoEditTime | It is not allowed to edit/delete own registrations - but it is still allowed to create registrations |
CustomersHideProspects | It isn't allowed to show customer prospects in App |
NoProximityAlert | If the option named “Alert when close to a task or company?” isn't set, then this keyword is present |
NoTimeOverlap | Do not allow hour registrations to overlap. |
NotePost | Allow to post notes (always present) |
PersonEdit | Allow to edit person |
PersonView | Access to the person module |
PersonalDocuments | Allows to see personal documents (which are files under the current user) |
Project2Enabled | Access to the process module (unused?) |
PlaceOrder | Access to the sales module |
ProdplanHideOtherUsers | If the production plan/calendar should show other users |
ProdplanAhead<n> | Limits the number of days one should be able to look forward in the production plan where <n> is the number of days; if the value is 0 or not specified then it should be considered to mean "forever" |
ProdplanReveal<clock> | When is the next day revealed in the production plan, where <clock> is the timestamp. |
ProdplanView | Access to the planning module |
ProdplanEdit | Allow editing a plannings |
ProductEdit | Allow product edit |
ProductView | Deprecated |
QRLogging | Enables the QR scanner |
Registration_Clock | Registration is with time stamps instead of minutes, so 12:00-14:00 instead of 120 minutes. |
Registration_Star1 | The blue star should be present |
Registration_Star2 | The yellow star should be present |
Registration_Star3 | The green star should be present |
Registration_Star4 | The red star should be present |
Registration | The user should be able to register time |
RegistrationMidnightToFirstDate | When registering time over midnight, the selected date should be the first day ie. 01-01-2000 23:00:00 - 01:00:00 |
RegistrationMidnightToSecondDate | When registering time over midnight, the selected date should be the second day ie. 02-01-2000 23:00:00 - 01:00:00 |
RegistrationOnClosedOff | Do not allow registrering time on a closed task |
RegistrationOnClosedAlways | Allow registrering time on a closed task |
RegistrationOnClosedUntilMidnight | Allow registrering time on a closed task, but only on the date when the task was closed |
Stock | Use stock functions |
StockRequired | Stock is required to be selected when adding a product use. |
TodoChangeState | Allow changing status on task |
TodoCloseDays<N> | How long after task closure will MB keep sending info about the closed tasks, f.ex. "TodoCloseDays90" for 90 days; if N=10000 then MB will not send closed task. Notice that the setting only applies if the app sends "ignoreclosed" in the GetTodosByLastChange API call. |
TodoCreate | Allow creation of new tasks |
TodoDraw | The user is allowed to draw map objects on tasks. |
TodoEdit | The user may edit todo objects from the app. |
TodoFiles | Files are accessible on task objects. |
TodoForms | Allow filling out forms. |
TodoHideAll | Don't show the “all tasks” tab in app v2 |
TodoHideProjects | Don't show projects |
TodoNotes | Allow notes on tasks. |
TodoPhoto | User may take photos on task objects. |
TodoPlan | Allow planning the task. |
TodoPlannedTabs | Show planned tab in app v2 |
TodoProducts | Allows product use on tasks. |
TodoShowProjectFiles | Show project files amongst the other files for a task |
TodoTeamTabs | Show tabs for each team (in app v2?) |
TodoView | Access to the task module |
ToolCreateTask | Allow creating tasks on tool |
ToolDetach | Allow to detach tool. |
ToolDraw | The user is allowed to draw map objects on tool. |
ToolEdit | The user may edit tools. |
ToolFiles | Files are accessible on tool objects. |
ToolForms | Fill forms on tools |
ToolInstall | Allow installing tool |
ToolNotes | Allows notes on tools. |
ToolPhoto | User may take photos on tool objects. |
ToolPlaceOfHome | Allow to change the tool place of home. |
TodoProductUseSearch | If you can search for productuse |
TodoProductUseCreate | If you can create new productuse |
TodoProductUseCreate | If you can create edit existing productuse |
TodoProductUseDelete | If DeleteProductUseByID will delete the product use |
TodoProductUseOffset | If DeleteProductUseByID will offset the product use |
ToolChangeState | Change state of tools |
ToolRegistrations | Allow registration of time on tools |
ToolTakeOthers | Allows to take tools carried by others |
ToolTake | Allows to book tool. |
ToolWriteNFC | Allow writing of tool NFC tags. |
ToolsManualPickup | Can pick up tools (always on if tool module available) |
ToolsSetDownOnCheckout | All carried tools should be set down when checkin out |
Tools | Access to tool module |
UserEdit | If the user is allowed to edit details about himself/herself |
VirtualFoldersREADONLY | If virtual folders should be readonly; virtual folders are f.ex. task folders that are shown for the customer, or subtasks folders that are shown on a project |
permissions | number | Set to 1 to also read the permissions |
functions | collection[string] | A collection of functions to enable - see the list above |
permissions | set | A set of module names and the list of enabled permissions for each module |
settings | set | Various settings |
defaultstock | number | MB ID of the default stock |
minutesteps | number | Granularity when selecting a duration in minutes; default 5 |
The following settings may be provided in the settings
imagenodateandlocation | boolean | If 1 then don't insert time+date+location in the photos |
Get an access token that can be used with endpoint_token.php instead of using endpoint.php.
None | - | - |
accesstoken | string | An access token that should be passed to endpoint_token.php |
expiredate | date | When then token expires |
expiretime | time | When the token expires |
Log out of the system, should be called by the app when the user logs out. The main purpose is to clear the push token.
pushtoken | string | The push token that was last sent from this app |
None |
Log a string to the Microbizz API log
text | string | String to log |
boolean | Set to true to send the log to drift@microbizz.dk |
None | - | - |
Get all Microbizz workareas. All workareas are returned, and replaces earlier workareas.
None | - | - |
workareas | collection[ workarea ] | A collection of all work areas in the Microbizz system. |
Get a list of custom links to inject into the app. This allows server side content/functionality to be displayed in the app. These should be accessible somewhere, preferable via an icon. The URL should be displayed in a browser window within the app.
None | - | - |
Collection of:
icon | number | Et tal der angiver hvilket ikon app'en skal vise: 1 – Start (huset) 2 – Virksomheder 3 – Opgaver 4 – QR 5 – Timer 6 – Person 7 – Opkald 8 – Udstyr 9 – Plan 10 – Bruger |
title | string | Title of icon |
url | string | Link to functionality |
Get info about all Custom fields.
Custom fields are fields that Microbizz users may add to various objects, like todo or customer. There are several types of custom fields, see Custom fields.
None | - | - |
fields | set | The name of each item is a module code/object type, and the value is a collection of customfields |
Get info about column groups. A columngroup specifies the content of a box that is to be displayed in the app.
None | - | - |
columngroups | collection[object] | List of column groups |
Each column group contains
id | number | The ID of the column group |
objecttype | string | The type of object this group describes |
title | string | The title of the group |
purpose | number | See below |
columns | collection[string] | LIst of the fields included in the group |
titles | collection[columntitle] | The titles of the columns, may include other info |
appicons | collection[appicon] | The app icons to use |
can be either of "todo", "person", "users", "tools", "customers", "prodplan", "calendar", "todo_productuse", "sales_product" or "project".
indicates under which circumstances the group should be used: 0 - anytime, 1 - object main page, 2 - search text, 3 - sub object.
contain a list of field names. See 3-parts notation below.
is a collection of objects which specify the icons to use with the column; each object has with the following fields:
icon | the name of an icon to use |
column | the name of the column for which this icon should be used |
is a collection of objects which specify the titles of the columns, it may also include other info about the column; each obhect has the following fields:
title | the title of this column |
column | the name of the column for which this title should be used |
iscustomfield | optional, is 1 if the column is a custom field |
customfieldtype | the type of the custom field, only if |
customfieldsubtype | the subtype of the customfield, only if |
type | the type of the field, currently this is only relevant for Ventu |
3-parts notation
Some object types may refer to fields from other object types, f.ex. the planning (object type = prodplan
) may refer to fields from the associated task. This is specified by a field name consisting of 3 parts separated by . (full stop). F.ex. if a column group for prodplan
(see prodplanentry) includes the field todoid.todo.customertext
then this means that the value in field todoid
in the prodplanentry is the ID of an object of type todo, and you should use the field customertext
from the todo object.
So the first part (todoid
) refers to a field in the object for which the column group applies. The second part (todo
) indicates another object type. The third part (customertext
) indicates a field in the other object type - this is the value to display.
Get info about which boxes to display on an object main page. See the section Mainpages on this page for details about the boxes.
None | - | - |
mainpages | collection[ mainpage ] | List of main pages |
There is one mainpage object for each of the object types todo/customers/person/tools.
Get info about which widgets are available; widgets are referenced by main pages, see mainpagebox.
None | - | - |
widgets | collection[ widget ] | List of widgets |
Get all Microbizz cheeckpoints. All checkpoints are returned, and replaces earlier checkpoints.
None | - | - |
checkpoints | collection[ checkpoint ] | A collection of all checkpoints in the Microbizz system. |
Checkpoints are saved when calling DoCheckOut or DoCheckOutForUser.
Get all Microbizz icons. All icons are returned and replaces earlier icons.
md5sums | collection[ md5list ] | The known MD5 sums of icons for custom fields etc |
appicons | collection[md5list] | The known MD5 sums of app icons |
icons | collection[ icon ] | A collection of all icons in the Microbizz system. |
appicons | collection [appicon] | A collection of all the app icons; only included if |
An appicon object contains the fields id
, data
and md5sum
. The id
field holds the icon name, eg map1.png
; the same name/id should be used in the md5list in the input.
No image data will be transferred for the icons (or app icons) which match the supplied MD5 sums.
Get the user ID of the current user.
None | - | - |
userid | number | The user id of the current user. |
Set the password for the current user. Optionally also set name and mobile phone no.
password | string | The MD5 sum of the new password; must be lowercase. |
oldpassword | string | The MD5 sum of the old password; must be lowercase. |
fullname | string | The full name of the user, eg. “Bill Clinton” |
mobile | string | The mobile phoneno of the user, eg. “+4512345678” |
None | - | - |
Get the workplan for the current user
fromdate | date | - |
todate | date | - |
userid | number | The MB ID of a user; if not specified then return data for the current user |
busy | boolean | If 1 then include |
workplanentries | collection [ workplanentry ] | The workplan |
Get workplan entries changed after a given date.
field | type | |
changedate | date | last time it was changed. |
changetime | time | (optional) the last time it was changed. |
busy | boolean | If 1 then include |
workplanentries | collection [ workplanentry ] | The workplan |
Get the daily worksheets and workplan for the current user.
startdate | date | - |
enddate | date | - |
weeks | set | The worksheets, grouped by weeks and dates |
workplan | collection [workplantype] |
A workplantype contains the fields id
and title
The weeks
set contains an entry for each week in the period; the field is date of the monday in the week and the value is another set containing the fields following fields:
Values in the weeks
field | type | |
| number | week number |
| date | date of the sunday in the week |
| number | total number of minutes registered by current user in the week |
| set | The fields are the dates in the week, the values are yet another set, see below |
Values in the dates
field |