Microbizz script - functions

Microbizz script - functions



The maths functions are available through the Math object.

number = Math.random(min,max)

Returns a value between min and max

number =Math.random(max)

Returns a value between 0 and max

number = Math.random()

Returns a value between 0 and 1

number = Math.sum(number[,number[,number…]])

Returns the sum of the arguments

number = Math.min(number[,number[,number…]])

Returns the smallest of the arguments

number = Math.max(number[,number[,number…]])

Returns the largest of the arguments

number = Math.ceil(number)

Returns the smallest integer that is larger or equal to the number

number = Math. floor(number)

Returns the largest integer that is smaller or equal to the number

number = Math.round(number)

Returns the nearest integer

number = Math.pow(number,exponent)

Returns the number raised to the power of exponent

number = Math.sqrt(number)

Returns the square root of the number

number = Math.exp(number)

Returns "e" raises to the power of number

number = Math.log(number)

Returns the log base10 of number

number = Math.ln(number)

Returns the natural log of number

number = Math.acos(number)

Returns acos of number

number = Math.asin(number)

Returns asin of number

number = Math.atan(number)

Returns atan of number

number = Math.cos(number)

Returns cos of number

number = Math.sin(number)

Returns sin of number

number = Math.tan(number)

Returns tan of number

The Math object also provides two constants Math.PI and Math.e .


The date and time functions are available through the Date object.

timestamp = Date.time()

Seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00

string = Date.date(format[,timestamp])

Similar to PHPs date() function

timestamp = Date.strtotime(string)

Similar to PHPs strtotime() function

timestamp = Date.timeadjust(timestamp, adjustment)

See below

string = Date.dateadjust(date, adjustment)

See below

For Date.timeadjust() and Date.dateadjust() the adjustment argument is a string containing a SPACE seperated list of adjustments, the adjustments are applied one by one:

Adjustment syntax



Adjustment syntax




Add N days/weeks/months/years/hours/minutes/seconds, UU=da/wk/mo/yr/hr/mi/se



See above



Set the day/month/year/hour/minutes/seconds



Go to the first weekday in the month, DD is a 2-char weekday

firstmo firsttu firstwe


Go to the last weekday in the month, DD is a 2-char weekday



Go to the next weekday/month, DD is either a 2-char weekday or a 3-char month

nexttu nextjan nextfeb


Go to the previous weekday/month, DD is either a 2-char weekday or a 3-char month

prevtu prevdec prevnov


The following functions/methods may be called on strings, e.g.  newstring = todo.title.lower()  . 

number = string.length()

Count the number of characters in the string

string = string.lower()

Return a lowercase version of the string

string = string.upper()

Return an uppercase version of the string

number = string.find(needle)

Find the offset of first occurence of the string needle in the string; returns -1 if not found; offset starts at 0

number = string.rfind(needle)

Find the offset of the last occurence of the string needle in the string; returns -1 if not found

string = string.substr(offset[,length])

Similar to PHPs mb_substr() function

string = string.sprintf([,arg1[,arg2…]])

Similar to PHPs sprintf() function, replace %s and %d etc with the args

res = "%s is %.2f meters tall".sprintf("Peter", 178/100)

string = string.format(arglist)

Similar to Pythons format(), replace {name} with a value from the args

res = "{name} is {height} meters tall and {age}".format({height:1.78, age: 42, name: "Peter"})

res = "{0} is {1} meters tall and {2} years old".format(["Peter",1.78,24])

res = "{0} is {1} meters tall and {2} years old".format("Peter",1.78,24)

string = string.replace(from,to)

Similar to PHPs str_replace() function, replaces all occurences of from with to

string = string.urlencode()

Return a URL encoded version of the string, so that it can be used as part of a URL

string = string.urldecode()

Return a URL decoded version of the string

string = string.base64encode()

Return a base64 encoded version of the string

string = string.base64decode()

Return a base64 decoded version of the string

array = string.split(seperatorstring)

Split the string at every occurence of the seperator string and return the parts in an array

array = string.sscanf(format)

Similar to PHPs sscanf() function

number = string.bytes_length()

Return number of bytes (not chars!) in the string

string = string.bytes_substr(offset[,length])

Return a string containing part of the original string; notice that the result may not be valid UTF-8, f.ex.  bad = "Æ".bytes_substr(0, 1)


The following functions/methods may be called on arrays, e.g.   numtodos = todoids.length()  . 

number = array.length()

Counts the number of elements in the array

string = array.join(seperatorstring)

Join the elements of an array, similar to PHPs implode() function

microbizz = ["m","crob","zz"].join("i")


Sorts the elements in the array. e.g colors = colors.sort(). This will modify the original array.


Sorts the elements in the array reverse order  e.g numbers.rsort(). This will modify the original array


Reverse the order of the content. e.g [8,3,4,9] into [9,4,3,8]. This will modify the original array.

array.append(value, [value, ...])

Appends values to an existing array. This will modify the original array. It is possible to append other arrays as well.


Merge the values of an array into another and insert them at the end of the original. Merging will modify the original array

array = array.slice(offset[, length[,preservekeys]])

Extract a slice of the array. Works similar to PHP's array_slice(). offset and length allows negative values; preservekeys accepts true or false.

array = array.splice(offset[,length[,replacement]])

Remove a slice of this array and possibly replace it with something else; returns the removed slice; the replacement may be a single value (a scalar) or an array

badstuff = ["good","good","bad","bad"].splice(2,2,"moregood")


Remove all elements from the array

number = array.index(value)

Return the index of a value, return -1 if the value is not found in the array

array = array.distinct()

Find distinct values and return them in a new array; only strings and numbers are considered.

res = [1,2,2,2,3,3,3].distinct()

string = array.json()

JSON encodes an array and returns it as a string

array = array.push(value)

Appends a value to the end of the array, returns the same array

value = array_pop()

Returns the last value in the array, removes the value from the array

array = array.unshift(value)

Inserts a value at the beginning of an array, returns the same array

value = array.shift()

Reads the value at the beginning of the array, removes the value from the array

These functions will probably first appear in spring 2022


array = dict.keys()

Return an array holding all the keys from the dict

array = dict.values()

Return an array holding all the values from the dict




Remove all elements from the dict

dict = dict.copy()

Return a copy of the dict;

string = dict.json()

JSON encodes a dict and returns it as a string


data = bar(valuesarray[,labelsarray])

Return an object which the frontend should display as a bar chart, see table() below

data = pie(valuesarray[,labelsarray])

Return an object which the frontend should display as a pie chart, see table() below

data  = table(rowarray[,rowarray[,rowarray ...]])

Return an object which the frontend should display a a table; the way pie(), bar() and table() work depend on the context

number = isnumber(value)

Returns 1 if the value is a number

number = isdict(value)

Returns 1 if the value is a dict

number = isobject(value)

Returns 1 if the value is an object

number = isstring(value)

Returns 1 if the value is a string

number = isarray(value)

Returns 1 if the value is an array

number = isNaN(value)

Returns 1 if the value is the value NaN (Not a Number)

number = isINFINITY(value)

Returns 1 if the value is the value infinity

number = isfunction(value)

Check if a function exists

ok = isfunction("Math.floor")

ok  = isfunction("get_class")

bad = isfunction("this_function_doesnt_exist")

string = get_class(object)

Returns the class of an object, eg "Todo" or "Tool" ; returns "" for non-objects

classname = get_class(this)

string = typeof(value)

Returns the type of a value, eg. "string", "number", "object" etc.

echo(value, ...)

Outputs the values; usually the result will not be displayed anywhere, this is for debugging only


Exit the script and return the value; may be called from within a function or loop


result = Api.post(url, postdata [, options])

Post data to a remote server, and read the result, see APi.get for details.

postdata will be sent in the body of the request. See Api.get() for details about the result.

result = Api.get(url, getparameters [, options])

Read data from a remote server

getparameters is a dict with name:value pairs that will be appended to the URL; options are described below.

Result is a dict containing the following:


result = Api.microbizz(command, parameters[, options])

Communicate with Microbizz via the Microbizz API; quite low level.

Result is a dict containing the following:


get/post/microbizz options









List of headers to to include




Set to 1 to include the response headers in the result



Max seconds this request may take



If set to 1 then anything but a HTTP 20x return status will be considered an error



User name for basic authentication, password must also be set



Password for basic authentication, username must also be set


This examples shows how to read a task via the API

todo = readtodo(432) // the variable todo now holds a dict the task with id=432, or false if the task was not found def readtodo(id) todo = API.microbizz("GetTodoByID", { todoid:id }) // check that the result is valid, be careful to validate the result if !isdict(todo) || !isdict(todo.result) || !isarray(todo.result.todos) || !isdict(todo.result.todos[0])   return false return todo.result.todos[0]

Example 1 - read a task from the API

This example shows how to read a text file from a server, using http

res = API.get("http://system42.microbizz.dk/global.css", {}) // check that the result is valid if (isdict(res) && res.status == 1)   css = res.data

Example 2 - read a file from a remote server


object = Microbizz.GetTodoByID(id)

Read a task

object = Microbizz.GetCustomerByID(id)

Read a customer

object = Microbizz.GetUserByID(id)

Read a user

object = Microbizz.GetToolByID(id)

Read an equipment/tool

object = Microbizz.GetProjectByID(id)

Read a project

object = Microbizz.GetSupportTicketByID(id)

Read a ticket

object = Microbizz.GetEdiInvoiceByID(id)

Read an EDI

object = Microbizz.GetRegistrationByID(id)

Read a registration

object = Microbizz.GetPersonByID(id)

Read a person

object = Microbizz.GetInvoiceByID(id)

Read an invoice

object = Microbizz.GetInvoiceExportLineByID(id)

Read an invoice line

object = Microbizz.GetSalesContractByID(id)

Read a quotation

object = Microbizz.GetProductByID(id)

Read a product

object = Microbizz.GetEventByID(id)

Read an appointment

Microbizz.Log(text, data)

Write to the System log; the text should not be longer than 200 chars; the data can be a dict or array or string

Microbizz.SaveProperty(name, value)

Save a property in Microbizz, the name must be a string, the value must be a string, number, array or dict.

Don't use it for storing large amounts of data, the maximum size may be restricted to a few KBytes in the future.

The property may be read by any other script.

value = Microbizz.ReadProperty(string[,defaultvalue])

Read a previously saved property, see Microbizz.saveProperty().

If there is no previously saved value, or if the value is an empty string, then the default value is returned.


This holds the contract number, e.g. 2345


This holds the ID of the active user


This holds the two letter code of the currently selected language, e.g. "en"


This holds the thousand separator for the selected language


This holds the decimal point for the selected language

Notice that you cannot have multiple copies of the same task or customer etc. F.ex. if you call

  firsttask = Microbizz.GetTodoByID(1234)

  secondtask = Microbizz.GetTodoByID(1234)

then any changes you make to firsttask will also be made to secondtask.


The HTML object provides functions for generating HTML. Notice the custom fields only allow simple HTML (like <span>), plugins don't allow HTML generation at all, and scripts that are displayed in a tab allow much more complex HTML to be generated.

This is still experimental and may change at any time.

Custom fields

HTML.span(text [,style[,attributes]]

Return an HTML string with a <span> element; style and attributes are dicts 

HTML.div(text [,style[,attributes]]

Similar to HTML.span() but returns a <div> element


string = HTML.encode(string)

HTML encodes a string


Adds a piece of HTML to the output; you may simply generate all the tags yourself, as a string, and then just call this function once, but the other functions ensures that things are properly escaped/encoded.


HTML encodes a string and adds it to the output, this is the same as


HTML.starttag(tag[, styles[, attrs[, classes]]])

Starts a tag (eg. <div>), styles and attrs are optional dicts, classes is an optional array


Ends a tag (eg. </div>)

object = HTML.output()

Generate HTML, usually only used at the end of the script, in return


styles = {"color":"red"} HTML.starttag("div", styles, {"id":"mytag"}) HTML.text("A is < B") HTML.endtag("div") return HTML.output()

Example 3 - output HTML in a tab