User - General settings

User - General settings

In the general section you will find settings that are related to different parts of the user module. 

There are settings specific to related functions, which are in the same settings menu.


This section has the following settings:

  • Enable teamviewer: A teamviewer is a user with viewing permissions in a team. A viewer doesn't directly feature in a team, but will borrow permissions to see the same objects as members of the team
  • Enable remote team ID: Enabling remote team ID is used to pair a team to another system through an integration


This section has the following settings:

  • Depot order: This activates depot order functionality
  • Allow location auto register: This activates a new option in the user create/edit section, that when selected will auto checkin/out a user automatically just by being in the vicinity of a Microbizz company or task
  • Password expiration: Settings for Microbizz password expiration
  • Password restrictions: Settings for the requirements for complexity of Microbizz passwords
  • Use team types: This activates team types, allowing the use of team templates that will be selected when creating new teams, thus facilitating the creation
  • Require team type: This setting makes it a requirement to use team types when creating new teams

Overtime account

This section has the following settings:

  • Overtime account: If an account with the Unit type has been set as Time, you can choose it from here. For more on creating account types, please refer to Accounts
  • Also register undertime: If checked, time that is below ones daily work hours, will also be registered
  • Only register on workdays: If checked, overtime is only registered on workdays


This section regards the salary functionality where you can manage:

  • Salary system: Choose which salary system Microbizz will be integrated to
  • Username: The username for the integration
  • Password: The password for the integration
  • Use legacy salary calculations: This setting is used for older integrations

Support responsible

This section regards the users that are responsible for any support inquiries:

  • Users: Choose as many as you wish

Auto checkout

This section automatically checking out users:

  • Use auto checkout: If checked, users will be automatically checked out if they havn't checked out within 30 minutes after the workday ends

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