CRM - General settings
CRM - General settings
- Giacomo Lindorff (Unlicensed)
- Ilias Sersar
- Madrigal Totayo
- Jonas Frandsen
Owned by Giacomo Lindorff (Unlicensed)
Here you will find settings that are related to different parts of the CRM module.
There are settings specific to related functions, which are in the module's configuration menu.
Company type required
- Required?: Makes the company type a required field when creating and editing companies
Advanced customer numbers
- Allow doublets: Allows the use of doubles in the field customer number
- Prefix: Choose if the system should add a prefix to the customer number automatically
- Post fix: Choose if the system should add a postfix to the customer number automatically
- Minimum length: You can set the minimum length required for a customer number
- Regular expression: Specify a regular expression to use when validating customer numbers when editing them
Extra search fields
- Fields: Choose extra fields that will be displayed in the company search menu
- Autocomplete further info: When searching for a company, the preview text is expanded to include the selection from the drop down. In the case under, the choice was "City"
Update addresses
- Update addresses: When the delivery address on a company changes, the address of every task on that company can be updated automatically
All companies to be blocked so that tasks, etc, cannot be created for them?
- Allow blocking: Adds/removes the ability to block a company
- Post change notes: When a company is edited, a change note explaining what has changed, is added to the /wiki/spaces/CPFN/pages/25395222
Sync options
- Sync prospects: If checked a company will be synched to other systems
Invoice subscriptions
- Invoices: Marking this will invoice the subscriptions
- Days before due date: How many days before the due date, should the subscriptions be invoiced
- Show period: Settings to add the period that the subscription should add to the invoice lines
Warning when subscription expires?
- Activate: If checked, warnings are activated, and you can then fill in the following:
- Days before expiry: The number typed in here will result in the number of days before a subscription expires
- Never expire: If checked, subscriptions never expire
Allow Microbizz to read email for companies?
- Load emails: If checked, copies of emails are archived to the company's /wiki/spaces/CPFN/pages/25395254 tab. Requires email integration
- Search domains: If checked, emails to be imported are searched across your domains
- Not files: If checked, files aren't saved for the imported mails
Activate email dispatch?
- Activate email: If checked, email dispatch function is activated
- Strategy: Chooses the mail dispatch strategy
Additional fields
Additional info?
- Relations: If checked, relations are activated
- Week list: If checked, week lists are activated
Standard settings
- Default prospect: Creates all new companies as prospects as standard
- Default type: Choose which company type the system should use as default when creating a new company
Change units on direct orders
- Change units: Whether or not it is possible to change units on product uses created through direct orders, for instance "5 boxes" to "5 barrels"
- Task template for ordering: When a product use has been created through a direct order, one can also create a task with the product use already attached to the task
- Actions: When editing a direct order for a company, an action may be executed
- Additional product fields: Fields from the product catalog that is going to be shown under "Add. product info"
Set meetings:
- Activate: If checked, you are able to repeat meetings for companies at set intervals