Pickup XML format

Pickup XML format

The XML sent to the transport company is somewhat similar to the booking XML.

It has the following structure:



The transport company may send status messages back. This have the following format:

  <Status>Booking received</Status>

The <Datetime> element holds a date and time in the format YYYYMMDDHHMM, so in the example above, the date is 2016-11-12, and the time is 13:45.

The <BookingID> element holds an SLI no.

The <Status> element holds a textual status message, and the <Statuscode> element holds a numerical status code, see below:

10000Booking received
10001Rejected: Booked too late
10002Rejected: Special handling required
10003Rejected: Goods dimensions
10004Rejected: Goods weight
10005Rejected: Due to time window
10006Rejected: Double booking
10099Missing ID

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