API: Basic concepts

API: Basic concepts

An overview of the basic concepts of the Leaps API. The examples are based on the Geodis Leaps system, but the same applies to any other Leaps system, just replaced the URL etc.

Accessing the API

The API is accessed using the following URL:


All communication with the API is facilitated using UTF-8 encoded JSON.

When communicating with the API, the JSON should be provided in the parameter json using either POST or GET ex.


Other Leaps systems use other URLs.


All communications are facilitated using JSON. In this documentation we use the following terms, to reference different JSON structures.


A set is defined as field:value pairs, defined in JSON as:

{field1: value1, field2: value2,...}

A value can be a basic type, another set or a collection.


A collection is defined as a list of values, defined in JSON as:

[value1, value2,...]

A value can be a basic type, a set or another collection.

Basic types

The API uses the following basic types:

TypeExampleFormat, when sending to APIFormat, when receiving from API
stringHello WorldHello WorldHello World
number (integer)292929
float12.5912.59 / 12,5912.59
booleantruetrue / 1 / yes1

falsefalse / 0 / no0
date5. august 20112011-08-052011-08-05









The API is used to pass one or more commands to Leaps. The commands are given in a collection, which again is wrapped in an envelope containing identification information such as the API-key, user name and/or password.

When all commands has been executed, a structure is returned with the result of each command.


All communication to the API must be contained in an envelope, as described in this section. The envelope is a set containing the following fields:

portalstringA portal ID (provided by Geodis)
apikeystringAn API key (provided by Geodis)
usernamestringA user name (provided by Geodis)
passwordstringA password (provided by Geodis)
commandscollectionA collection of the commands which are to be executed.

The envelope can also contain the following field:

haltonerror0 or 1If set to 1, the API will halt execution if a command throws an error, otherwise the API will just continue to the next command (default behavior)
imeistringIf the client is a mobile phone, then the phone can identify itself using its phone number.
remoteagentstringThe API client can identify itself by providing a short identifier string, which will be recorded in the Leaps log and help troubleshooting.

An example envelope can look like this in JSON:

{"portal": "xxx","apikey":"","username":"xxx","password":"xxx","commands": []}

If there is an error in the envelope, the following set will be returned:

statusbooleanAlways 0 when an error occurred.
msgstringAn error message.
datedateThe date on the server, when the envelope was received.
timetimeThe time on the server, when the envelope was received.

If the envelope is correct, the following set will be returned:

statusbooleanAlways 1 when envelope is correct. This isn't an indicator for whether the commands executed.
resultscollectionA collection of results for each of the provided commands.
datedateThe date on the server, when the command execution started
timetimeThe time on the server, when the command execution started


A command is a set containing at least the following field:

commandstringThe command to be executed.

The rest of the fields in the set is determined by the command executed.

If the command fails it will return the following set:

statusbooleanAlways 0 when an error occurred.
msgstringAn error message.

If the command succeeds it will return a set containing at least the following field:

statusbooleanAlways 1 when command succeeded.

The rest of the fields in the set is determined by the command executed.

Testing the API / Example

Connection to the API can be tested using the Echo command, which take a parameter text which is just returned as a result in the field answer.

The JSON for calling the Echo command looks like this:

{"portal":"X","apikey":"","username":"X","password":"X","commands":[{"command":"Echo","text":"Hello World"}]}

(remember to substitute the X's for the info received from Geodis).

Using GET the command can be executed calling this URL:

https://portal.ff.geodis.com/api/endpoint.php?json={"portal":"X","apikey":"","username":"X","password":"X","commands":[{"command":"Echo","text":"Hello World"}]}

Some of the characters should be encoded, so the URLs ends up looking like this:


If the envelope is correct, the server will respond with:

{"status":1,"msg":"OK","results":[{"status":1,"answer":"Hello World"}]}

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