Booking XML format

Booking XML format

This is the XML format used for reporting a booking. When a booking is made, the XML is sent from Leaps to the “broker”. In some cases, the XML isn't sent until 19:00 GMT the same evening.

The booking XML has the following structure:

      <creationdata> ... </creationdata>
      <part> ... </part>
      <pdinstructions> ... </pdinstructions>
      <transportservice> ... </transportservice>
      <reference> ... </reference>
      <paymentinstructions> ... </paymentinstructions>
      <goodsitem> ... </goodsitem>
</consignment> </consignmentlist>

There may be multiple <part> elements, these are identified by a part attribute.

<othercharges> contains 0 or more <othercharge> elements.


Dates are specified as YYYY-MM-DD. Time is specified as HH:MM. Date+time is specified as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM.

Decimal values are specified using . (full stop) as decimal point. No thousand-separator is allowed.

All text must be specified in UTF-8.

Dimensions are specified in meters. Weight is specified in kgs. Volume is specified in m3.


The <header> element includes some or all of the following attributes:

<header sender="ONESHELL" receiver="UNB" doctype="STDBOOK" datetime="2015-01-01 12:35:30" test="1">

sender is always ONESHELL.

receiver is the UNB adresse of product selected. If the booking goes through CCS there will be two products selected: the product selected by the user, and the product selected by CCS. The receiver attribute refers to the product selected by the user.

doctype is either STDBOOK or CCSBOOK or GROUPED.  The value CCSBOOK is used when CCS has processed the booking. GROUPED means that multiple shipments are included in the <consignmentlist>.

test is 1 if this is a test booking.

Creation data

The <creationdata> element holds some of the following:

<bookingid> ... </bookingid>
<bookingcreated>2015-01-01 12:25:00</bookingcreated>
<bookedbyname>Willy Wonka</bookedbyname>

<bookingid> is the SLI no of the booking (if doctype=STDBOOK) or the AWB no (if doctype=CCSBOOK or if the booking was forwarded from another system or if the AWB no was specified in the EDI XML).

<customertype> can have the following values

CSACustomer Standard Account
GAGlobal Account
KAKey Account
SAStandard Account
STAStrategic Account


There may be multiple <part> elements. A <part> element is idenfitied by the role attribute, which can be either consignor, consignee, ordering, pickup or delivery, eg.

<part role="consignor"> ... </part>

The <part> element holds some or all of these elements:

  <name>Chocolate Factory</name>
  <address1>Nuts Road 1</address1>
  <address2>Almond Building</address2>
  <city>Candy Town</city>
  <phone>+40 1232123123</phone>

Pickup/Delivery instructions

The <pdinstructions> element describes pickup and delivery; it holds some of the following elements:

    <pinstructions>Please call in advance</pinstructions>
    <dinstructions>Leave package behind the building</dinstructions>

The elements <ddate>, <pinstructions> and <dinstructions> are optional.

<pickupbycarrier> is only allowed for DHL and TNT shipments; it defaults to no

Transport service

The <transportservice> element holds some of the following elements:

  <product>Airfreight Basic</product>
<tsproductid>CX</tsproductid> <userselectedproduct>Airfreight Discount</userselectedproduct> <userselectedproductid>AS3</userselectedproductid> <deliverytype>DD</delivertype> <combiterms>DAP</combiterms> <todcountry>DE</todcountry> <todcity>Berlin</todcity> <reliabletoduty>yes</reliabletoduty> <goodsvalue>123.2</goodsvalue> <goodscurrency>DKK</goodscurrency> <unb>DKCPH</unb> <officeid>123</officeid> <pickuptransportcompany>Bobs Parcel Service<pickuptransportcompany> <trade>export</trade> <pickupagent>DHL</pickupagent> </transportservice>

The elements <todcity>, <todcountry>, <goodsvalue> and <goodscurrency> are optional. The elements <userselectedproduct> and <userselectedproductid> are only included if the shipment was handled by CCS.

<productid> is always in UPPERCASE.

Possible values for <trade> are: export, import and crosstrade.


The <references> elements should various references, like senders reference etc.

The following elements may be included - all are optional:


<hawbno> is set to the SLI no if the Product ID includes 'CE' or 'CX'.

Payment instructions

The <paymentinstructions> element may hold the following elements; <accountno> is optional.

<generateinvoice>no</generateinvoice> </paymentinstructions>

<paymentmethod> can be either Collect, Prepaid or 3. party.

If <generateinvoice> is set to yes then the carrier will generate the invoice (DHL only).

Goods items

There may be multiple <goodsitem> elements; each holds some of the following elements:

  <goodsdescribetion>Stuff and stuff</goodsdescription>
  <shippingmark>More stuff</shippingmark>

<article>, <width>, <length> and <height> are optional. There may be multiple <article>.

<weight> and <volume> is specified per package.

<licenseplate> is currently only used for DHL shipments.


The <confirmation> element holds some of the following elements:



The <invoicing> element holds the following:


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