CSV file for determining remote area

CSV file for determining remote area

The carriers charge a remote delivery fee, when a shipment is delivered to a remote area.

For some carriers the remote areas are specified in a CSV file. The first line of the file is ignored. Columns are separated by comma (,). Each line describes the remote area fee for a single post code (or city), or for a range of post codes. Comma is only allowed as a column separator, it is not allowed in the fee name, post codes or city name.

Column (#)Meaning
A (1)Country code, 2 letters, uppercase
B (2)Fee name (currently not used)
C (3)Post code, or start post code, or city name
D (4)End post code

If D is empty then C contains a single post code. If D isn't empty then C contains the first post code in the range, and D contains the last post code.

C may contain the name of a city. In that case, D must be empty. Using city names means there is a risk of not finding a match, as there are many ways of spelling city names.


Country,Fee name,Postcode,Postcode
DE,Remote area surcharge,18561,18565
DE,Remote area surcharge,25846,25849
DE,Remote area surcharge,25859

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