Querying the GO API
Querying the GO API
The GO API can be queried by passing a json-structure in the query-parameter of the URL such as https://server/endpoint/?query=JSON_STRUCTURE
The JSON structure can consist of query commands and logic commands.
Query commands
Query commands should contain three fields: type, fieldname and value
Type | Meaning |
Greater | Return everything where fieldname is greater than value. |
GreaterEqual | Return everything where fieldname is greater or equal than value. |
Lesser | Return everything where fieldname is lesser than value. |
LesserEqual | Return everything where fieldname is lesser or equal than value. |
Like | Return everything where value is contained in fieldname. |
Match | Return everything where fieldname equals value. |
OneOf | Return everything where fieldname is one of value (value should be an array). |
Logical commands
Logical commands contains a type and one or more conditions which are further query or logical commands.
Type | Additional fields | Meaning |
AND | condition1, condition2 | Return everything which satisfies both condition1 and condition2. |
OR | condition1, condition2 | Return everything which satisfies either condition1 or condition2. |
NOT | condition | Return everything which doesn't satisfy condition. |
Find all data where age is equal or greater than 18
Find all data where age is less than 40 and gender is male
Find all data where firstname contains the letter a
Find all data changed since a specific time stamp
{"type":"Greater","fieldname":"change_date","value":"2021-01-15 14:45:00"}