Master documents are made up of one or more PDF templates from nearly all the modules available in your Microbizz solution. Before you can continue in creating master documents, you need to have created at least one PDF template in advance.
For creating and editing masters, you should head to the Setup-module and chooseDOCUMENTS > MASTERS as shown below.
Here you will see and manage masters.
Create/Edit masters
Creating and editing masters is done in the same way as creating and editing most data in Microbizz.
To create a new master you need to fill out the following:
Title:Name of the user type
Page size: Choose from a variety of page sizes and formats
Line format:Choose from a variety of line formats. For more on this, please refer to line formats
Font size: Choose from a variety of font sizes
Pages: Drag any page from the Special pages (the right-side of the screen). You can either drag the BLANK PAGE or choose from one of the templates created for the various modules, if any
Header/footer: By choosing a template from a module from the Special pages (the right-side of the screen), and clicking on the square, you can choose any PDF header/footer template you might have created in advance
Assigning masters
There are two ways you can assign masters in, which are as follows:
Save as PDF
Form actions
Save as PDF
This function is available across many modules i.e. CRM- and Tasks-module, and can be found on the frontpage of the company- and task-card, respectively, as shown below.
When a user finishes a task or services a piece of equipment, they may be asked to fill in a form, and usually, after submitting it, Microbizz may perform some actions. Among these actions, one of them allows you to use masters - the Create PDF action. For more on this, please refer to how to create form actions.
To create an action that creates a PDF, you need to fill out the following:
Title:Name of the "Create PDF"-action
Body text:In order to use body texts, you must have created one in advance. For more on this, please refer toHTML templates
Master: Here you must choose a master you've created earlier. For more on this, please refer tomasters
Save PDF copy to folder: If checked, you can specify which Company folder the PDF should be saved in when created
Send mail to: Choose between the following:
(Don't send)
Contact person
Also send mail to: Choose from any task templates, or fields from the Tasks-, CRM- or Equipment-module e.g. the "Responsible"-field.
Also send mail to: You can also type in an email address that isn't part of your Microbizz setup
Pr. default, this action...: Choose between one of the following: