Versions Compared
Version | Old Version 102 | New Version Current |
Changes made by | ||
Saved on |
- This line was added.
- This line was removed.
- Formatting was changed.
All complex types are sets, describing objects in Microbizz.
All fields in bold are required. If an optional field is omitted and the command operates on existing data, the current value of the field will be preserved.
Fields marked with (readonly)
are only provided when receiving objects from
the API; the fields are ignored when transmitting to
the API.
type | string | Description of the type of address, eg. 'Home' or 'Nearest depot' or whatever |
full | string | Formatted address |
name | string | |
name2 | string | |
address | string | |
address2 | string | |
zip | string | |
city | string | |
country | string | |
latitude | float | |
longitude | float |
id | number | The Microbizz ID of the anchor budget |
userid | number | The Microbizz ID of the user who created/edited this |
todoid | number | The ID of the task this budget post refers to |
date | date | The |
date of the post. There are only one budget post pr. task pr. date | ||
anchor | set | The budget values, indexed by the budget post IDs |
A base layer is a layer that can be selected in a map; it is displayed below any drawings / features.
layerid | string | The ID in Microbizz |
title | string | The name of the base layer |
modules | collection[string] | List of modcode where this baselayer should be available |
changedate | date | |
changetime | time | |
copyright | string | Copyright message to display on the map |
deleted | boolean | Set to 1 if the baselayer has been deleted and should no longer be available |
format | string | MIME type of the images, eg 'image/png' |
layers | string | A string to pass to the WMS server |
order | number | Sort order in the list |
projection | string | The projection used, eg. 'epsg:25832' or 'webmercator' |
type | string | Set to 'wms' if this is a WMS map; otherwise it is a tile map |
url | string |
The URL of the WMS server or the tile server |
id | number | The ID in Microbizz |
title | string | The name of the budget area |
postid | number | The Microbizz ID of the post |
todoid | number | The ID of the task this budget post refers to |
budgetpostid | number | The Microbizz ID of a budget area |
date | date | The date |
of the post. There are only one budget post pr. task pr. budget area pr. date | ||
amount | number | The budget value |
changedate |
date | The date when this entry was last changed | |
changetime | time | The time when this entry |
createdate | date | When this entry was created |
createtime | time | When this entry was created |
issum | bool | This is 1 if the todo is a project and the budget value is a sum of the budgets from the subtasks |
id | number | Call ID in Microbizz |
customerid | number | ID of customer attached to this call |
customertext | string | Textual representation of the customer (readonly) |
personid | number | ID of person attached to this call. |
persontext | string | Textual representation of the person. (readonly) |
calltext | string | Textual representation of the call target. This is the customer text, the person text or a combination. This can be used to show whom to call. (readonly) |
mainnumber | string | If a main number is available to dial, it is provided in this field. (readonly) |
directnumber | string | If a direct number is available to dial, it is provided in this field. (readonly) |
mobilenumber | string | If a mobile number is available to dial, it is provided in this field. (readonly) |
calldate | date | The date when the call is expected to take place. |
calltime | time | The time when the call is expected to take place. |
note | string | A note regarding the call |
qfonend | number | For app: Question form ID on question form to present on ending this call. (readonly) |
id | number | Checkin ID in Microbizz |
ischeckedin | boolean | True if the status of this checkin is checked in. |
readable | string | Textual representation of the place where the checkin occured. |
objecttype | string | The object type on which we logged in. Customer or Todo |
toolid | int | If this checkin regarded a tool, then this is the toolid. |
userid | int | Reference to user who performed the checkin. |
todoid | int | The ID of the task which this checkin regards. Only available if the object type is Todo |
customerid | int | The ID of the customer which this checkin regards. Only available if the object type is Customer. Please note: If this checkin is on a task, this field is filled with 0 and not the customer ID to which the task is attached. |
checkinlatitude | float | Geographical latitude for checkin |
checkinlongitude | float | Geographical longitude for checkin |
checkoutlatitude | float | Geographical latitude for checkout |
checkoutlongitude | float | Geographical longitude for checkout |
checkindate | date | Date when the checkin occured. |
checkintime | time | Time when the checkin occured. |
checkoutdate | date | Date when the checkout occured. |
checkouttime | time | Time when the checkout occured. |
createdate | date | Date created (readonly) |
createtime | time | Time created (readonly) |
changedate | date | Date of last change (readonly) |
changetime | time | Time of last change (readonly) |
id | number | Check point ID in Microbizz |
title | string | Check point title |
id | number | The ID of the competence in Microbizz |
title | string | |
type | number | The type of competence, 1=on/off, 2=multi level |
category | string | |
modcode | string | The module where that this competence |
levels | collection[string] | The names of the levels, only if type=2 |
colours | collection[string] | The colours of the levels, only if type=2 |
Notice that levels are number from 1 and up, so level 1 is the first level in
the levels
and colours
id | number | Relationship ID in Microbizz (or zero if new relationship) |
customerid | number | ID of the customer part of the relationship |
customertext | string | A textual representation of the customer (readonly) |
personid | number | ID of the person part of the relationship |
persontext | string | A textual description of the person (readonly) |
title | string | The title of the relationship |
roleid | id | Role id for a role the object is based on.. this cannot be changed once set. instead the cprelationship will be closed and another created |
since | date | The date the relationship was formed |
until | date | The date the relationship ended or empty if current |
createdate | date | Date created (readonly) |
createtime | time | Time created (readonly) |
changedate | date | Date of last change (readonly) |
changetime | time | Time of last change (readonly) |
id | number | Customer ID in Microbizz |
customernumber | string | Customer number |
creditornumber | string | Creditor number |
name | string | Name |
description | lstring | An optional string describing the customer |
secondary_text | string | A secondary text describing this item; this is used as the search text |
icons | collection[number] | A list of icon IDs to show on this customer |
ourreference | number | Our reference; must be a valid User ID |
ourreferencetext | string | Textual representation of our reference (readonly) |
theirreference | number | Their reference; must be a valid Person |
ID | ||
theirreferencetext | string | Textual representation of their reference (readonly) |
vat | string | VAT number (danish CVR) |
vatpercentage | number | The VAT amount in % |
publicid | string | Public identification number (danish EAN) |
address | string | Address |
address2 | string | Second address line |
zip | string | Zip |
city | string | City |
country | string | Country |
invoiceaddress | string | Address |
invoiceaddress2 | string | Second address line |
invoicezip | string | Zip |
invoicecity | string | City |
invoicecountry | string | Country |
invoiceemail | string |
Email address of the invoice responsible for this customer | ||
invoicename | string | Name of the invoice responsible for this customer |
phone | string | Phone no |
fax | string | Fax no |
www | string | Web address, |
not URL | ||
string | Email adresse | |
trade | string | Company trade |
team | number | Team ID |
typeid | number | The customer type ID |
typetext | string | Textual representation of the customer type (readonly) |
alertradius | number | Geofence radius (in meters) around this customer |
isprospect | boolean | Is company a prospect? |
issubcontractor | boolean | Is company a subcontractor? |
isblocked | boolean | Is company blocked? |
isdeleted | boolean | Is company deleted? |
invoiceup | boolean | 1 if the parent company is invoiced, 0 if not |
longitude | float | Geographical longitude |
latitude | float | Geographical latitude |
createdate | date | Date created (readonly) |
createtime | time | Time created (readonly) |
changedate | date | Date of last change (readonly) |
changetime | time | Time of last change (readonly) |
parentcust | number | The ID of the parent customer |
sellerid | number | The ID of the sales person |
maingroupid | number | The ID of the maingroup, see the API call GetMaingroups |
startdate | date | The start date of a Customer |
requestconsent | bool | If the customer should be asked to consent to GDPR whenever the GDPR setup changes |
mailimport | bool | If 1 then mail for this customer will be imported by Microbizz |
This object may include custom fields.
id | number | Customer type ID |
title | string | Customer type title |
color | string | Customer type colour |
typeletter | string | A letter used for this type, typically the first letter of the title |
id | number | Custom field ID |
title | string | The title of the custom field |
visibility | collection[number] | A list of type IDs for which this field should be visible, see below |
type | number | The type of custom field, |
see custom fields | ||
showinapp | boolean | 1 if the custom field should be shown in the app, 0 if not |
subtype | number | Hint to what the field is used for |
searchable | bool | 1 if the field is searchable, 0 if not |
icon | number | ID of an icon (only for type 10=icon), see GetIcons |
colors | collection[string] | Only for type 3=dropdown, colours to use when displaying the list of selectable values |
values | collection[string] | Only for type 3=dropdown, 7=multicheck and 17=combobox, list of values that may be selected |
See custom fields
for more details.
id | number | Customregistration ID |
title | string | The name of the custom.reg. |
fieldtype | number | The type of custom.reg., 1=checkbox 2=float 3=menu 4=time |
only_once | bool | If 1 then only one of this type is allowed per user per day |
no_exceed | bool | If 1 then the value is not allowed to exceed the number of minutes on the registration (only for fieldtype=2 and fieldtype=4) |
options | collection[string] | The available options (only for fieldtype=3) |
count | number | Number of items |
linetext | string | Product description |
itemnumber | string | Product number |
price | number | Price (multiplied by 100) |
note | string | A note for the line |
id | number | Depot ID |
title | string | Depot title |
customerid | number | The ID of the company, if the depot belongs to a company |
toolid | number | The ID of the equipment, if the depot belongs to an equipment |
items | collection | List of depot items, each contains id,title,productnumber,units,maxitems |
id | number | The Microbizz ID of the EDI |
todoid | number | The ID of a todo |
maingroupid | number | The ID of a maingroup |
budgetareaid | number | The ID of a budgetarea |
edinumber | string | The EDI invoice number |
customerid | number | The ID of a customer |
customertext | string | The name of the customer |
buyersreferenceid | string | |
buyerpartyid | string | |
deliverypartyid | string | |
ourreferenceid | string | |
ourreferencename | string | |
theirreferenceid | string | |
theirreferencename | string | |
sellersorderid | string | |
buyersorderid | string | |
sellername | string | |
selleraddress | string | |
sellerzip | string | |
sellercity | string | |
sellerean | string | |
sellercvr | string | |
sellercountry | string | |
delivername | string | |
deliveraddress | string | |
deliverzip | string | |
delivercity | string | |
delivercountry | string | |
deliverdate | date | |
paymentamount | number | |
taxamount | number | |
paymentterms | set | |
note | string | |
state | string | |
phase | number | |
phasetext | string | |
userid | number | |
usertext | string | |
currency | string | |
iserror | boolean | |
errortext | string | |
exported | boolean | |
exportdate | date |
id | number | The ID of the EDI line |
ediid | number | The ID of the EDI that this line belongs to |
title | string | |
description | string | |
deliverydate | date | |
qty | number | Number of items |
price | number | |
units | string | The unit of the items, eg "boxes" or "liters" |
note | string | |
baseprice | number | |
productnumber | string | |
todoid | number | |
state | number | |
todoitemid | number | The ID of a todoitem that was created from this line |
budgetareaid | number | The ID of a budget area |
id | number | Event type ID |
title | string | Event type title |
duration | number | Default duration in minutes for this event type |
color | string | Colour to use with this type of event |
id | number | Event ID in Microbizz, or 0 when creating a new event |
userid | number | The ID of a user; must be 0 when creating a new event |
customerid | number | ID of the customer this event concerns |
date | date | Event date |
time | time | Event time |
minutes | number | Event duration in minutes |
type | number | The event type, see GetEventTypes |
title | string | Title of the event |
customertext | string | Title of the customer |
secondary_text | string | Text to display in the UI; this is also used as the search text |
personid | number | The ID of a person, this may be 0 even |
if |
is set | ||
persontext | string | Name of a person |
place | string | Textual description of the location |
note | lstring | A note for the event |
userids | collection[number] | List of IDs of all the users who participate |
instanceid | string | The Microbizz ID of the instance, this is read-only |
followup | boolean | 1 if the event has followup |
followupafter | number | Number of days before followup |
followupstatus | number | One of 0:Pending, 1:Cancelled, 2:OK |
followupby_userid | number | The Microbizz ID of the user who should followup |
followupby_usertext | string | The name of the user who should followup |
changedate | date | The date of last change |
changetime | time | The time of last change |
When creating/updating an event the
field persontext
is ignored,
only personid
is used to determine the person.
See Event commands for a description of the difference between an event and an instance of an event.
id | number | Depot orderline ID in Microbizz |
itemnumber | string | Product number |
count | number | Number of items |
itemprice | number | The price of each item |
date | date | The date the line was added |
linetext | string | Note or description |
customerid | number | The company ID in Microbizz |
customertext | string | The name of the company |
userid | number | The user ID in Microbizz |
usertext | string | The user name |
exportdate | date | The date when the line was exported |
id | number | File ID in Microbizz |
title | string | Document title, eg. “My Picture” |
filename | string | Original filename of document, eg. “mypicture.jpg” |
path | string | The complete path of the filename as it is stored in the Microbizz system local folder structure |
type | string | Document type (ex. “pdf”, “jpg”, “xml”) or “unknown” |
size | number | Document size in KB |
createdate | date | Document create date (readonly) |
createtime | time | Document create time (readonly) |
thumb | binary | Thumbnail of the file, base 64 encoded |
folder_ref | number | The ID of the folder which contains this document |
ispublic | boolean | 1 if the file is visible on the extranet |
modcode | string | |
objectid | number |
A feature is something which is displayed on top of a map.
dataid | number | Feature ID in Microbizz |
layerref | number | Only used when transferring a |
feature to |
Microbizz | ||
modcode | string | Only used when transferring a |
feature to |
Microbizz | ||
sysref | number | Only used when transferring a |
feature to |
Microbizz | ||
data | mixed | Depends on the datatype |
datatype | number | Feature type, |
see Map features |
for details | ||
name | string | |
colour1 | string | Depends on the datatype |
colour2 | string | Depends on the datatype |
size | number | Depends on the datatype |
If dataid
is 0 then a new feature is created.
If layerref
is -1 then it refers to a default layer for the object specified
by modcode
+ sysref
If layerref
is > 0 then it is the ID of an existing layer,
and modcode
+ sysref
is ignored by Microbizz.
See Map features
for details.
JSON encoded example of a feature:
Code Block | ||
| ||
{"dataid":0, "layerref":83, "datatype":22, "data":{"points":[{"x":27,"y":55},{"x":27.5,"y":55},{"x":27,"y":55.5}]}, "colour1":"#ff00ff", "size":2} |
id | number | Folder ID in Microbizz |
title | string | Folder title |
parentid | number | The ID of the parent folder, or 0 if this is the root folder for the object |
id | number | Icon ID in Microbizz |
title | string | Icon title |
data | binary | The binary data of a PNG representing the icon |
md5sum | string | MD5 sum of the data |
id | number | Image tag ID in Microbizz |
tag | string | The image tag |
id | number | ID of the invoice |
number | string | The Invoice number |
requisition | string | |
customerid | number | The ID of a Customer in Microbizz |
customertext | string | The name of the Customer |
userid | number | The ID of a user in Microbizz |
usertext | string | The name of the user |
sellerid | number | The ID of the user who is the seller |
sellertext | string | The name of the user who is the seller |
team | number | The ID of the team to whom the invoice belongs |
fromname | string | Address |
fromaddress | string | |
fromaddress2 | string | |
fromzip | string | |
fromcity | string | |
fromcountry | string | |
fromperson | string | |
fromemail | string | |
toname | string | Address |
toaddress | string | |
toaddress2 | string | |
tozip | string | |
tocity | string | |
tocountry | string | |
toperson | string | |
toemail | string | |
toean | string | |
deliveryname | string | Address |
deliveryaddress | string | |
deliveryaddress2 | string | |
deliveryzip | string | |
deliverycity | string | |
deliverycountry | string | |
additionaltext1 | string | Text that describes the invoice |
additionaltext2 | string | Text that describes the invoice |
totalsum | number | The total sum of the invoice lines |
payment_currency | string | |
remainder | number | |
bookeddate | date | |
paiddate | date | |
duedate | date | |
invoicedate | date | |
paymentterms_out | number | |
layout_out | number | |
paymentterms_in | number | |
layout_in | number | |
isposted | bool | |
ispayed | bool | |
iscredit | bool | |
iserror | bool | If this invoice failed |
errortext | string | The error text from when the invoice failed |
bouncetext | string | |
theirref | string | |
remoteid | string | |
nonstick | bool | |
createdate | date | (readonly) |
createtime | time | (readonly) |
changedate | date | (readonly) |
changetime | time | (readonly) |
id | number | ID of the invoice line |
customerid | number | ID of the customer to which this line should be invoiced |
related_customerid | number | ID of the customer which this line regards. This can differ from the customerid if you redirect your invoicing from one customer to another. |
invoiceid | number | The ID of an invoice |
todoid | number | If the invoice line can be attached to a todo then this holds the ID of the todo |
date | date | Date of the invoice line |
referencedate | date | The reference date for the line. If this line concerns a specific registration or product use, this will be the date this was added. |
linetext | string | Text of the invoice line |
productstatus | number | The product use status for the product behind this invoice line |
stock | number | A reference to a stock from where the product is removed. |
discount | number | A discount to be applied to the line. 0 = no discount, 100 = 100 % discount. |
itemnumber | string | Item number of the invoice line (product number) |
count | number | Item count of the invoice line |
price | number | Price per unit in lowest local currency (typically Danish ører). This price is before any discount. |
units | string | The product unit |
createdby | number | ID of the user who created this line |
id | number |
ID of the stage | ||
todoid | number | ID of the task to which this stage applies |
category | string | Description |
position | string | Short text |
value | number | |
previous | number | % |
current | number | % |
previous_level | number | |
current_level | number | |
note | string | |
changedate | date | |
changetime | time | |
createdate | date | |
createtime | time |
id | number | Id of MA event. |
eventtitle | string | Title of event |
id | number | List id in Microbizz |
title | string | List title |
customerid | number | To which company is this receiver related. |
personid | string | If the receiver is a person, a person ID is also provided. This can be provided in conjunction with a customer id if the person are associated with the given company |
name | string | The name of the receiver |
string | The email of the receiver |
objecttype | string | The type of object this mainpage is used with |
boxes | collection[ |
List of boxes to display |
box | string | This specifies what type of box this is, some types are built in, some refer to a column group or a widget |
title | string | The title of the box |
iscolumngroup | boolean | 1 if the box contains a column group |
columngroupid | number | The ID of a column group ( |
if |
is set) | ||
iswidget | boolean | 1 if the box is a widget, is is not valid for |
widgetid | number | The ID of a widget (if |
id | number | Refers to an ID in another list |
md5sum | string | The MD5 sum of data in another list |
“instant” messages.
id | number |
The MB ID of the message | |
userid | number |
The MB ID of the User who sent the message | ||
usertext | string | The name of the user |
message | lstring | The message text |
date | date | The date of the message |
time | time | The time of the message |
confirmation | number | 0=no confirmation, 1=pending confirmation, 2=confirmed |
read | boolean | 1 if the message has been read |
modcode | string | An optional string which describes which type of object this message relates to |
objid | number | The ID of the object that this message relates to |
Messages that are part of a thread, ie. belong to an object of some kind.
id | number |
The MB ID of the message | |
threadid | number |
The MB ID of a Complex types#thread | |
userid | number |
The MB ID of the user who wrote the message, should be 0 if it was a person | |
personid | number |
The MB ID of the person who wrote the message, should be 0 if it was a user | ||
authorname | string | The name of the user/person who wrote the message |
changedate | date | |
changetime | time | |
isunread | boolean | If the message is unread by the current user |
message | lstring | The message text, may |
include HTML tags | ||
documentids | array | List of Microbizz IDs of the documents that are attached, see GetDocumentByID |
Messages that are part of a conversation between two or more users.
id | number |
The MB ID of the message | ||
message | lstring | The message text, this is |
actually HTML | ||
receivers | collection[number] | List of IDs of users to receive the message |
conversationid | number |
The MB ID of a conversation | ||
userid | number | The ID of the user who wrote the message |
usertext | string | The name of the user who wrote the message |
date | date | |
time | time | |
isunread | boolean | If the message is unread |
Creating a new mbmessage:
if conversationid
is set
then receivers
is ignored;
if conversationid
is not set
then receivers
is required.
id | number | Id of the note |
objecttype | string | To which object is this note attached. “customer” or “task”. |
objectid | number | Either customer ID or todo ID |
userid | number | Id of user from where this note originated |
usertext | string | Name of the user from where this note originated. (readonly) |
receiverid | number | Id of user where this note is going to |
receivertext | string | Name of user where this note is going to. (readonly) |
date | date | Date of the note |
time | time | Time of the note |
text | lstring | The text of the note |
id | number | ID of the notification |
assignedby | number | The ID of the user who caused this notification, or 0 if it was a person |
assignedby_personid | number | The ID of |
the Complex types#person who caused this notification, or 0 if it was a user | ||
text | string | The notification text, may include links |
and HTML tags | ||
date | date | The date of the notification |
time | time | |
ispublic | bool | 1 if the notification should be marked as “public” |
isread | bool | 1 if the notification has been read/dismissed |
objecttype | string | An object type indicating what object the notification relates to |
objectid | number | |
message_threadid | number | The ID of the related thread, |
if |
If objecttype
is message
then the notification refers to a note/
Complex types#tmessage, and the
field message_threadid
contains the ID of the thread.
partid | number | The ID of the parts list; IDs are only unique within a tool type. |
productnumber | string | A product number. |
productname | string | The name of the product. |
count | number | Number of items expected to be used. |
units | number | The ID of a unit. |
toolref | number | The Microbizz ID of a tool |
count | number | |
partid | number | The partid from |
id | number | Person ID in Microbizz |
firstname | string | Person first name |
lastname | string | Person last name |
address | string | Person address |
address2 | string | Person address2 |
zip | string | Zip |
city | string | City |
country | string | Country |
phone | string | Phone no. |
mobile | string | Mobile. |
fax | string | Fax no. |
www | string | Web address |
Email. | ||
secondary_text | string | A secondary text describing this item; this is used as the search text |
createdate | date | Date created (readonly) |
createtime | time | Time created (readonly) |
changedate | date | Last change date (readonly) |
changetime | time | Last change time (readonly) |
typeid | number | The ID of the person type in Microbizz, see GetPersonTypes |
typetext | string | Textual representation of the person type |
isdeleted | bool | If the person is deleted/deactivated |
requestconsent | bool | If the person should be asked to consent to GDPR whenever the GDPR setup changes |
team | number | reference to the team the person is a part of. |
This object may include custom fields.
id | number | Person type ID in Microbizz |
title | string | Name of the person type |
color | string | The colour to use for this person type |
code | string | A one-character code denoting the type |
id | string | Id of destination. |
destination | string | Term of destination |
is either
a U
followed by a user ID, or
a T
followed by a team ID, f.ex. U23
or T4
. destination
is the name of the user / team.
id | number | The Microbizz ID |
modcode | string | The module to which this belongs |
sysref | number | The ID of an object in the module |
isdeleted | boolean | 1 if the procedure has been deleted and should not be shown |
title | lstring | The title of this procedure |
text | string | The text for the procedure |
visible4 | collection[number] |
Currently modcode
is always customers
and so sysref
refers to the ID of a company.
is a list of company types for which the procedure should be shown.
id | number | Id of this production entry in Microbizz |
userid | number | Who is going to work on the todo? User ID |
todoid | number | Which todo? Todo ID |
todotext | string | A textual representation of the todo. (readonly) |
secondary_text | string | A secondary text describing this item; this is used as the search text |
date | date | Date of work. |
time | time | Time of work. |
place | string | Place of work. DEPRECATED. |
durationinminutes | number | Duration of work in minutes. |
locked | bool | If the production is locked |
visited | bool | If the production has been visited by the user (readonly) |
activitycolor | string | The colour to use when displaying this entry |
createdate | date | The date when this was created (readonly) |
createtime | time | The time when this was created (readonly) |
displaytime | string | For normal planning this holds starttime and endtime (eg. “09:00 - 12:00”); for full day planning it holds the string “Full day” or similar |
type | boolean | 1 if this is a full day planning, 0 if it is a normal planning |
id | number | Internal Microbizz product ID |
productnumber | string | The product number |
barcode | string | Barcode number |
group | string | Name of product group. Microbizz |
automatically creates and deletes these groups on demand. This field is deprecated and should not be used. Use the field productgroupid instead. | ||
subgroup | string | Name of product subgroup. Microbizz automatical creates and deletes these subgroups on demand. |
title | string | Product title |
price | number | Product base price in lowest local currency. (Typical danish ører) |
costprice | number | Product cost price in lowest local currency. (Typical danish ører) |
isdeleted | boolean | Indicates if this product is deleted |
sparepart | boolean | 1 if this is a sparepart |
supplierid | number | |
favorite | boolean | 1 if this is one of the user's favourite products; use AddFavoriteProduct to update this |
secondary_text | string | This is used as the search text |
units | string | The abbr. of the product unit (readonly) |
unitid | number | The ID of the product unit |
productgroupid | number | The ID of the product group, see GetProductGroups |
id | number | Internal Microbizz product unit ID |
title | string | The name of the unit, eg. 'Liters' or 'meters' |
abbr | string | The abbreviation or the title, eg. 'l' or 'm', max 5 chars |
id | number | Internal Microbizz product use status ID |
title | string | The name of the status |
color | string | Format is '#RRGGBB' |
default | bool | If this should be the default product use state |
showinapp | bool | If this should be displayed for product uses |
useinapp | bool | If this should be selectable |
id | number | Internal Microbizz product use status ID |
number | number | The project # |
workareaid | number | Internal Microbizz workarea ID |
workareatext | string | Name of the workarea |
customerid | number | Internal Microbizz customer ID |
customertext | string | Name of the company |
title | string | The name of the project |
description | string | |
address | string | |
address2 | string | |
zip | string | |
country | string | |
stateid | number | Internal Microbizz project state ID |
statetext | string | |
isclosed | bool | |
priority | number | |
estimate | number | Estimate in minutes |
userid | number | Internal Microbizz user ID |
usertext | string | The name of the user |
team | number | Internal Microbizz team ID |
isdeleted | bool | |
ispublic | bool | |
requisition | string | |
startdate | date | |
deadline | date | |
closedate | date | |
projecttype | number | Internal Microbizz project type ID |
personid | number | Internal Microbizz person ID |
persontext | string | The name of the contact person |
createdby | number | The ID of the user who created this |
longitude | float | |
latitude | float | |
invoicepolicy | number | Internal Microbizz invoicepolicy number |
price | number | |
createdate | date | (readonly) |
createtime | time | (readonly) |
changedate | date | (readonly) |
changetime | time | (readonly) |
id | number | Internal Microbizz projectactivity ID |
title | string | The name of the activity |
projectid | string | Internal Microbizz project ID |
projecttext | string | The name of the project |
objecttype | string | The type of object that is attached to this activity, either |
objectid | number | The ID of the object |
parentid | number | The ID of the parent activity or 0 |
parenttext | string | The name of the parent |
startdate | date | |
enddate | date | |
duration | number | Duration in days |
estimate | number | Estimate in minutes |
progress | number | Progress from 0 - 100 |
createdate | date | (readonly) |
createtime | time | (readonly) |
changedate | date | (readonly) |
changetime | time | (readonly) |
id | number | The Microbizz ID of the project template |
title | string | The title of the project template |
type | number | The ID of the project type, see GetProjectTypes |
id | number | The Microbizz ID of the project type |
title | string | The title of the project type |
color | string | Color for the project type, format is "#RRGGBB" |
id | number | ID of this specific registration in Microbizz. |
isdeleted | boolean | Indicate if this registration is a deleted registration. |
userid | number | The user id of the user making the registration. |
date | date | Date of registration |
locked | boolean | It indicates if a registration is locked. A locked registration cannot be edited or deleted. |
approved | boolean | It indicates if a registration day (work sheet) is approved by a team leader in the Microbizz system. When writing this it approves only the registration and sets the active user as the one who approved. |
approvedby | int | the userid of the user which approved the registration. |
gpslock | boolean | 1 if the GPS cordination was within 500 m of the expected location |
registrationtext | string | This is a textual representation of the registration, used to display the registration. (readonly) |
todoid* | number | Which todo? Todo ID |
customerid* | number | Which customer? Customer ID. |
internalid* | number | Which internal registration? Internal registration ID, |
workareaid | number | Workarea ID |
starttime | time | Time the registration started. |
minutes | number | Number of minutes worked. |
note | string | An optional note to attach to the registration. |
star1 | boolean | Star 1 |
star2 | boolean | Star 2 |
star3 | boolean | Star 3 |
star4 | boolean | Star 4 |
longitude | float | GPS longitude from where the user performed the registration |
latitude | float | GPS latitude from where the user performed the registration |
toolid | number | Tool ID |
costprice | number | The costprice of the registration per hour |
onetime_costprice | number |
The onetime cost price of the registration (if any). Typically this is from custom registrations. Read-only. | ||
total_costprice | number | The total cost price of the registration (which is costprice x minutes/60 + onetime_costprice). Read-only. |
src | number | Subsystem that generated this entry: 1=manual, 2=automatic, 3=checkout, 4=ticket |
srcid | number | Depends on |
invoiced | number | The invoiced status of the registration; either 0=not handled, 1=handled, 2= rejected |
customregistrations | set | If the "custom registrations" special functionality is enabled, any custom registration is included in this field. In each item in the set, the key of the item is the custom registration id and the value is the value of the selection. |
(*) means that one of these must be set.
id | number | ID of this internal registration |
text | text | The title of this external registration |
The repeat object is for todos of the type "repeat, exact", the wgrepeat object is for todos of the type "repeat, loose".
id | number | The Microbizz ID of this repeat |
todoid | number | The Microbizz ID of the todo that this repeat belongs to |
userid | number | The Microbizz ID of a user (repeat only) |
usertext | text | The name of the user (repeat only) |
repetition | text | See How do I import repetitions on tasks? for details |
isdeleted | bool | 1 if this has been deleted |
createdate | date | (readonly) |
createtime | time | (readonly) |
changedate | date | (readonly) |
changetime | time | (readonly) |
id | number | Team ID in Microbizz |
title | string | Team title |
remoteid | string |
AKA quotation.
id | number | Quotation ID in Microbizz |
number | string | The quotation number |
title | string | |
customerid | number | The Microbizz ID of the company |
customertext | string | The name of the company |
userid | number | The Microbizz ID of the seller |
usertext | string | The name of the seller |
requisition | string | |
unitid | number | The Microbizz ID of a unit |
team | number | The Microbizz ID of the team |
todoref | number | Reference for todo object. |
todorefs | Array | Reference for all todos associated with the salescontract |
contracttext | lstring | The description of the quotation |
contracthtml | lstring | The description of the quotation as HTML. (readonly) |
startdate | date | |
expecteddate | date | |
phaseid | number | The Microbizz ID of the phase |
phasetext | string | The name of the phase |
stateid | number | The Microbizz ID of the state, readonly |
statetext | string | The name of the state |
personid | number | The Microbizz ID of the responsible person |
persontext | string | The name of the person |
typeid | number | The Microbizz ID of the type of the quotation |
typetext | string | The textual name of the type |
createdate | date | (readonly) |
createtime | time | (readonly) |
changedate | date | (readonly) |
changetime | time | (readonly) |
This object may include custom fields.
id | number | Quotation ID in Microbizz |
contractid | number | The Microbizz ID of the quotation |
count | number | The number of items to add |
units | string | The units, eg. 'kg' or 'liters' or whatever |
itemnumber | string | The product number |
baseprice | number | Read only |
baseprice1 | number | Writeable baseprice, only allows a single value, not monthly values |
costprice | number | |
discount | number | The discount in % |
itemname | string | The name of the product |
note | string | |
issubscr | boolean | If the line is a subscription |
createdate | date | (readonly) |
createtime | time | (readonly) |
changedate | date | (readonly) |
changetime | time | (readonly) |
id | number | Protocol ID in Microbizz |
title | string | |
qfids | collection | List of questionform IDs to be completed in the specified order |
serviceagreementid | number | |
taskreq | number | 1 if it is required to select a task; 0 if it isn't required; 2 if the app shouldn't ask at all |
type | string | Either "service" or "inspection" |
id | number | Stock ID in Microbizz |
title | number | Title of the stock |
objecttype | string | Object type the stock is attached to. |
Either customer or tool | ||
objectid | number | Id of the object the stock is attached to. |
id | number | Stodo ID in Microbizz |
assignedbyuserid | number | The ID of the user who created this reminder, may be 0 |
date | date | The date when the reminder should appear |
time | time | The time when the reminder should appear |
description | string | Description of the reminder |
modcode | string | What type of object this reminder refers to, may be empty if there is no relevant object |
objectid | number | The ID of an object that this reminder refers to |
id | number | The Microbizz ID of the subscription |
customerid | number | The Microbizz ID of a customer |
teamid | number | The Microbizz ID of a team |
productnumber | string | A product number used when invoicing |
count | number | The number of items to invoice |
unitid | number | The units of the items |
title | string | The name of the subscription |
description | string | The description of the subscription |
period | number | The invoice period |
nevermonths | collection[number] | Don't invoice in these months |
requisition | string | |
price | number | The amount to invoice |
discount | number | |
inheritdiscount | bool | If the discount should be taken from the customer |
onseparateinvoice | bool | |
ahead | bool | |
startdate | date | When the subscription starts |
expired | bool | The subscription is expired |
nextinvoicedate | date | |
expiredate | date | When the subscription expires |
todoids | collection[number] | List of relevant tasks |
toolid | number | The ID of an equipment |
id | number | Todo ID in Microbizz |
number | string | Todo number in Microbizz |
workareaid | number | Workarea ID. if set to an invalid workarea id. the id will be set to a random workarea to avoid todo failure. |
workareatext | string | A textual representation of the workarea (readonly) |
customerid | number | Customer ID. |
customertext | string | A textual representation of the customer name. (readonly) |
icons | collection[number] | A list of icon IDs to show on this todo. |
iconlinks | collection | A list of links for the icons |
checkpoints | collection[number] | A list of checkpoints to complete when checked in on this todo |
title | string | Title |
secondary_text | string | A secondary text describing this item; this is used as the search text |
address | string | Address |
address2 | string | Second address-line |
zip | string | Zip |
city | string | City |
country | string | Country |
description | lstring | Longer description |
htmldescription | lstring | Longer description, |
HTML formatted (from 2020 Q3); text specified |
in |
will be converted |
to HTML, images are not included. | ||
stateid | number | State of todo ID. |
statetext | string | A textual representation of the todo state. (readonly) |
isclosed | boolean | Indicates if todo is closed. |
canclose | boolean | Indicates if the todo can be closed from an external system, such as an mobile phone |
isaccepted | boolean | Indicates if todo is accepted as closed. |
acceptdate | date | The date when the todo was accepted as closed. |
priority | number | Priority. |
estimate | number | Estimate in minutes. |
timeusage | number | Time used in minutes. |
userid | number | Responsible for todo. User ID. |
closedby_userid | number | User ID of user who closed this task. |
usertext | string | Responsible for todo in text. (readonly) |
team | number | Team ID reference |
subtodos | collection [number] | ID of all subtodos to this todo (readonly) |
parenttodo | number | ID of a parent todo to this todo, if non-0 then this is a subtask to another task |
ispersonal | boolean | Indicates that this todo belongs to the current user. (readonly) |
isdeleted | boolean | Indicates if the todo should be shown or not. If this is true, then the todo should be considered as deleted. (readonly) |
isprivate | boolean | Todo is private? |
ispublic | boolean | Todo is public? |
requisition | string | Requisition number |
startdate | date | Start date. |
deadline | date | Deadline. |
closedate | date | Closed date |
personid | number | The Microbizz ID of the person who is the contact person |
persontext | string | The name of the person who is the contact person. This field is read-only. |
temperature | number | Todo temperature. (readonly) |
alertradius | number | Geofence radius (in meters) around this todo |
longitude | float | GPS longitude |
latitude | float | GPS latitude |
invoicepolicy | string | See the table below for the possible values |
invoiceperiod | string | One of the following values: "1w", "2w", "3w", "1m", "2m", "3m", "4m", "6m", "1y". "w" means week, "m" means month, "y" means year. |
price | number | |
next_invoicedate | date | Date for next invoice (if task is repeating) |
tasktype | number | 1=AdHoc; 2=Repeat, exact; 3=Repeat, loose; 5=Project |
createdby | number | id of user which created the task. |
createdate | date | Date created (readonly) |
createtime | time | Time created (readonly) |
changedate | date | Last change date (readonly) |
changetime | time | Last change time (readonly) |
qfonclose | number | For app: Question form ID of question form to present on close of this todo. |
qfoncheckout | number | For app: Question form ID of question form to present on checkout from this todo |
qfoncheckout_required | bool | If the question form in qfoncheckout is required or not |
internalsubscribers | collection[number] | List of user IDs of the subscribers |
externalsubscribers | collection[number] | List of person IDs of the subscribers |
addresses | collection[ address ] | List of other addresses that are relevant |
competences | set | List of competences and the minimum required level for each competence |
seperate_invoice | boolean | Set to 1 if the task should be on a sep. inv. instead of on an inv. with other tasks for the same company |
placename | string | The name of the delivery place |
additionaluserids | collection[number] | List of IDs of additional users |
contactname | string | Name of contact person, if Microbizz is setup to not use the personid field |
contactphone | string | Phone of the contact person, if Microbizz is setup to not use the personid field |
nextactiondate | date | Date of next planning, readonly |
nextactiontime | time | Time of next planning, readonly |
lastaction | date | Date of last planning, readonly |
projectid | number | ID of a project (only if the Project module is enabled; this is not the parenttodo) |
projectgroupid | number | ID of a projectactivity of type group |
projecttext | string | The name of the project, see projectid |
projectgrouptext | string | The name of the projectactivity, see projectgroupid |
plannedto | collection[number] | List of users for whom this task is planned |
parenttodo_ns_number | string | The task # of the parent task, if any |
accord_isaccord | bool | If this task uses accord, readonly |
accord_minutes | number | Accord minutes, readonly |
accord_totalvalue | number | Total value of accord, readonly |
accord_payed | number | Total value payed, readonly |
accord_rate | number | Accord rate, readonly |
accord_settledate | date | Date of accord payment, readonly |
invoice_customerid | number | The Microbizz ID of the "payment company" |
acceptby | number | The Microbizz ID of the user who approved the task, or 0 if not approved |
slaid | number | The Microbizz ID of the type of SLA, or 0 if SLA is not used, readonly |
slatext | string | The name of the SLA type, if SLA is used, readonly |
sla_startdate | date | When the SLA clock was started, if SLA is used, readonly |
sla_starttime | time | When the SLA clock was started, if SLA is used, readonly |
sla_deadlinedate | date | The deadline of the SLA, if SLA is used, readonly |
sla_deadlinetime | time | The deadline of the SLA, if SLA is used, readonly |
workpoolids | collection[number] | List of the IDs of the workpools that the task belongs to, readonly |
inworkpool | bool | 1 if the task is in one or more workpools, readonly |
Values for invoicepolicy - these must be spelled exactly as below:
This object may
include custom fields.
id | number | An ID identifying this line of product use |
todoid | number | Todo ID, where this product was used. |
count | float | Number of products used. |
productnumber | string | Product number of the used product |
linetext | string | Text of invoice line. Typically product name |
unitprice | number | Price pr. unit in lowest local currency (Typically danish ører). This is before any discount is applied. |
status | number |
The Complex types#productusestate for this product use | ||
orderid | number | Can be used for sorting |
note | string | A note attached to this product use |
isdeleted | boolean | Indicates if this product use is deleted |
locked | boolean | Indicates if this product use is locked (ie cannot be modified or deleted) |
invoiced | number | The invoiced status of the product use; either 0=not handled, 1=handled, 2= rejected |
discount | number | A discount to be applied to the line. 0 = no discount, 100 = 100 % discount. |
changedate | date | Last change date |
changetime | time | Last change time |
useddate | date | The date when the product was used |
toolid | number | Tool ID |
ediid | number | The ID of an EDI |
budgetareaid | number | The Microbizz ID of |
stockid | number | The Microbizz ID of |
units | string | The abbreviation of the product unit |
unitid | number | The Microbizz ID of |
costprice | number | The costprice. |
listprice | number | The list price |
userid | number | The ID of the user who created this product use; 0 if not created by a user; read only |
productgroupid | number | The ID of the product group, see GetProductGroups |
id | number | Todo state ID in Microbizz |
title | string | Todo state title |
isclosestate | boolean | Is this state a closed state? |
color | string | The colour used for the state |
access | bool | Is the user allowed to select this state? |
workareas | set | List of workarea IDs that allow this state |
orderid | number | The ordering ID, used for sorting the states for display |
id | number | Todo state history ID in Microbizz |
todoid | number | Todo id of task with this state. |
stateid | number | Todo state ID in Microbizz |
date | date | The date when the state changed |
time | time | The time when the state changed |
title | string | The name of the state |
id | number | Template id in Microbizz |
title | string | Template title |
requirecustomer | bool | This is 1 if the template requires that a customer is specified |
subtemplates | collection | List of the subtemplates, each is a set with {id,title} |
id | number | Tool ID in Microbizz |
name | string | Tool name |
secondary_text | string | A secondary text describing this item; this is used as the search text |
userid | number | User ID of responsible user. Please note that the responsible user, is not always the same as the person carrying the tool. |
usertext | string | A textual representation of the responsible user. (readonly) |
carrier_userid | number | User ID of user carrying the tool. If this is 0 or not present, the tool is currently not carried. (readonly) |
carrier_usertext | string | A textual representation of the user carrying the tool. (readonly) |
is_carrier | boolean | True of the current user is the carrier. (readonly) |
containedin | number | Tool ID of the tool in which this tool is contained.(readonly) |
containedintext | string | A textual representation of the tool in which this is contained. (readonly) |
is_installed | boolean | Indicates if this tool is installed somewhere. (readonly) |
installed_placetext | string | A textual representation of where this tool is installed. (readonly) |
number | string | Tool number |
code | string | Tool code |
class | string | Tool class (readonly) |
groupid | number | ID of tool group |
group | string | Tool group (readonly) |
make | string | Tool make |
model | string | Tool model |
serialnumber | string | Tool serial number |
nextservice | date | Date of next service |
lastservice | date | Date of last service |
isdeleted | boolean | Indicate if the tool is deleted |
longitude | float | GPS longitude of the last known position of this tool. |
latitude | float | GPS latitude of the last known position of this tool. |
createdate | date | Date created (readonly) |
createtime | time | Time created (readonly) |
changedate | date | Last change date (readonly) |
changetime | time | Last change time (readonly) |
qfonsetdown | number | For app: Question form ID on question form to present on set down of this tool. |
attachedcustomerid | number | Customer ID |
customerid | number | The Microbizz ID of the “place of home” |
todoid | number | Todo ID, if multiple then see todoids |
todoids | array | A collection of Todo IDs, the tasks that are currently associated with the equipment |
barcode | string | Tool barcode |
personid | number | ID of a Person |
persontext | string | The name of the contact person |
icons | collection[number] | The IDs of the custom fields of types "icon" or "icon url" that are set |
iconlinks | set | The URLs for custom fields of type "icon url" that are set |
partslist | collection[ |
List of parts in the parts list for the equipment type | ||
serviceprotocols | collection[number] | The IDs of the service protocols that are available |
stateid | number | The ID of the current state |
statetext | string | The name of the current state |
servicestatus | number | 1=serviced, 2=not serviced, 3=service soon, 4=past service |
picture | string | Image of tool as base64 encoded image data. Please note that only some commands return this field. |
active | boolean | If the tool is active or not. |
remoteid | string | The remote ID of the equipment |
This object may
include custom fields.
The servicestatus
field is usually coloured: 1=green, 2=green, 3=yellow, 4=red,
id | number | The Microbizz ID of the state |
title | string | Name of the state |
color | string | The colour to use when displaying the state |
access | boolean | If the current user is allowed to select this state |
id | number | The ID of the type |
title | string | The title of the type |
allowregs | bool | If the tool type allow registrations |
allowedforms | set | List of IDs of the question forms that are allowed for this tool type |
periodtype | number | The service period type, see below |
period | number | The service period, either days, hours or kilometers, depends on periodtype |
class | number |
The periodtype
field describe how often the equipment needs servicing. It can be either 0 (every N days), 1 (every N hours), 2 (every N kilometers) or 3 (every N days) or 100 (never). The value of N is specified in the
period field
. The difference between type 0 and 3 are only relevant for Microbizz.
This object may
include custom fields.
A thread is a collection of messages.
id | number | The Microbizz ID of the thread |
objecttype | string | |
objectid | number | |
title | string | The title of the thread |
ispublic | bool | If the thread should be shown on the extranet and elsewhere |
isdeleted | bool | 1 if the thread has been deleted |
isunread | bool | 1 if the current user hasn't read all the messages in the thread |
tags | collection[string] | List of tags, each tag is a short text |
lastmessagedate | date | Date of last message |
lastmessagetime | time | Time of last message |
createdate | date | (readonly) |
createtime | time | (readonly) |
messages | collection[ |
externalsubscribers | collection[number] | List of person IDs of subscribers |
internalsubscribers | collection[number] | List of user IDs of subscribers |
A unit is information about how a company moves through a process.
id | number | Unit ID in Microbizz |
title | string | Title of the unit |
customerid | number | ID of a customer in Microbizz |
customertext | string | The name of the customer |
processid | number | ID of the process in Microbizz |
processtext | string | Name of the process |
userid | number | ID of the user in Microbizz |
usertext | string | The name of the user |
phaseid | number | The ID of the phase in Microbizz |
phasetext | string | Name of the phase |
isclosed | bool | |
startdate | date | Date created |
nextdeadline | date | Date created |
finaldeadline | date | Date created |
closedate | date | Date created |
createdate | date | Date created (readonly) |
createtime | time | Time created (readonly) |
changedate | date | Last change date (readonly) |
changetime | time | Last change time (readonly) |
id | number | User ID in Microbizz |
fullname | string | Full name |
initials | string | Initials |
usercode | string | A number identifying the user, such as an employee-number |
Email / login. | ||
password | string | Password. Please note that Microbizz only stores hashes of passwords, so when receiving a user type, the password field will always be blank. |
mobile | string | Mobile phone number |
mobilepin | string | Mobile pin code for the mobile app. |
allowsms | boolean | Is the user allowed to SMS to the system |
isactive | boolean | Is the user active. |
isadministrator | boolean | Is the user an administrator. |
licensetype | string |
Either | ||
createdate | date | Date created (readonly) |
createtime | time | Time created (readonly) |
changedate | date | Last change date (readonly) |
changetime | time | Last change time (readonly) |
usertypeid | number | The ID of the user type |
usertypetext | string | The name of the user type, eg. “Administrative personelle” |
usertypecolor | string | The color used to indicate the user type |
stdteamid | number | The ID of the home team for this user |
address | string | The address of the user |
address2 | string | ged |
zip | string | |
city | string | |
country | string | The address of the user |
birthdate | date | Birthdate of user |
hiredate | date | The date the user was hired |
senioritydate | date | The senioritydate of the user |
deactivationdate | date | If the user is deactivated this was the date of the deactivation. |
competences | set | List of the competences that apply to this user, and the level for each, e.g. {2:5,1:4} means that the user has level 5 of the competence with ID=2, and level 4 of the competence with id=1, see the API call GetCompetences |
requestconsent |
boolean | If the user should be asked to consent to GDPR whenever the GDPR setup changes | |
registration_policy | number | If the user is required to register time: 1=optional, 2=required, 3=automatic |
gps_policy | number | When Microbizz remembers the location of the user: 0=never, 1=work time, 2=always |
usesalary | bool | If the salary system takes this user into account (requires that the salary system is enabled) |
salarymodel | number | The ID of the salary model |
salaryusercode | string | The user code used in the salary system |
stockid | int | id of the stock the user is connected to. Only avaliable with version 2 |
This object may include custom fields.
id | number | Widget ID in Microbizz |
type | string | The type of widget, currently only "iframe" is supported |
link | string | For "iframe" widgets this is the URL to display within an iframe |
id | number | Workarea ID in Microbizz |
title | string | Workarea title |
category | string | Workarea category |
access | bool | If the user may select this workarea when registering time, editing tasks etc. |
id | number | Workplan entry ID in Microbizz. (readonly) |
date | date | |
userid | number | The ID of the user this registration is about. |
regtypeid | number | The ID of this type of workplan entry |
color | string | |
title | string | Title of this type of workplan entry, eg. 'Holiday' or 'Sick' |
atwork | boolean | 1 if the user is at work on this day |
holiday | boolean | 1 if this is a public holiday, eg. christmas |
workdayduration | number | Duration of work day, in minutes. May be 0. |
editedby_userid | number | The MB ID of the user who last edited the workplan entry for this date+user |
busyminutes | number | Minutes of planned work/appointments on this date |
id | number | Workpool ID in Microbizz |
title | string | The title of the workpool |
groupid | number | The group ID of the responsible group/team |
userids | collection[number] | A list of user IDs |
entries | collection[ |
A collection of workpool entries |
id | number | Workpool entry ID in Microbizz |
todoid | number | Todo ID in Microbizz |
title | title | Title of the Todo |
deadline | date | |
estimate | number | Number of minutes |
changedate | date | (readonly) |
changetime | time | (readonly) |
createdate | date | (readonly) |
createtime | time | (readonly) |
id | number | Ticket ID in Microbizz |
number | string | Ticket number in Microbizz |
accountid | number | Account the ticket is assigned to |
customerid | number | The id of the customer the ticket belongs to |
name | string | The name of the ticket |
state | number | The number of the state |
statename | string | The name of the state |
stateid | number | The id of the state |
statetext | string | The description of the state |
typeid | number | The id of the type |
typetext | string | The name of the type. |
tags | array | The array of text tags |
user | number | The user who created the ticket |
original_ticketid | number | The ticket id the ticket may have been created from |
ticketnumber | number | The number of the ticket. |
personid | number | The person id of the person assigned to the ticket |
phonenumber | string | The phone number of the person assigned to the ticket |
closedate | date | The closing date. |
closetime | time | The closing time |
closedby_userid | number | The id of the user who closed the ticket. |
createdby_userid | number | The id of the user who created the ticket. |
closed | boolean | If the ticket is closed |
pending | boolean | If the ticket is pending |
string | The email of the contactperson | |
lastestemailfrom | string | Last email to this ticket |
lastestemailbody | string | Last email text. |
lastestemailsubject | string | Last email subject |
latestemaildate | date | Last email date of recieving. |
lastnote | string | Last note text |
lastresponsiblechange | date | Date of responsible change |
lastmaildate | date | Date of last recieved mail |
laststatechange | date | Date of last state change |
lastnotetime | time | Time of last note |
lastresponsiblechangetime | time | Time of last responsible change |
lastmailtime | time | Time of last mail recieved |
laststatechangetime | time | Time of last state change. |
lastcommtime | time | Time of last communication |
users | array | Array of relevant users for the ticket. |
timesincelast | string | Time for last communication |
todos | array | Array of tasks assigned to this ticket. |
registrationtime | number | Time in minutes of how much is registered. |
invoicedtime | time | The of minutes invoiced so far. |
invoicepolicy | string | The policy used for invoicing. based on the customer. |
source | string | The text the number displays. |
sourceid | number | A number indicating where the ticket was from. |
description | string | The full description of the ticket. |
createdate | date | Date of creation (readonly) |
createtime | time | Time of creation (readonly) |
changedate | date | Date of latest change. (readonly) |
changetime | time | Time of latest change. (readonly) |
Table of Contents |