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Microbizz writes all sorts of information to log files. The log file can be examined in the Settings module; the log files are usually kept for between 1 and 8 weeks, then they are deleted and are gone forever; some log files may be kept for a short period, some may be kept for a longer period. Log lines may be added or removed or changed at any time, this list is not guaranteed to be complete or up to date. 

Each log line contains a time stamp, a log level, info about which user caused the log line to be written, some text, and some optional data.

The data for each log line can be quite extensive, but should not be relied upon to be complete. For example, if details about thousand tasks are sent in a single API command, then the API log may show that a thousand tasks were sent, but it will probably not include all details about the tasks. 

Log line

Here is an example of a log line:

You may click on the "Show data" column to show the data included in the log line. This may be anything but is often a dump of various values that are relevant to what went on. Don't expect it to be readable.


It's possible to download whole log files of choice as a zip archive.

Start dateThe system will download all chosen log files starting from this date.
End dateThe system will download all chosen log files until this date.
LogsThe logs you want to a part of the zip archive.

Log files

The most useful log files are:

APILog of every command received from the apps, and the replies
DBWhen an object is created, updated or deleted it is logged here
EDIDetails about how EDI are read from the EDI provider
ErrorsCritical error. Normaly for the coders
ExchangeDetails on Microsoft Exchange logs
ExtranetDetails about the customers. Eg. login or what they are doing
File SyncLogs about File transfers in File Sync
FormsDetails about the completion of question forms, and the actions that may be executed
JobsDetails about scheduled jobs, that can be setup to run on the server
MailDetails about how Microbizz reads and sends mails
PDFDetails about PDF's. Eg. sending or screenshots.
Details about reports. Eg. sending or creating.
Script speed and resources

Resources usage. How fast it was executed, how much ram was used and other stuff.
It is typical resources like API Calls, Integrations or internal calls like get a Geolocation .

SyncThe integrations use this for logging
SystemStuff that doesn't fit into other logs, but is being handlet by system
TaintStuff that doesn't fit into other logs, details about what Microbizz does "in the background"
Activity - UsersDetails about users activity. It can be users or customers activity. 
Transfer log
When Microbizz has to wait for an object to become "unlocked" it is logged here


The log level selector should largely be ignored; it filters out lines that have a log level higher than the selected one, so if you select "Warning" then you won't see lines with level "Errors" or "Critical".

However, most log lines will probably be with the level "Warning", so don't rely on the log level.

InfoTypically some useful information
WarningsWarnings, but also details that useful when debugging
ErrorsThings that might be considered as errors, but they are often logged at other levels
CriticalCritical error and things that prevents Microbizz from functioning

API log

There are typically only 3 different types of log lines in the API log.

Individual commandWhen a command is received
"Command executed"When the command has been executed; the data included the command parameters
"Command reply"When the reply has been sent, the data included the reply

DB log

The most common and useful log lines are the following:

"Saved a OBJECTNAME (id=X)"An object of type OBJECTNAME and id X has been saved
"Deleted a OBJECTNAME (id=X)"An object of type OBJECTNAME and id X has been deleted

EDI log

Details about how EDI are read from the EDI provider.

"import #X"Imported an EDI with id X
"found file AAAAA"Found an importable file named AAAAA

Forms log

Details about the completion of question forms, and the actions that may be executed. 

"Checking for actions for form answer #X"Microbizz is about to execute the actions for a form answer with id X
"Form answer #X - executing action #Y AAAAA"Microbizz is executing the action AAAAA with id Y for the form answer X
"Form answer #X - action #Y AAAAA should not execute"The form action AAAAA with id Y is going to be skipped
"Form answer #X - set fields ..."A form action has updated fields on an object
"Form answer #X - no receivers"A mail sending action didn't find anyone to send the mail to
"Form answer #X - PDF was generated (Y bytes)"A PDF was generated, it has size Y bytes

Mail log

Details about how Microbizz reads and sends mails; notice that an imported mail may be saved multiple times, e.g. it may be relevant for multiple customers.

"Reading mails from Imap/POP3"Microbizz is about to read import mails from a mail account
"Reading mail from Imap/POP3"Microbizz is about to import a specific mail, the data contains a part of the mail header information
"Receivers"The data holds a list of persons and customers which may be relevant for the mail
"Customer #X is blocked"The customer with id X doesn't allow mail import
"Check if subject matched a task"The data contains the subject, and info about which task (if any) the subject matched
"Not saving"Not saving for this customer or person
Mail #XX queued for AAAAA : BBBBBMail with subject BBBBB has been queued for the receiver AAAAA
Mail #XX sent toA mail was sent

Sync log

The integrations use this for logging. There may be multiple integrations, each integration generates different log lines; the log lines are usually prefixed by the name of the integration.

System log

Stuff that doesn't fit into other logs, details about what Microbizz does "in the background".

"Executing small job AAAAA"Many maintenance operations are performed by "small jobs"
"Small job AAAAA finished"A previously started small job has completed
"Accepting a registration day"A daily worksheet was accepted
"An invoice was created/updated"The data contains the invoice details
"Apply update filter #X ..."The update filter with id X was applied
"Closing a registration day"A daily worksheet was closed
"Push message"A push message was sent to a mobile phone
"Received an invoice post on todo id X"The task with id X was invoiced
"Saved properties: AAAAA"The properties / settings for module AAAAA were saved/updated
"DATA ADJUST"The dangerous DATA ADJUST menu item (in the Settings module) was used 

Wait log

When Microbizz has to wait for an object to become "unlocked" it is logged here. This log is used for debugging when the system feels slow.

"Waited a total of X seconds on ..."An object was locked for a long time, some part of Microbizz had to wait for X seconds for the object to become unlocked
"Locked by: ..."Technical details about what locked the object

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