Image location

Image location

The image location menu is used to search and view all pictures taken in Microbizz, based on certain search criterias, and geolocation.

The menu is accessed through: REPORT/PICTURES/IMAGE LOCATION.

Searching images

When a picture is taken in the system, it will be searchable through this menu.

This is done by using the left side to input search/filter info.

The fields available are:

  • Search: An input field to search for objects that the pictures are attached to ie. a company, task, project, equipment
  • Incl. Subsidiaries: Choose to show pictures related to subcompanies
  • Period: The period a picture is taken
  • Group by: Which module should the resulting pictures be grouped by
  • Main category: Choose a main category if needed
  • Sub category: Choose a sub category if needed
  • Only with location: Only show pictures with geolocation (green dot)

The map

When a search has been completed, the results will be shown on the map in the middle.

Press on a specific picture to show it's information on the right side.

Address search

It's also possible to search for a specific address instead of objects.

This is done by pressing the house icon on the map.

Image information

When a picture is viewed on the right side, it contains information of itself.

These are:

  • Company: The company related to the picture
  • Project: The project related to the picture
  • Task: The task related to the picture
  • Category: The picture main category
  • Subcategory: The picture sub category
  • Date of upload: The date of upload
  • Time of upload: The time of upload
  • Has location: Green = The picture has a valid location - red = The picture does not have a valid location
  • Latitude, Longitude: The picture coordinates
  • Address: The picture address (from the object it was taken on)

PDF export

It's possible to export a picture search result through PDF.

Simply create a master with the "empty area" in the page section where you expect the pictures to be added by the system.

When exporting, press "To PDF" and choose the master.