Giacomo Lindorff (Unlicensed)
Madrigal Totayo
Ilias Sersar
Owned by Giacomo Lindorff (Unlicensed)
The company tab shows a list of companies the person is associated with.
If there are any companies when accessing the company tab, we can either change or delete the association from the person by clicking the pencil.
Change association
To change the association, you can choose to change the following:
- Role: The role of the person in the associated company
- From: A start date for when the association started
- To: An end date for when the association is to be ended
New association
By clicking the New association button, you can associate the person to as many companies as needed.
You can fill in the following:
- Company: Choose a company the person must associate with
- Role: Choose between one of person roles you have previously declared
- Historical association: If checked, you can create a previous association. You can fill out the following:
- From: A start date for when the association started
- To: An end date for when the association is to be ended. It will never be later than the date for "today"
- Remove associations to other companies: If checked, any other association will be removed