If this is your first time using Microbizz Drive, you will need to tweak your Microbizz setup a bit beforehand. We recommend starting out by reading our setup guide here.
However, if you have already configured your setup, then you have landed in the right place.
To be able to install Microbizz Drive, you must have gathered the following information:
API key
Server name
Contract number
Lets start out by obtaining your API key. This is your unique key that allows external products to communicate with Microbizz. It is important that you save the API key as we will need it again later.
You will find your API key in the corresponding menu item in the Setup module
Two API keys can never be the same
Your server name is the same as your URL link that you use to access Microbizz daily.
Your contract number can be found under your username when you are logged in to Microbizz.
Double-click the install.exe file. You will now be greeted by the following window, where you are asked to enter all the information we have obtained, as well as to decide where you would like to synchronize your Microbizz files to.
You will need to share your drive to Microbizz Drive accessible by everyone in the company
Then press "Next" to complete installation. Thats it!
The installation will then begin the initial synchronization automatically.
If this is your first time using Microbizz Drive, you will need to tweak your Microbizz setup a bit beforehand. We recommend starting out by reading our setup guide here.
However, if you have already configured your setup, then you have landed in the right place.
To be able to install Microbizz Drive, you must have gathered the following information:
API key
Server name
Contract number
Lets start out by obtaining your API key. This is your unique key that allows external products to communicate with Microbizz. Two API keys can never be the same.
You will find your API key in the corresponding menu item in the Setup module
It is important that you save the API key as we will need it again later.
Your server name is the same as your URL link that you use to access Microbizz daily.
Your contract number can be found under your username when you are logged in to Microbizz.
Double-click the install.exe file. You will now be greeted by the following window, where you are asked to enter all the information we have obtained, as well as to decide where you would like to synchronize your Microbizz files to.
You will need to share your drive to Microbizz Drive accessible by everyone in the company
Then press "Next" to complete installation. Thats it!
The installation will then begin the initial synchronization automatically.