Creating a person
To begin we need to create a new person.
This is done by accessing the create function in the person menu as shown below.
When creating a person there are different informations to take into account.
- First name: The first name of the person you are creating
- Surname: The surname of the person you are creating
- Type: Person types are a way of grouping persons across Microbizz. Learn more about these in the Person types section
- Address: Add an address to assign the home location of this person
- Email: The email of the person that is used for receiving mail updates from Microbizz or other users
- Mobile number: The mobile number of the person, which is used to contact the person either by a colleague or the system
- Person ID #: Some integrations communicate persons by their identification number
- Request GDPR consent?: Use this function to send a GDPR consent request to the person
- Expiration date: The day the person is to be disbanded from the company
- Company: The company the person is employed at
- Team: Choose the teams in which this user should be. Learn about Teams in this section
- Our reference: The user within your company that have referred to or knows the person
- User name: The username used to login to the Extranet
- Password: The password used to login to the Extranet
- Autosubscribe new public tasks: If ticked, Microbizz notifies the person of any new public tasks
That's it. You have now created a person.
Viewing a user
The person card is accessed either by the menu SEARCH or SEARCH WITH FILTER where can search for all the persons in your system with or without filters, respectively.