In Microbizz, there are different methods you can export invoice lines.
- Method: You can choose between six different ways to export your invoices:
- Download CSV file
- Download PDF file
- Send to Economic: Choosing this method, lets you invoice your customers through E-conomic. You have to fill out the following:
- User number
- Username
- Password
- Product group
- Debitor group ID
- Currency code
- Send to Fortnox: Choosing this method, lets you invoice your customers through Fortnox. You have to fill out the following:
- Password
- Send CSV via FTP: You can finally choose to have your invoice lines exported via mail. All you have to fill out is the following:
- Server name
- Username
- Password
- Folder
- Filename
- Send CSV via mail: You can finally choose to have your invoice lines exported via mail. All you have to fill out is the following:
- The name you want to send as
- The email you want to send from
- Invoice in MB: Allows you to manage invoices in Microbizz
Download CSV file
This section has the following settings:
- Data format: You can choose to export the data in one of the following formats:
- Standard
Download PDF file
This section has the following settings:
- Template:
- VAT (%):
Send to Economic
In addition to the mandatory fields that has to be filled out (mentioned above), this section has the following settings:
- Create companies:
- Create products:
- Add our reference:
- Update companies:
- Invoice email is:
- Invoice title:
- Invoice pr. task:
- Invoice text 1:
- Task # in text:
- Employee group ID:
- Terms of payment:
- Layout:
- Standard cashbook:
- Use department:
- Copy to our reference:
- Auto-book invoices:
- Send invoices from (name): The name you want to send invoices as
- Send invoices from (email): The email you want to send invoices from
- Subject: The subject of your email when sending invoices
- Standard invoice text: A standard text sent out with the invoices
- Repeat: You can choose how often Microbizz should automatically export invoices. There are many periods you can choose from such as:
- Once only
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Yearly
- Every "N" days
- Weekly, in even weeks
- Annually, odd years
- Etc.
- Once only
- Handle public holidays: You can choose how often Microbizz should automatically export invoices during public holidays. You can choose one of the following options:
- Allow holidays
- Exclude holidays (use global setting)
- Skip to next working day
- Time:
Send to Fortnox
In addition to the mandatory fields that has to be filled out (mentioned above), this section has the following settings:
- Terms of payment:
- Currency code:
- Bookkeep account:
- Auto-book invoices: If checked, every invoice is automatically booked as soon as it is created
- Send invoices from (name): The name you want to send invoices as
- Send invoices from (email): The email you want to send invoices from
- Subject: The subject of your email when sending invoices
- Standard invoice text: A standard text sent out with the invoices
- Repeat: You can choose how often Microbizz should automatically export invoices. There are many periods you can choose from such as:
- Once only
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Yearly
- Every "N" days
- Weekly, in even weeks
- Annually, odd years
- Etc.
- Once only
- Handle public holidays: You can choose how often Microbizz should automatically export invoices during public holidays. You can choose one of the following options:
- Allow holidays
- Exclude holidays (use global setting)
- Skip to next working day
- Time: