The call tab shows a list of calls, if any, that are attached to the company.
Any completed calls can be viewed by markingshow completed.
In order to complete calls, you have to make them first. In order to do so, you have to click on the green telephone icon. This will direct you to the call in theSales module.
Create new call
You can create a new call by clicking on New call.
You'll need to fill out the following:
Who is calling: Choose the user that should make the call
Call date: The date the call should be made
Time: The time for the call
Telephone: Choose between one of the following phone numbers to make the call to:
(main number): The company's main number
PERSON NAME: Any person that is already attached can be chosen from the drop-down box
(add person): Allows you to create and attach a new person to the company
Note (new call): Create a note for the call
You can either save the call with the Save button or make the call immediately with the Call now button.