Add a time registration to Microbizz.
id | number | The ID of the newly saved registration, or 0 if MB failed to save the registration |
registrationentry | registrationentry | The newly saved registration |
Approve an existing time registration in Microbizz.
registrationid | number | The Microbizz ID of the registration. |
userid | number | The Microbizz ID of the user who approved the registration. |
Update an existing registration. Only works for registrations that already belong to the current user. Only updates minutes, start time, workarea, note and stars.
registrationentry | registrationentry | The time registration to update. |
id | number | The ID of the registration |
Delete a registration by ID.
registrationentryid | number | The ID of the registration to delete |
Clear all registrations from Microbizz, on a given date (and for a given user).
date | date | The date on which to clear the work. |
userid | number | Optional user id. If provided, then only clear registrations for the user with this id. |
Get all registrations in Microbizz, registered on a given date (and for a given user).
date | date | The date on which to get registrations. |
userid | number | The ID of a user to get registrations from. This is optional, and if not provided the API login user is assumed. |
registrationentries | collection[ registrationentry ] | A collection of the relevant registrations, or an empty collection if no products were found. |
state | number | Shows the state on the registration. 1: OPEN, 2: CLOSED, 3: CLOSED AND ACCEPTED |
isopen | boolean | Indicates if this date is open for registrations. |
regtypeid | int | The ID of the workplan registration for the date |
atwork | boolean | If the user is supposed to be at work on the date |
color | string | The color of the workplan registration for the date |
title | string | The name of the workplan registration for the date |
holiday | boolean | If the date is a holiday |
Get all registrations for a given object.
objecttype | string | The type of object to read registrations for, either 'todo', 'customers' or 'tools'. |
objectid | number | The ID of an object. |
registrationentries | collection[ registrationentry ] | A collection of the relevant registrations, or an empty collection if no products were found. |
Get a collection of registrations changed since a given date and time. Please note that this refers to when the registration was changed, and not on what time it was made.
changedate | date | Return all registration changed on or after the provided date. |
changetime | time | If this is provided only return registrations changed after the provided date and time. |
resumekey | string | If a partial result is returned, provide the resumekey received along with the partial result, to get the rest of the entries |
onlyapproved | boolean | If true then only return approved registrations |
registrations | collection[registrationentry] | A collection of the relevant registrations, or an empty collection if no registration was found. |
resumekey | string | Sometimes the entire result cannot be returned because it's to large. In that case a resumekey is returned along with the results. Execute the command again with this resumekey to get the remaining results. |
Closes all registrations by date.
date | date | The date on which to close registrations. |
note | string | The note for the day |
state | number | Shows the state on the registration. 1: OPEN, 2: CLOSED, 3: CLOSED AND ACCEPTED |
Get all registrations which is pending invoicing.
getall | boolean | If this is set, then all pending registrations are returned, with no assumptions whether they are invoicable or not. |
registrationentries | collection [registrationentry] | A collection of the relevant registrations, or an empty collection if no products were found. |
Mark the given registrations as invoiced.
registrationids | collection [number] | A collection of all registration entry ids to mark as invoiced. |
Get all possible internal registrations in Microbizz.
Get all registrations for a period.
startdate | date | The first valid registrationdate |
enddate | date | The last valid registrationdate |
resumekey | string | If a partial result is returned, provide the resumekey received along with the partial result, to get the rest of the entries |
registrations | collection[registrationentry] | A collection of the relevant registrations, or an empty collection if no registration was found. |
resumekey | string | Sometimes the entire result cannot be returned because it's to large. In that case a resumekey is returned along with the results. Execute the command again with this resumekey to get the remaining results. |
Get the definitions of all custom registrations.
customregistrations | collection[customregistration] | A collection of custom registrations, or an empty collection if no custom registrations were found. |