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- Optional: The user isn't required to fill out a worksheet every day. Time registration is either not required be the company or this specific user is allowed to decide how to manage time registration
- Required: As the work implies, the user has to register time. The system will create a daily worksheet where time is expected to be registered and at the end of the day, the user will have to close the worksheet
- Automatic: The user can't register time. It's done automatically by the system by looking at what is planned on any specific day, and transfer that same time to the users worksheet, which is also closed automatically at the end of the day
- During working hours: The system will only register the location during the working hours assigned in the workweek section as mentioned below
- Don't track: The system won't track the users location
When creating a user, you can add a workweek. This is used to for different purposes in Microbizz. For example when to plan a task, or for salary purposes. You can choose to ignore this section by not activating it.
User tabs