Add a time registration to Microbizz.
id | number | The ID of the newly saved registration, or 0 if MB failed to save the registration |
registrationentry | registrationentry | The newly saved registration |
Approve an existing time registration in Microbizz.
registrationid | number | The Microbizz ID of the registration. |
userid | number | The Microbizz ID of the user who approved the registration. |
Update an existing registration. Only works for registrations that already belong to the current user. Only updates minutes, start time, workarea, note and stars.
The internalid (the ID of an internal post) can only be updated if the registration already refers to an internal post.
registrationentry | registrationentry | The time registration to update. |
version | int | version 2 or above has admin features. like setting approvedby, locked and gpslock |
ignorepatches | bool | 0 or 1 if 1 then patches will not overwrite the registrations if the contract has active patches. |
id | number | The ID of the registration |
Delete a registration by ID.
registrationentryid | number | The ID of the registration to delete |
Clear all registrations from Microbizz, on a given date (and for a given user).
date | date | The date on which to clear the work. |
userid | number | Optional user id. If provided, then only clear registrations for the user with this id. |
Get all registrations in Microbizz, registered on a given date (and for a given user).
date | date | The date on which to get registrations. |
userid | number | The ID of a user to get registrations from. This is optional, and if not provided the API login user is assumed. |
registrationentries | collection[ registrationentry ] | A collection of the relevant registrations, or an empty collection if no products were found. |
state | number | Shows the state on the registration. 1: OPEN, 2: CLOSED, 3: CLOSED AND ACCEPTED |
isopen | boolean | Indicates if this date is open for registrations. |
regtypeid | int | The ID of the workplan registration for the date |
atwork | boolean | If the user is supposed to be at work on the date |
color | string | The color of the workplan registration for the date |
title | string | The name of the workplan registration for the date |
holiday | boolean | If the date is a holiday |
Get all registrations for a given object.
objecttype | string | The type of object to read registrations for, either 'todo', 'customers' or 'tools'. |
objectid | number | The ID of an object. |
registrationentries | collection[ registrationentry ] | A collection of the relevant registrations, or an empty collection if no products were found. |
Get a collection of registrations changed since a given date and time. Please note that this refers to when the registration was changed, and not on what time it was made.
changedate | date | Return all registration changed on or after the provided date. |
changetime | time | If this is provided only return registrations changed after the provided date and time. |
resumekey | string | If a partial result is returned, provide the resumekey received along with the partial result, to get the rest of the entries |
onlyapproved | boolean | If true then only return approved registrations |
registrations | collection[registrationentry] | A collection of the relevant registrations, or an empty collection if no registration was found. |
resumekey | string | Sometimes the entire result cannot be returned because it's to large. In that case a resumekey is returned along with the results. Execute the command again with this resumekey to get the remaining results. |
Reopens a registration day / daily time sheet.
date | date | The date to reopen. |
userid | number | ID of the user to affect; default is the active user |
state | number | Shows the state of the registration day. 1: OPEN, 2: CLOSED, 3: CLOSED AND ACCEPTED |
Closes all registrations by date.
date | date | The date on which to close registrations. |
note | string | The note for the day |