Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


productproductThe product to create/update


productproductThe product object as it is in Microbizz after the update


The product id in the input product object will be ignored.


productproductThe product to create/update


productproductThe product object as it is in Microbizz after the update



productscollection[ product ]A collection either empty if no products was found, or with exactly one element being the product.



productscollection[ product ]A collection either empty if no products was found, or with exactly one element being the product.



productscollection[ product ]A collection of the relevant products, or an empty collection if no products were found.
resumekeystringSometimes the entire result cannot be returned because it's to large. In that case a resumekey is returned along with the results. Execute the command again with this resumekey to get the remaining results.
