- Edit user: Allows you to specify who has permission to edit administer user information
- Delete user: Allows you to specify who has permission to delete users
- Create user: Allows you to specify who has permission to create new users
- Change type: Allows you to specify who has permission to edit which administer the type is assigned to a userusers
- Deactivate user: Allows you to specify who has permission to deactive users
- User - Activity: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Activity" tab on users
- User - Working week: Allows you to specify who has access to the tabs "Competences" and "Working Week" on users
- User - Competences: Allows you to specify who has permission to edit and add administer the competences section
- User - Edit competences: Allows you to specify who has permission to choose which administer competences is enabled on users.
- User - Files: Allows you to specify who has access to the tab "Files"
- User - Messages:
- User - Accounts:
- User - Prices: Allows you to specify who has access to the tab "Prices"
- User - Notes: Allows you to specify who has access to the tab "Notes"
- User - Production: Allows you to specify who has access to the tab "Production"
- User - Forms: Allows you to specify who has access to the tab "Forms"
- User - Equipment: Allows you to specify who has access to the tab "Equipment"
- User - Integrations:
- User - Log book:
- User - Statistics: Allows you to specify who has access to the tab "Statistics"
- Teams: Allows you to specify who has permission to add/edit administer teams
- External code word:
- Configure mobile units:
- See mobile units:
- See location log:
- Fields: Allows you to specify who has permission to add/edit administer the custom fields section
- Company logo: Allows you to specify who has access to change the Company logo
- User types: Allows you to specify who has permission to add and change administer the user types available (User > Settings > User Types)
- Salary: Allows you to specify who has has permission to access administer the Salary module
- Person data:
- Depot order:
- Set standard folder structure:
- Update form answers (all modules):
- Approve form answers:
- Update filters:
- User disclosure: Allows you to specify who has permission access to the tab "Disclosure"