todoid | number | The ID of the task to add the file to. |
filename | string | The name of the file, eg. “MyDocument.PDF” |
filedata | binary | A binary stream. |
title | string | A file title (not a file name) |
Add a file to a tool/equipment.
toolid | number | The ID of the tool to add the file to. |
filename | folder | string | The | name path of the | filefolder, eg. | “MyDocument.PDF”
filedata | binary | A binary stream. |
title | string | A file title (not a file name) |
folder | string | The path of the folder, eg. "FilesFromAPI/Diagrams" |
Add a file to a company/customer.
customerid | number | The ID of the customer to add the file to. |
filename | string | The name of the file, eg. “MyDocument.PDF” |
filedata | binary | A binary stream. |
title | string | A file title (not a file name)"FilesFromAPI/Diagrams" |
Add an audio file to a todo.
todoid | number | The ID of the todo to add the audio to. |
title | string | A file title (not a file name) |
format | string | One of: mp3 wav aac |
audiodata | binary | A binary stream containing audio data in the specified format. |
Get a list of all todo templates.
Get a list of all todo states.
states | collection [ todostate ] | The available states |
If a toolid
is provided then the tool will be attached to the todo.
templateid | number | The id of the template (which can be obtained by GetTodoTemplates) |
title | string | A base title for the created todo |
customerid | number | An id of a customer on which to attach the todo. (In some configurations this is required) |
toolid | number | The ID of a tool to attach to the todo |
todo | todo | The primary todo created from the template. (A template can contain more than one todo) |
Get list of tasks that are planned for the current user.
todos | collection[number] | List of IDs of the tasks that are planned for the user. |
Get all documents on a todo by todo id
todoid | number | The Microbizz todo ID |
inclthumbs | bool | True to include thumbnails |
inclfolders | bool | True to include folders |
documents | collection [ document ] | The documents present on the todo |
folders | collection [ folder ] | The folders present on the todo |
Get a collection of all product use since the given date.
changedate | date | Return all product use on or after the provided date. |
changetime | time | If this is provided only return product use changed after the provided date and time. |
resumekey | string | If a partial result is returned, provide the resumekey received along with the partial result, to get the rest of the entries |
productuse | collection[ todoitem ] | A collection of the relevant product use, or an empty collection if no products were used. |
resumekey | string | Sometimes the entire result cannot be returned because it's to large. In that case a resumekey is returned along with the results. Execute the command again with this resumekey to get the remaining results. |
Get a collection of all product use on the given todo.
todoid | number | ID of todo to receive product use |
productuse | collection[ todoitem ] | A collection of the relevant product use, or an empty collection if no products were used on this todo. |
Get a collection of all product use on the given tool.
toolid | number | ID of tool to receive product use |
spareparts | boolean | 1 to get spareparts only, 0 to get non-spareparts only |
productuse | collection[ todoitem ] | A collection of the relevant product use, or an empty collection if no products were used with this tool. |
Delete some product use by product use ID. The command will succeed even if the product use doesn't exist.
productuseid | number | ID of the product use to remove |
Deprecated: Consider using CreateUpdateProductUse
Add product use to the todo specified by the given todo ID.
productuse | todoitem | The product use. Even though the id field must be provided, it is ignored. |
todoid | number | ID of todo to receive product use |
nopricecalc | boolean | Set to 1 to disable price calculation (eg. when copying product use) |
copyid | number | Optional ID of the prod.use that was copied, used for copying some details |
Add product use to the todo specified by the given todo ID. Most of the details will be taken from the parts list setup.
productuse | collection[ partuse ] | Details about the product used for each part in the parts list. |
todoid | number | ID of todo to receive product use |
useddate | date | The date of use |
usedtime | time | The time of use |
If the product use provided have a productuse id of 0, new product use will be created and a new productuse id will be provided.
productuse | todoitem | The product use to create/update |
nopricecalc | boolean | Set to 1 to disable price calculation (eg. when copying product use) |
copyid | number | Optional ID of the prod.use that was copied, used for copying some details |
productuse | todoitem | The product use object as it is in Microbizz after the update |
Get all product use pending invoicing.
productuse | collection[ todoitem ] | A collection of all product use pending invoicing. |
Mark the selected product use as invoiced.
productuseids | collection[number] | A collection of all product use ids to mark as invoiced. |
Get all destinations for use when planning a todo
destinations | collection[ plandestination ] | A collection of all destinations which can be used. |
myself | number | The destination that is the user himself |
Plan a todo to a specific destination.
todoid | number | ID of the todo to plan. |
date | date | Date to plan to. |
time | time | Time to plan to. |
destination | string | The destination to plan to, see GetPlanDestinations ; may be an array of string, to plan to multiple users/teams. |
duration | number | Number of minutes to plan; must be 0 if enddate is set. |
enddate | date | If set then there will be planned for all the dates between 'date' and 'enddate'. |
endtime | time | Only used if enddate is set, in which case it is required. |
nonworkingdays | bool | If true then also plan on non-working days. |
fullday | boolean | 1 to create full day planning or 0 to create normal planning; duration +enddate +endtime +time are ignored for full day plannings |
prodplanids | collection[number] | The Microbizz IDs of all the plannings that were created |
Get info about the workpools.
changedate | date |
changetime | time |
disabled | bool | If workpools are disabled, default is false |
workpools | collection[ workpool ] | A collection of workpools |
Add a Todo to a workpool, or remove a Todo from a workpool.
workpoolentryid | number | ID of a workpool entry in Microbizz |
todoid | number | ID of a Todo in Microbizz |
workpoolid | number | ID of a workpool in Microbizz |
wastaken | bool | True if the Todo was removed from the workpool |
workpoolentry | workpoolentry | Only if the Todo was added to a workpool |
If the product provided have a product id of 0, a new product will be created and a new product id will be provided.
product | product | The product to create/update |
product | product | The product object as it is in Microbizz after the update |
The product id in the input product object will be ignored.
product | product | The product to create/update |
product | product | The product object as it is in Microbizz after the update |
If the product or the customer doesn't exists, the command will still succeed, but nothing will happen.
productnumber | string | Product number |
customerid | number | Id of the customer for which to assign the price |
price | number | Individual price pr. unit in lowest local currency. (Typical danish ører) |
If neither the product, the customer nor the individual price exists, the command will still succeed, but nothing will happen.
productnumber | string | Product number |
customerid | number | Id of the customer for which to remove any individual price. If this is omitted, then individual pricing will be removed for all customers. |
Get a product by their Microbizz product id
If no such product exist an empty collection will be returned.
productid | number | The Microbizz product id of the product to fetch |
include_prices | boolean | Get prices even if these are disabled |
products | collection[ product ] | A collection either empty if no products was found, or with exactly one element being the product. |
Adds a new invoice line in Microbizz.
invoiceline | invoiceline | The invoice line to add. The id of the invoice line object will be ignored |
Get all pending invoice lines in Microbizz.
invoicelines | collection[ invoiceline ] | All pending invoice lines in Microbizz |
Get all invoice lines changed after a certain date.
changedate | date | Return all invoice lines changed on or after the provided date. |
changetime | time | If this is provided only return invoice lines changed after the provided date and time. |
resumekey | string | If a partial result is returned, provide the resumekey received along with the partial result, to get the rest of the entries. |
invoicelines | collection [ invoiceline ] | The invoice lines |
Mark the invoice lines with the provided invoice line id's as processed in the Microbizz system, and attach an optional order number for information about which order they were attached to.
invoicelineids | collection[number] | The invoice line ids of the lines that were processed. |
ordernumber | string | Optional order number to indicate on which order the lines were attached. |
If several products exists with the provided product number, only one of these (unpredicted) is returned.
productnumber | string | The product number of the product to fetch |
include_prices | boolean | Get prices even if these are disabled |
products | collection[ product ] | A collection either empty if no products was found, or with exactly one element being the product. |
Get a collection of products changed since a given date and time.
changedate | date | Return all products changed on or after the provided date. |
changetime | time | If this is provided only return products changed after the provided date and time. |
resumekey | string | If a partial result is returned, provide the resumekey received along with the partial result, to get the rest of the entries |
include_prices | boolean | Get prices even if these are disabled |
ignoreclosed | boolean | Skip products that are deleted |
onlyfavorites | boolean | If 1 then only get products that are the favorites of the current user |
products | collection[ product ] | A collection of the relevant products, or an empty collection if no products were found. |
resumekey | string | Sometimes the entire result cannot be returned because it's to large. In that case a resumekey is returned along with the results. Execute the command again with this resumekey to get the remaining results. |
The product is only deleted from the product catalog. Instances of the product used in offers and on customers are retained.
productid | number | The Microbizz product id of the product to delete |
Create a direct order / quotation.
customerid | number | The ID of the customer in Microbizz |
lines | collection[directorderline] | The order lines |
note | string | A note to use for the quotation |
deliverydate | date | Delivery date for the quotation |
There must be at least 1 order line.