Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


idnumberThe MB ID of the message
threadidnumberThe MB ID of a 20250915thread
useridnumberThe MB ID of the user who wrote the message, should be 0 if it was a person
personidnumberThe MB ID of the person who wrote the message, should be 0 if it was a user
authornamestringThe name of the user/person who wrote the message
isunreadbooleanIf the message is unread by the current user
messagelstringThe message text, may include HTML tags


idnumberID of the notification
assignedbynumberThe ID of the user who caused this notification, or 0 if it was a person
assignedby_personidnumberThe ID of the 20250915person who caused this notification, or 0 if it was a user
textstringThe notification text, may include links and HTML tags
datedateThe date of the notification
ispublicbool1 if the notification should be marked as “public”
isreadbool1 if the notification has been read/dismissed
objecttypestringAn object type indicating what object the notification relates to
message_threadidnumberThe ID of the related thread, if objecttype is message

If objecttype is message then the notification refers to a note/20250915tmessage, and the field message_threadid contains the ID of the thread.


toolrefnumberThe Microbizz ID of a tool
partidnumberThe partid from a 20250915partslist


idnumberPerson ID in Microbizz
firstnamestringPerson first name
lastnamestringPerson last name
addressstringPerson address
address2stringPerson address2
phonestringPhone no.
faxstringFax no.
wwwstringWeb address
secondary_textstringA secondary text describing this item; this is used as the search text
createdatedateDate created (readonly)
createtimetimeTime created (readonly)
changedatedateLast change date (readonly)
changetimetimeLast change time (readonly)
typeidnumberThe ID of the person type in Microbizz, see GetPersonTypes
typetextstringTextual representation of the person type
isdeletedboolIf the person is deleted/deactivated
requestconsentboolIf the person should be asked to consent to GDPR whenever the GDPR setup changes
teamnumberreference to the team the person is a part of.


idnumberAn ID identifying this line of product use
todoidnumberTodo ID, where this product was used.
countfloatNumber of products used.
productnumberstringProduct number of the used product
linetextstringText of invoice line. Typically product name
unitpricenumberPrice pr. unit in lowest local currency (Typically danish ører). This is before any discount is applied.
statusnumberThe 20250915productusestate for this product use
orderidnumberCan be used for sorting
notestringA note attached to this product use
isdeletedbooleanIndicates if this product use is deleted
lockedbooleanIndicates if this product use is locked (ie cannot be modified or deleted)
invoicednumberThe invoiced status of the product use; either 0=not handled, 1=handled, 2= rejected
discountnumberA discount to be applied to the line. 0 = no discount, 100 = 100 % discount.
changedatedateLast change date
changetimetimeLast change time
useddatedateThe date when the product was used
toolidnumberTool ID
ediidnumberThe ID of an EDI
budgetareaidnumberThe Microbizz ID of the 20250915budgetarea
stockidnumberThe Microbizz ID of a 20250915stock
unitsstringThe abbreviation of the product unit
unitidnumberThe Microbizz ID of a product unit
costpricenumberThe costprice.
listpricenumberThe list price
useridnumberThe ID of the user who created this product use; 0 if not created by a user; read only
productgroupidnumberThe ID of the product group, see GetProductGroups


idnumberTool ID in Microbizz
namestringTool name
secondary_textstringA secondary text describing this item; this is used as the search text
useridnumberUser ID of responsible user. Please note that the responsible user, is not always the same as the person carrying the tool.
usertextstringA textual representation of the responsible user. (readonly)
carrier_useridnumberUser ID of user carrying the tool. If this is 0 or not present, the tool is currently not carried. (readonly)
carrier_usertextstringA textual representation of the user carrying the tool. (readonly)
is_carrierbooleanTrue of the current user is the carrier. (readonly)
containedinnumberTool ID of the tool in which this tool is contained.(readonly)
containedintextstringA textual representation of the tool in which this is contained. (readonly)
is_installedbooleanIndicates if this tool is installed somewhere. (readonly)
installed_placetextstringA textual representation of where this tool is installed. (readonly)
numberstringTool number
codestringTool code
classstringTool class (readonly)
groupidnumberID of tool group
groupstringTool group (readonly)
makestringTool make
modelstringTool model
serialnumberstringTool serial number
nextservicedateDate of next service
lastservicedateDate of last service
isdeletedbooleanIndicate if the tool is deleted
longitudefloatGPS longitude of the last known position of this tool.
latitudefloatGPS latitude of the last known position of this tool.
createdatedateDate created (readonly)
createtimetimeTime created (readonly)
changedatedateLast change date (readonly)
changetimetimeLast change time (readonly)
qfonsetdownnumberFor app: Question form ID on question form to present on set down of this tool.
attachedcustomeridnumberCustomer ID
customeridnumberThe Microbizz ID of the “place of home”
todoidnumberTodo ID, if multiple then see todoids
todoidsarrayA collection of Todo IDs, the tasks that are currently associated with the equipment
barcodestringTool barcode
personidnumberID of a Person
persontextstringThe name of the contact person
iconscollection[number]The IDs of the custom fields of types "icon" or "icon url" that are set
iconlinkssetThe URLs for custom fields of type "icon url" that are set
partslistcollection[ 20250915partslist ]List of parts in the parts list for the equipment type
serviceprotocolscollection[number]The IDs of the service protocols that are available
stateidnumberThe ID of the current state
statetextstringThe name of the current state
servicestatusnumber1=serviced, 2=not serviced, 3=service soon, 4=past service
picturestringImage of tool as base64 encoded image data. Please note that only some commands return this field.
activebooleanIf the tool is active or not.


idnumberThe Microbizz ID of the thread
titlestringThe title of the thread
ispublicboolIf the thread should be shown on the extranet and elsewhere
isdeletedbool1 if the thread has been deleted
isunreadbool1 if the current user hasn't read all the messages in the thread
tagscollection[string]List of tags, each tag is a short text
lastmessagedatedateDate of last message
lastmessagetimetimeTime of last message
messagescollection[ 20250915tmessage ]
externalsubscriberscollection[number]List of person IDs of subscribers
internalsubscriberscollection[number]List of user IDs of subscribers


idnumberWorkpool ID in Microbizz
titlestringThe title of the workpool
groupidnumberThe group ID of the responsible group/team
useridscollection[number]A list of user IDs
entriescollection[ 20250915workpoolentry ]A collection of workpool entries
