When accessing the Work Plan module, you are immediately taken to the current day. This can also be done by navigating to Day in the menu.
On the right side of the page, it is possible to choose any day of the year within any team with the registration type of a user by clicking on the currently registered registration type to the right of the user.
button. The left side of the page shows us the chosen team and its users' workday, where it is possible to change theScrolling further down, you will be able to simultaneously edit many dates and employees by pressing the
button.In order to edit multiple users, there are various information required.
- Status: The registration type you would like to change the users to
- Users: The users you would like to change the registration type for
- From: Choose the date for when the change should start from
- Up to and including: Choose the date for when the change should be executed to
- Update only?: If checked, then only the days already registered as work days will be changed to the chosen status, instead of all the days within the selected period of time
- Reassign planned production to: If there is a planned production in the selected period of time, all planned productivity for the chosen users in the selected period of time, will be moved to the user chosen from the drop-down menu. Upon pushing the button, a new window pops up, allowing you to choose another user for every production. For more on production planning, please refer to the (PLANNING - missing link) module