In the general section you will find settings that are related to different parts of the Project module.
There are settings specific to related functions, which are in the samesettingsmenu.
Approval policy
These are the same as the approval policies in the Task module.
Actions: It's possible to limit which actions that should be available in the ACTION button on the project object page:
Edit project
Assign tasks
Create task
Create appointment
To pool
Transfer to quotation
To template
Save as PDF
Apply update filter
For customers with vast amounts of data
If your system has many appointments then the project planning can be quite slow, because the events have to be taken into account when trying to determine if a user is busy on a given day. You can instead configure a simplify handling of appointment, where it is simply assume that each user spends a fixed number of minutes in meetings every day.
Additional fields
Additional fields
Additional companies: Enables the "Additional companies" field on the projekt, just like in the Task module
Additional employees: Enables the "Additional employees" field on the projekt, just like in the Task module
Edit project number: Choose between the following to determine when to edit project numbers:
Only new
Quickedit fields: Choose the following fields you can quickedit when needed:
Budget only on subtasks: When this is selected you can only have budget on the subtasks, not on the project itself. The project will display the sum of the budgets for all the subtasks.
Hide the following invoice policies
Invoice policies: You hide the following invoice policies, so they aren't available when creating or editing projects:
Fixed price
Fixed price (except products)
Per planned visit
Per planned visit (max 1 pr. day)
Per real visit
Per real visit (max 1 pr. day)
No charge
No charge (except products)
Customer can accept tasks?: This determines if the project can be accepted on the extranet, just like the similarly named setting in the Task module.