Every module in Microbizz has a set of permissions, which is the case for the planning module as well.
For a general understanding of permissions visit this section.
Keep in mind that the users must log off the system and back again before the permissions take effect.
CRM specific permissions
In this module, you can set the permissions for team types and teams by ticking their respective boxes.
The available permissions are as follows:
- Company - block: Allows you to specify who has the permission to block companies
- Company - create: Allows you to specify who has the permission create new companies
- Company - edit: Allows you to specify who has the permission to edit company information
- Company - delete: Allows you to specify who has the permission to delete companies
- Company - combine: Allows you to specify who has the permission to combine companies
- Company - see activity: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Activity" tab on companies
- Company - adresses: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Addresses" tab on companies
- Company - notes: Allows you to specify who has access to the "notes" tab on companies
- Company - people: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Persons" tab on companies
- Company - view forms: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Forms" tab on companies
- Company - fill out forms: Allows you to specify who has permission to fill out forms
- Company - competences: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Competences" tab on companies
- Company - edit competences: Allows you to specify who has permission to
- Company - subscriptions: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Subscription" tab on companies
- Company - emails: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Emails" tab on companies
- Company - emails sent:
- Company - sales campaigns: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Campaign" tab on companies
- Company - calls: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Call" tab on companies
- Company - contracts: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Quotation" tab on companies
- Company - relations: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Relations" tab on companies
- Company - units: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Units" tab on companies
- Company - assignments: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Tasks" tab on companies
- Company - reminders: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Reminders" tab on companies
- Company - invoice lines: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Invoicing" tab on companies
- Company - economic key figures: MISSING INFO
- Company - production: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Planning" tab on companies
- Company - routes: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Routes" tab on companies
- Company - files: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Files" tab on companies
- Company - accounts: MISSING INFO
- Company - extranet: MISSING INFO
- Company - registrations: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Hours" tab on companies
- Company - Direct Connect: MISSING INFO
- Company - NN market dataa: MISSING INFO
- Company - prices: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Prices" tab on companies
- Company - edit prices: Allows you to specify who has Permission to edit prices
- Company - product no.: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Product No." tab on companies
- Company - direct order: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Direct Order" tab on companies
- Company - direct order config: MISSING INFO
- Company - modified function: MISSING INFO
- Company - depot: MISSING INFO
- Company - depot order lines: MISSING INFO
- Company - support ticket: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Support" tab on companies
- Company - week list: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Week List" tab on companies
- Company - calendar: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Calendar" tab on companies
- Company - interests: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Interests" tab on companies
- Company - disclosure: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Disclosure" tab on companies
- Company - inspections: MISSING INFO
- Company - set meetings: MISSING INFO
- Company - statistics: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Statistics" tab on companies
- Company - stock: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Stock" tab on companies
- Company - equipment: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Equipment" tab on companies
- Company - map: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Map" tab on companies
- Company - edit map: Allows you to specify who has the permission to edit maps on companies
- Procedures: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Procedures" tab on companies
- Create procedures: Allows you to specify who has the permission to Create procedures
- Edit procedures: Allows you to specify who has the permission to Edit procedures
- Emails sent: Allows you to specify who has access to administer "Email Dispatches".
- Importing from NN market dataa: MISSING INFO
- Sales pipeline: MISSING INFO
- Subscription overview: Allows you to specify who has the permission to administer subscriptions.
- Settings: Allows you to specify who has the permission to access settings.
- Accounts: This enables Accounts on the system.
- Emails: Allows you to specify who has the permission to access Mail import (Settings > Mail import)
- Fields: Allows you to specify who has the permission to access Custom fields (Settings > Custom fields)
- Personal fields: Allows you to specify who has the permission to access Subscriber Custom fields (Settings > Subscr. Cust. Fields)
- Person data: Allows you to specify who has the permission to access Person data (Settings > Person data)
- Forms: Allows you to specify who has the permission to access Set Forms (Settings > Set Forms)
- Relations: Allows you to specify who has the permission to access Relations (Settings > Relations)
- Filters: Allows you to specify who has the permission to access Filters (Settings > Filters)
- Company types: Allows you to specify who has the permission to access Company types (Settings > Company types)
- Person roles: Allows you to specify who has the permission to access Person roles (Settings > Person roles)
- Set standard folder structure: MISSING INFO
- Update filters: This enables update filters to the system.