

You can create calls and assign them to your sellers.

Create a call

To create a call, you need to navigate to SALES PERSON > CALL - CREATE:

You need to fill out the following:

  • Company: A company attached to the call
  • Person: A person attached to the company (i.e. the person to call to)
  • Who is calling: A user that must perform the call
  • Call date: A date for the call
  • Time: A timeslot for the call
  • Precise?: If marked, the call must be taken at the exact allocated date and time
  • Note (new call): A note for the call

Edit a call

Editing a call happens either in OVERVIEW or CALL. Just click on the pencil.

Make a call

You can begin a call either in OVERVIEW or CALL.


Here, other than making calls, you can see statistics of your performance and what's planned for you.

To make a call, click on the green phone-icon.


Here you can see the calls that are assigned to you.

To make a call, you can either press on the green phone-icon or the Begin call button.

The call

When a call has begun, you have the following options:

  • End call: When doing so, you can fill out the following:
    • Note (this call): A note for the call you are about to end
    • New call: If marked, you can create a new call:
      • Call date: A date for the call
      • Time: A timeslot for the call
      • Precise?: If marked, the call must be taken at the exact allocated date and time
      • Person: A person attached to the company (i.e. the person to call to)
      • Note (new call): A note for the call
  • Postpone: You can postpone the call with a new time and date
  • Book meeting in a new window: This will redirect you to creating an appointment in the Calendar module

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