Product catalogue

Product catalogue

As with many other modules in Microbizz you can search for the specific objects within the module - in this case product objects.

Depending on your permissions and policies you'll be able to search for the different products by using the global search bar. You can for instance search for products by names.

Another way to locate a specific products in Microbizz is via the product search function.

Product search

The product search function can be found in the submenu PRODUCTS > PRODUCTS, within the SETUP module.

As seen below there is one main field called product where a user can search broadly for products. Furthermore, one can search by product group and number. The right side of the search form lists the custom fields.

To start over your search and clear all fields, use the Reset button.

You can create a new product by pressing the New product button.

Create a product

To create a new product you need to fill out the following:

  • Product no.: Optional number for the product

  • Supplier no.: Optional number for the product's supplier

  • Barcode: Optional barcode
  • Product group: The product group the new product belongs to
  • Product name: The title for the new product
  • List price: An optional list price
  • Cost price: An optional cost price
  • Unit: The product's unit
  • Picture: Optional image for the product 
    • Delete existing picture: If checked, and an image already exists for the product, it gets deleted
  • URL: An optional URL for the product
  • Spare part: If checked, the product becomes a spare part
  • Is a subscription?: If checked, the product becomes a subscription
    • If a product is a subscription a few extra fields will appear: Invoice per. Price period, Pre invoiced. These are relevant when the product is used in a quotation; The line on the quotation will become a subscription on the company and the subscription details will be filled in with the values from the product subscription fields.

Edit a product

Editing a product happens on the same menu. Just click on the pencil and choose Edit or click directly on the title to enter edit mode.

Download codes

It's possible to select/multiselect products from a search result.

From there you can download QR codes and barcodes (if any are associated with the marked products).

In order to create the templates for a list of QR- and barcodes, when creating a new PDF template, you have to indicate the scope as either QR or Barcode, respectively.


Each user may have favourite products. These may be added by click on the star in the product search; this will affect the active user's favourites.

In the product catalogue you may also define "global favourites".

The global favourites are used when a new user is created, the new user will inherit the global favourites as their own favourites.

You may also force the global favourites unto all users, but the users may change their favourites afterwards. This, and other functions, are available from the Favourites button. This provides various functions for copying your favourites and the global favourites to/from users and teams.

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