Create (Week lists)
Create (Week lists)
- Madrigal Totayo
Owned by Madrigal Totayo
A week list consists of a list of things users must do, that can be used to plan on a weekly basis.
In this section, by clicking on "Create new" in WEEK LISTS > CREATE, you are able to create a new week list:
In order to create a new week list, you need to fill out the following:
- Week timetable title: The title of the week list
- Team: Choose a team you want to allocate the week list for
When you are done, you can press Create new week list button. This will also result in a submenu for quick access:
You then have the following options:
- Show old points: If marked, all completed points, if any, are shown
- Add point: Allows you to add a point to the week list
- Rename: Allows you rename the week list
- To overview: Go back to the list of available week lists
When a point has been completed, you can mark it as such:
Add point
By pressing the Add point button, you have to fill out the following:
- Text: A text describing the point
- Date: A date for the point
- Company: A company that should be attached to the point
- Responsible: A user responsible for the point