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Microbizz configuration


Most system configuration is done in the config.php file, where the array $config is populated. The array contains the following keys:

systemnameThe name identifying this installation of Microbizz. It is used in error mails, and in some page headlines, such as the login page.
systemurlIn these days this parameter is mostly present for legacy reasons. It is still referred many places in the source code, but these could be replaced by systemurlssl
systemurlsslThe base url for the server, when running on a secure connection. The system will try to redirect to this url, if it detects another url is used. This cannot be used to run microbizz from a subfolder.
mailserverThe mail server to use for outgoing mail.
mailuserThe user name for the outgoing mail server. Leave empty to not authenticate.
mailpwdThe password for the outgoing mail server.
mailportThe port on which to connect to the mail server.
mailnameObsolete. Isn't referred in the source code.
mailemailThe from-mail to use in order to track bounces.
bounceserverThe mail server to connect to, when checking for bounced mails.
bounceuserThe user name for the mail server, when checking for bounced mails.
bouncepwdThe password for the mail server, when checking for bounced mails.
testmaildomainsAn array. If this server is configured as a test server, then only mails for these domains are actually sent.
databaseThe base name of the database. The main server is expected to have a database named exactly like this, and each contract gets a database named database_X where X is the contract-number.
dbuserThe database user name
dbpassThe database password
dbrootpassThe database root password. This is used when installing Microbizz, and when creating new contracts and granting permissions to these.
errormailError mails are sent to this email address.
mgnameThe name of the mail getter. This is used as the sender name, when we need to report back to a user, using the mail getter system.
mgdomainThe domain name for the mail getter system. Each contract gets an inbound email like X@mgdomain where X is the contract-number. This mail can be used for sending mails into the Microbizz system.
mgserverThe mail getter mail server name
mguserThe mail getter mail user name
mgpwdThe mail getter password
testserverIndicates if this is a test server. A test server posts a banner, that it is a test server. It only send mails to specific domains (see above), and it can enable some debug functions in the code.
saltA salt to use when generating hashes throughout the system.
mobileDeprecated. Used to detect if the mobile branch of the source code is accessed.
logdirWhere MB should save global log files.
tempdirWhere MB should save temporary files.
filestoreThe root of the MB filestore. For each contract a subfolder is created here.
backuppathObsolete. Used for old backup system.
contractbackupdirWhere images of MB-solutions are saved.
requiresslIndicates if ssl is required. Should always be true.
use-layoutObsolete. Isn't referred in the source code.
debugObsolete. Isn't referred in the source code.