The overview page has quite a few things that can be adjusted:
At the top, from left to right:
Week selector - this allows to adjust how many weeks are displayed. It is always a whole number of weeks, although you may change which weekdays are displayed, eg. to avoid Saturday and Sunday. The width of each day changes slightly depending on the setting.
Users - here you can select which teams and individual users that should be displayed. There is a main team which is always at the top, and 0 or more additional teams and users.
Filters - here you can filter the users from above, based on roles or competences.
Sorting - here you can sort the users; they can either be sorted based on a field on the user, or they can sorted manually for ultimate flexibility.
Next / previous - the left+ right arrows moves to the next/previous period.
Period selector - here you can pick a date to be the start of the period; notice that the period will alway start on a Monday.
Stacked/Timeline - select between two different ways of displaying the planning. In “stacked” mode the plannings are displayed on top of each other, in “timeline” mode they are displayed next to each other.
Settings - you can select which part of the day to display (only relevant in “timeline” mode), and which weekdays to display, and you can select additional fields to display for each planning.
The timeline
Skærmbillede af en planlægning med alle de forskellige sm ikoner (plan til flere, confirmation osv)
Højre klik på planlægning, udenfor planlægning
Stacked mode
Timeline mode
Creating and editing a planning
Creating an appointment
Task picker
Skærmbillede - indstillinger - tids for planlægning når man trækker over på tidslinjen
You can request confirmation from a user.