In order to export to Bluegarden, there are some further adjustments you need to do.
Company number
In Bluegarden you have a company number (kundenummer) and a work number (arbejdsnummer). You need to add the company number to the field "User name" and the work number to the field "password" after selecting the Bluegarden salary system.
Salary codes and terms
In Bluegarden salary codes can be delivered in a number of different line formats. You can control these line formats by setting the field type for a given salary code.
In order to get a correct output from Microbizz, you need to do some further setup. We will refer to salary count and salary value. If an employee is payed by the hour, and have worked 120 hours with an hourly salary of €15, the salary count is 120 and the salary value is 15.
This table shows the output file format for the different types:
Type | Column A | Column B | Column C | Column D | Column E | Column F | Column G | Column H | Column I | Column J | Column K | Further notes |
Normal | Company number | Work number | "MLE-40-LONA" | Employee number | Date | Salary code | Note | Count | Value | |||
Type 2 | Company number | Work number | "MLE-40-LONA" | Employee number | Date | Salary code | Note | Count * Value | Will contain one line pr. date | |||
Type 3 | Company number | Work number | "MLE-55-FRAV" | Employee number | Date | Date | Salary code | Note | Count | Value | Will contain one line pr. date | |
Type 4 | Company number | Work number | "MLE-40-LONA" | Employee number | Date | Salary code | Note | Count | Will contain one line pr. date | |||
Type 5 | Company number | Work number | "MLE-55-FRAV" | Employee number | Date | Salary code | Note | Count | Will contain one line pr. date | |||
Type 6 | Company number | Work number | "MLE-40-LONA" | Employee number | Date | Date | Salary code | Note | Count | Value | Will contain one line pr. date |