How to set up permissions for start module (Admin user only)
- Click on the Settings
- Click on Permissions
Permissions allow you to control access to the various functions in the start module. You can set permission for each function and choose between following levels:
YES - All team members have acces
TL - Team leaders have access
NO - Only administrators using their administrator key have access
The available permissions are as follows:
- Read News: Allows you to specify who has the permission to read news
- Create news: Allows you to specify who has the permission to create news
- Kiosk: Allows you to specify who has the permission to access the Kiosk section of a Start (Start > Kiosk)
- Kiosk Create: Allows you to specify who has the permission to Create new Kiosks
- Kiosk Delete: Allows you to specify who has the permission to Delete Kiosks
- On location: Allows you to specify who has the permission to administer the "on location" section of start (Start > On Location > On location)
- On location - Today: Allows you to specify who has the permission to administer the "Today" section of start (Start > On Location > Today)
Edit help text: Allows the user to edit help text on a startpage widget
- Microbizz usage: Allows you to specify who has the permission to administer the usage section of Start (Start > Settings > Usage)