- Visning af de forskellige startsider (Altså hvordan vælger man at se forskellige sider
- Widgets (kort om det, da du skal linke til widget siden)
How to create a start page
To create a start page with general user settings
Navigate to the START module
Click on the Overview submenu
Click on
Type in a title for your new Overview page
Possibly add an info box on the start page by clicking on "Click to add contents"
As seen on the video above, the first thing to do is give the new start page a titel. A titel could be anything e.g. ‘Office employee’, ‘Technician’, ‘KPI Dashboard’ etc. and it depends on the content you want on the start page.
When haven given the start page has been given a titel you’ll be prompted the to decide which of the teams [LINK?] teams in your solution , that should have access and to use this start page and if it is only team leaders or team members [LABELS?]. If you have administrator permissions you’ll also be able to select that the start page should be Global which (1) Global, which is relevant when configurating configuring a start page , that is supposed to be used by other users than yourself, or (2) Private, which is only for specific teams / users.
How to
create a start page (Admin user)
To create a start page with admin user settings
Click on
the Overview submenu
Click Add
Type in a title for your new Overview page
Add it to your own personal start page
Possibly add an info box on the start page by clicking on "Click to add contents"
Finally, click on overview and select "Convert to global"
GIF Med Admin key på
Start page Widgets [LINK] (or Widgets) are content related info boxes for the Microbizz Start page.
Widgets can basically be anything and roughly just refers to info-boxes on the Microbizz Start page.
This can be anything from Microreports, Workplan resumé, Active check ins etc.
or "Convert to private"
Info box
Here is an example of other types of content for the Microbizz start page. These could be associated with
info boxes and are basically
standardized content from the
various Microbizz
modules to be shown on the start page
e.g. information from the work plan, from your calendar etc.
Module: Reminder - Box type: Week list
Building start page content
The following section will be based on a simple start page example with some simple task filters and standard widgets [link label?].
Task filtering
A typical element on start pages in Microbizz are task filters [label link?]. These filters are build on a set of criteria that specifies which tasks we need to see in the specific filter. This filter can the be shown as content on the start page.
When first setting up a start page, this will be empty and to add content you will need to click the ‘Click to add contents’-button. Here you’ll be able to select from which module you want to add content from - let’s select ‘Tasks’ and then ‘Tasks from filter’.
Next you’ll have to select the task filter [label link?] you want to use in your new start page “box”. You’ll also be able to provide a Help text as additional info regarding the specific filter/box to elaborate for the user, what they you do with tasks shown in the filter.
For inspiration to see what users typically build as task filters, we’ve build a start page which shows tasks that are created from the Microbizz Extranet, tasks that are waiting planning and tasks, that has been returned to the office:
To learn more about task filtering, please see the related content at the bottom.
It is not only task filters that can be shown on the start page. There are plenty of other opportunities as you can see when adding content. For additional examples or guidance, please see the knowledge base, where other Microbizz users have shares there start pages or experience.
Typical other content for a start page is Widgets, which is described in the following section.
Related content
Filter by label (Content by label)
Userdefined report
This type of info box can potentially take a very long time to generate and display the data, so it calculates its data every night, and then displays the previously calculated data.
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