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Hvis det er første gang du installerer filsynk, får du behov for at skrue lidt på din Microbizz opsætning inden. Vi anbefaler at starte ud med at læse vores opsætningsguide her.
Hvis du dog allerede har taget stilling til din opsætning, så er du landet det helt rigtige sted.
For at kunne installere filsynk, skal man have indhentet følgende informationer inden:
- API-nøgle
- Servernavn
- Kontraktnummer
Vi kan starte ud med at indhente en såkaldt API-nøgle. Dette er din unikke nøgle der tillader eksterne produkter at kommunikere med Microbizz. To API-nøgler kan aldrig være ens.
Du finder din API-nøgle i det tilsvarende menupunkt i Indstil modulet
OBS: Det er vigtigt at du gemmer denne nøgle, da vi skal bruge den igen senere.
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Dit servernavn er det samme som dit URL link som du benytter til at tilgå Microbizz dagligt.
Eksempel på servernavnIf this is your first time using Microbizz Filesync, you will need to tweak your Microbizz setup a bit beforehand. We recommend starting out by reading our setup guide here.
However, if you have already configured your setup, then you have landed in the right place.
To be able to install Microbizz Filesync, you must have gathered the following information:
- API key
- Server name
- Contract number
Lets start out by obtaining your API key. This is your unique key that allows external products to communicate with Microbizz. It is important that you save the API key as we will need it again later.
You will find your API key in the corresponding menu item in the Setup module
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Two API keys can never be the same |
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Your server name is the same as your URL link that you use to access Microbizz daily.
Example of server name:
Dit kontraktnummer findes under dit brugernavn, når du befinder dig logget ind i Your contract number can be found under your username when you are logged in to Microbizz.
på den udleverede Double-click the install.exe fil. Du bliver nu mødt af følgende vindue, hvor du bedes indtaste alle de oplysninger vi har indhentet, samt at tage stilling til hvor du gerne vil have synkroniseret dine Microbizz filer hen.
OBS: Vi anbefaler IKKE at synkronisere filerne lokalt. Forsøg at synkronisere dem til et delt drev som alle i virksomheden kan tilgå.
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Tryk derefter på "Next" for at fuldende file. You will now be greeted by the following window, where you are asked to enter all the information we have obtained, as well as to decide where you would like to synchronize your Microbizz files to.
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You will need to configure an shared drive to make Microbizz Drive accessible by every employee in the company |
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Then press "Next" to complete installation. Thats it!
Installationen vil herefter begynde den indledende synkronisering automatisk
The installation will then begin the initial synchronization automatically.
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