Forms are one of the most basic things in Microbizz and essential to know about. Learn how to create new forms on this page.
Create new form
Skipping fields
The field question is: Do you need to order shirts?
If the answer is no - the form will skip field number 2 and 3 and continue to field number 4.
If the answer is yes the form will continue without skipping field 2 and 3.
So far apart from gathering information, the form doesn´t actually "do" anything. If however you set parameters and connect them to actions, the true strenght of Microbizz becomes clear. Setting parameters means giving a certain answers a specific value, which can later be used to for instance actions.
In this example we want to create parameters for clothes and shoes.
Add parameters
Write the names of your parameters - when the name of one parameter is entered, a new field is automatically created for the next one etc. If you wish to delete a parameter click on the text and select the X which appears when you do so.
Adjust parameters
To make use of the parameters just created, you need to connect them to the form and the fields you wish to add parameters to. Click on the pencil connected to the fields you wish to add parameters to.
A new popup window will appear. The field in this exampel is a Yes / No field and the user is asked if he or she wants to order shirts. If the answer is yes, we want to increase the parameter value with 1.
The form ends up looking like this with the parameters set for clothes and shoes: