Here are a few examples of some of the content that can be shown on the start page:
Building start page content
The following section will be based on a simple start page example with some simple task filters and standard widgets [link label?].
Task filtering
A typical element on start pages in Microbizz are task filters [label link?]. These filters are build on a set of criteria that specifies which tasks we need to see in the specific filter. This filter can the be shown as content on the start page.
When first setting up a start page, this will be empty and to add content you will need to click the ‘Click to add contents’-button. Here you’ll be able to select from which module you want to add content from - let’s select ‘Tasks’ and then ‘Tasks from filter’.
Next you’ll have to select the task filter [label link?] you want to use in your new start page “box”. You’ll also be able to provide a Help text as additional info regarding the specific filter/box to elaborate for the user, what they you do with tasks shown in the filter.
For inspiration to see what users typically build as task filters, we’ve build a start page which shows tasks that are created from the Microbizz Extranet, tasks that are waiting planning and tasks, that has been returned to the office: