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Get started with using Microbizz by making sure the users are created and ready to work.

Let's look at what they are:

  • Users: They are the ones using Microbizz. Each user has its own personal login that will give them access to the system either through the (WEB) or the (App)

Preparing the user module

Before you start creating a user, you take a look at the following:

  • (Standard fields): Essential and non essential information about objects in Microbizz
  • Custom Fields: Fields that can be created by a Microbizz customer to personalize the system
  • User types: A way of grouping users across teams
  • Teams: Relations to other users

If you understand those concepts and have created the ones you think are necessary for your users, then let's continue.

Creating a user

To begin we need to create a new user.

This is done by accessing the create function in the user menu as shown below.

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When creating a user there are different informations to take into account.
You can learn about them by using the (tooltip) functions, but let's take a look at the most important ones.


  • Full user: This gives access to Microbizz both from the web and the app
  • Mobile user: This gives access solely to the app
  • Passive user: This doesn't give access the system, but can be used for other purposes explained in this (section)






  • Login to the system
  • Receive mail updates from Microbizz or other users.


  • Optional: The user isn't required to fill out a worksheet every day. Time registration is either not required be the company or this specific user is allowed to decide how to manage time registration
  • Required: As the work implies, the user has to register time. The system will create a daily worksheet where time is expected to be registered and at the end of the day, the user will have to close the worksheet
  • Automatic: The user can't register time. It's done automatically by the system by looking at what is planned on any specific day, and transfer that same time to the users worksheet, which is also closed automatically at the end of the day


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When creating a user, you can add a workweek. This is used to for different purposes in Microbizz. For example when to plan a task, or for salary purposes. You can choose to ignore this section by not activating it.

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That's it. You have now created a user.

Viewing a user

The user card is accessed either by the menu (My profile) MY PROFILE or through the (User list) where USER > SEARCH where you will find all the users in your system.

The buttons

On the frontpage front page of the user card we find different buttons:

  • (Edit): Used to edit the user information
  • (Mobile auto-configuration): Used to give a user access to the (mobile app)
  • (Become user)It's possible for an (Administrator) to  to log on as any user through this function
  • (Deactivate)When a user is no longer needed it can be activated here. See below for details.
  • (Delete): You can delete a user here(Configure)
  • Reset password: Reset the user's password; this will send a mail to the user with a link where they can enter a new password
  • ConfigureUsed to configure some (integrations)
  • (Less): /more Show more/less of these buttons

User tabs

Right under the user card, we see the user tabs. These have different purposes:

  • (Activity): One line info about this(Competences)One line info about this(Disclosure)One line info about this(Equipment)One line info about this(Files)One line info about this(Forms)One line info about this(Linked)One line info about this(Map)One line info about this(Messages)One line info about this(My set.)One line info about this(Notes)One line info about this(Prices)One line info about this(Production)One line info about this(Salary)One line info about this(Statistics)One line info about this(Support)One line info about this(Working week)One line info about this

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  • : Here is shown a chronological list of activities that the user has been involved in.
  • Competences: See what competences the user has
  • Disclosure:GDPR related tab viewing a list of objects the user has been in contact with
  • Equipment:See what equipment the user is attached or responsible to
  • Files: See files related to this user
  • Forms: Fill out forms and see previously filled out ones
  • Linked: A tab related to special integrations
  • Map:See a list of checkins for this user on a map
  • Notes: See and write notes regarding this user
  • Prices: See and edit this users prices when registering hours on any task
  • Production: See this users past, present and future production
  • Salary: See salary related information
  • Statistics: Choose different mini reports to see statistics about this user
  • Working week: See this users workweek

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Filter by label (Content by label)
titleRelated content
cqllabel = "user-module" and space = "KBN"

You can search for users in the USER > SEARCH menu, where you may also edit or anonymize selected users.

Notice that when doing free text search, and the search text is 1 or 2 chars, users will only match if their full name, email or employee number begins with the search text. So searching for "Pl" will not find "Robert Plant", because "Pl" is only 2 chars and so the start of the full name must match. 

Deactivate user

Below is a list of the most important responsibilities that are affected by deactivation. Notice that you may choose to transfer/reassign some of the user's responsibilities to another user; if you don't do this the responsibilities will simply have the user field cleared.

  1. CRM: the field "our reference" is reassigned
  2. Tasks: "repeat - loose" repetition: the "Send to" field is cleared
  3. Tasks: reponsible and additional users and subscribers and repetiions are reassigned
  4. Hours module: future worksheets are closed
  5. Planning module: route assignments are reassigned
  6. Planning module: planning is reassigned
  7. Calendar events are reassigned
  8. Reminders: reminders are reassigned
  9. Pending question forms with "feedback to" are set to not do feedback
  10. Checkin: checked out from whatever the user is checked in on
  11. Equipment: equipment and reservations are reassigned; all taken tools are set down
  12. Report: report mails are reassigned
  13. Project: projects are reassigned
  14. Sales module: calls are reassigned, quotations are reassigned
  15. Process modul: reassigned
  16. Scheduled Inspections are reassigned
  17. Course module: future lessons are affected
  18. User signature is cleared

Notice that users can be deactivated at a preset date. If a future deactivation date is set then it will be shown on the user's details page starting some weeks before the date.