The overview page has quite a few things that can be adjusted:
If two plannings overlap it will be indicated by a red line. If there is spare time between two plannings it will be indicated by a dotted line.
Right click in the time line outside any planning, and select Add appointment.
Task picker
The task picker is available by clicking on the little task tab in the right side of the overview:
Clicking on the tab will open the task picker; the picker
Skærmbillede - indstillinger - tids for planlægning når man trækker over på tidslinjencan be locked in place by clicking on the small padlock icon. Tasks may then dragged to the timeline.
The list of tasks is determined by the filter; if you don’t select a filter then the 10 newest unplanned tasks will be listed. You may create a new filter by clicking on the green icon. The text field may be used to quick filter the tasks. When you hold the mouse over a task the task tooltip will appear and may hold further details about the task.
Nearby task
If you right click on a planning in the timeline and select Nearby tasks then the task picker will open and show the nearest tasks within a 10 km radius.
You can request confirmation from a user; this requires that your system is setup to allow sending of SMSs, that the user has a mobile phone number and is setup to allow SMSs. Right click on a planning and select Request confirmation.
The confirmation status is indicated with a small envelope icon: red if requested, green if confirmed.
If you move or copy the planning the confirmation status is reset.