Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Hours/products: This will accumulate every hour and product added to the task and regard it as invoicable
  • Fixed price: An agreed upon fixed price
  • Fixed price (except products): An agreed upon fixed price but where additional products added will also be regarded for invoicing
  • Per planned visit: There will be created an invoice line for each planning of the task; this will also include product use
  • Per planned visit (max. 1 pr day): There will be one invoice line per day where there is one or more plannings; this will also include product use
  • Per real visit: There will be created an invoice line for each hour registration on the task; this will also include product use
  • Per real visit (max. 1 pr day): There will be one invoice line per day where there is one or more hour registration; this will also include product use
  • No charge: There will not be created invoice lines for the task
  • No charge (except products): There will only be created invoice lines for the product use
  • Stage invoicing: A bit like fixed price with multiple budget areas, but the amount is invoiced in stages, available from mid 2024

If the task is part of a project then you may also select Invoice from project.


Invoice lines will be created for each invoicable product use.

Stage invoicing

If a task uses stage invoicing a new tab named "Stage invoicing" will appear on the task details page. Here you can add any number of lines, each line will have a value and a percentage.

When you invoice the task, invoice lines will be created for any lines where the current percentage is greater than the previous percentage; if the previous % was greater than 0 then a negative line will also be created. So if the value is 300000 and the previous % is 10 and the current % is 20, two lines will be created: one for -10% of 300000, and one for 20% of 300000.

Image Added

No charge



See also

Pending invoicing

Why are the remaining amounts on the invoice not recalculated?

Why tasks that have been set to be free of charge still are displayed under "Pending invoicing"