Setup a new FTP connection to start importing data.
- Title: A title for the connection, so you can recognize it later.
- Server: The server name for the FTP-server, such as ftp.microbizz.dk
- User name: The user name used for accessing the FTP-server.
- Password: The password for the FTP-server.
- Use FTPS: Check this to use the more secure FTPS protocol.
- Folder: Indicate which folder should be examined on the server.
- File name: Indicate which files should be processed. A single wildcard is allowed.
- Import filter: Which import filter should process the file.
- Run automatically: Check this if you want the importer to run automatically each day. Otherwise you will have to trigger it.
- Send mail on error: If you fill an email address here, you will receive a mail, if any error occurs during importing.