Here you can search and find projects within the system.
This is done by accessing the SEARCH function in the PROJECT menu as shown below.
It's possible to enter several search words and you can add these by a enter-click and the word will be saved and shown below.
If you want to remove one of the search words, then simply click the word and it will be removed from the search.
It's also possible to show/hide advanced search settings if you want to be able to search within:
- Incl. Closed: Will search witin closed tasks as well as open, which is default.
- Company: Search for projects with a selected company.
- Incl. subsidiaries: Will include subsidiaries companies within the previously selected company.
- Responsible: Search on projects with a specific responsible selected.
- Team: Search on projects with a specific team selected.
- Project #: Search on projects with a specific project number.
- Status: Search on projects with a specific status.
- Work areas: Search on projects within specific workareas.
- Start date: Search on projects with a start date within the selected dates.
- Deadline: Search on projects with a start date within the deadline dates.
- Close date: Search on projects with a close date within the selected dates.
- Created the: Search on projects with a created date within the selected dates.
- Zip zode: Search on projects within the selected zip codes.
- Custom fields: If a custom field has been marked as 'searchable' the field will appear here as well.
Search with filter
Here you can search and find projects within the system with the use of filters.
Filters can be used as a saved search-criteria. (read more about FILTERS here - LINK MISSING
This is done by accessing the SEARCH WITH FILETER function in the PROJECT menu as shown below.
Creating a user
To begin we need to create a new user.
This is done by accessing the create function in the user menu as shown below.
When creating a user there are different informations to take into account.
You can learn about them by using the tooltips functions, but let's take a look at the most important ones.
- Full name: The full name of the user you are creating
- Initials: The initials of the user
- License type: This field decides how a user is allowed to access Microbizz. There are the following options:
- Full user: This gives access to Microbizz both from the web and the app
- Mobile user: This gives access solely to the app
- Passive user: This doesn't give access the system, but can be used for other purposes
- Email: The email of the user that is used for the following:
- Login to the system
- Receive mail updates from Microbizz or other users
- Password: The password used to login to the system
- Mobile no.: The mobile number of the user, which is used to contact the user either by a colleague or the system
- Mobile PIN: A legacy function that isn't used regularly anymore