- Invoicing: Choose how the project should be billed. Read up on invoicing hereType: User types are a way of grouping users across teams. See more about these in the User types section
- During working hours: The system will only register the location during the working hours assigned in the workweek section as mentioned below
- Don't track: The system won't track the users location
- Location autoregister: This setting allows the users app to automatically check in and out based on what objects the user is near to when using an app
- Request GDPR consent?: Use this function to send a GDPR consent request to the user
- Colour: Choose a color that can be used to show with colors who is responsible for a planned task
- Hours/products: This uses the time registrations and products as invoicing total.
- Fixed price: This sets a fixed price for the project.
- No charge: This sets the project to no charge, so won't be billed.
- Requisition: Is used to set a custom billling-number for the invoicing. This can be PO-numbers, etc.
- Price: This is visible if chosen as fixed price and here should the total invoice of the project be selected.
- Customer must accept price: Is used to let the customer accept the price on the extranet (customer-portal)
- Budget: Is used to estimate the cost of the project. This is divided into different budgetareas which can be created from the task module > Settings > Budget ares. (LINK MISSING)
- Internal hours This is a default of the system and this contains the cost of all internal hours used in the system.
- Administrator: If you are an administrator you can give the same permission to other users. See more about Permissions in this section
- Team: Choose the teams in which this user should be. Learn about Teams in this section
- Home Group: Choose a standard team for the user
- Messages: Choose how the user should be contacted by the system