Here you can edit previously created daily worksheets or create one for today.
This is accessed through MY HOURS > EDIT as shown below.
Create manually
When creating a company there are different informations to take into account.
Let's take a look at them.
- Company: The name of the company
- Belongs to: Search for a company to add a hierarchical connection. This will add the company you are creating under the company selected here
- Invoice headquarters: By checking this option, any invoices created on this company task will be addressed to the company above
- Description: Add a description of this company
- Change picture: Add a picture to this company
- Delivery: This section is related to the address of the company. The delivery address will later be used when doing activity like tasks on this company. Any tasks created on this company will have that address as the delivery
- Address: The street name, number and apartment
- Address 2: A secondary field that can be used to specify the address
- Postcode: The postcode
- City: The city
- Country: The country
- Invoicing: This section is used for the invoicing information. Whenever invoicing these information are used to address the invoice to the correct address
- Address: The street name, number and apartment
- Address 2: A secondary field that can be used to specify the address
- Postcode: The postcode
- City: The city
- Country: The country
- Invoice name: The name used on the invoice
- Invoice email: The mail address the invoice should be sent to
- Payment terms (incoming): When receiving invoices (EDI) you can choose the payment terms
- Tel no.: The primary company telephone number
- Fax: The fax number for the company
- Email: The primary contact email
- Customer number: The customer number for this company. Used as a unique identifier and to share information about a company to any external system. Some integrations will assign a customer number automatically.
- Creditor number: The Creditor number for this company. Used as a unique identifier and to share information about a company to any external system. Some integrations will assign a creditor number automatically.
- VAT no: The VAT number for the company
- VAT (%): The VAT % used a specific company. Only to be used if there is a need to deviate from the global setting for VAT.
- EAN: The number used for invoicing electronically
- WWW: The website for a company
- Trade: The trade of a company
- Our ref.: A responsible Microbizz user for a company
- Seller: A sales responsible Microbizz user for a company
- Team: Add a Microbizz team to assign a company to a team. important for searching, grouping or to use the policies functions
- Budget area: When receiving electronic invoices, all products will be assigned this budget area
- Type: The company type
- Subcontractor: Check this to mark this company as a subcontractor
- Prospect: Toggle the prospect option for the company. Used to show a potential customer
- Start date: Use this to show when the customer started being active
- Expiration date: Use this to show when the customer started being inactive
- Request GDPR consent?: Sends a GDPR request to the company
- Allow zero invoicing: This option allows the system to keep invoice lines of a price of 0,- even if the global option in the system doesn't allow it
Their reference
When creating a customer it's also possible to create a contact person, which will automatically be added as the primary reference to this company.
It's also possible to add other persons afterwards, which you can learn about in the person section.
Adding/editing hours
You can begin adding hours by inserting the following information at each row:
- Time: The time used on the task. The format must be hh:mm
- Registration: Choose from registration you may have created. For more on this, please refer to internal posts
- Note: A note regarding the task
Save you entry by pressing the "Save daily worksheet"-button.
If the daily worksheet has been saved, it is possible to delete or edit the entry by pressing the red icon with a white "x" in it or the pencil-icon, respectively.
Closing worksheet
To finish the worksheet for the day for approval, one can write a note for the day before ticking off "Close daily worksheet" and pressing the "Save daily worksheet"-button.
It should be noted, that if the worksheet has been approved, no further registrations to the worksheet can be done - unless you press the "Undo close" button or have the necessary permissions to do so.